Hi Long time lurker in forums, first time poster. I started training about 5 years ago but have only recently starting taking it seriously. At 29 I am now looking to move to the next level of training and have found a real passion for training.
I am looking for any criticism/comments which I can hopefully use constructively and just wanted to benchmark where I currently am. I would like to get in competing in the future (but realise I am still years away from having a good enough physique). My legs especially are lacking.
As a background I mainly got into weights to tone up as I was larger youth (fat). Before I started training I was a solid 86kg (190lb) with a 36 inch waist. The first few years of training were not to serious and mainly focused on the disco muscles (biceps and chest). Due to a ACL knee injury I stayed away from squatting and deadlifting and any general leg work until about 20 months ago. My weights are not that good yet as I have been focusing on technique but am slowly and steadily building up. Currently following 5/3/1.
Here are some of my stats:
Age - 29
Weight - 70kg (154lb)
Waist - 30cm
Bench 1RM - 115kg (253 lb)
Deadlift 1RM - 180kg (396 lb)
Squat 1RM - 135kg (297lb)
This is not as lean or as big as I have been. Have been both bigger (and fatter) and leaner (and a lot smaller).
Current diet is a focused on making lean gains. Following intermittent fasting eating everything in a 8 hour window. Current macros are 360g of carbs, 80g of fat and 200g of protein a day. As can probably tell am 100% natural.
Will add a couple of pics now for you guys to critique (please be gentle and not to harsh). Pics are helped by some fortunate downwards bathroom lighting.
Thanks and look forward to receiving any comments