Well Im really just now starting to do what it takes to turn myself around. Im 26, and have right around 40lbs to lose I would say. That is my first priority, but I would like to get around to adding muscle as well.
My main question, is I have read so many different ideas on how I should go about this. Im sure it has been covered before on this forum, and I have tried searching. I was just curious if someone maybe had a link to a good workout plan for someone in my position. Some people tell me no cardio, just weights. Some people tell me the opposite.
Any advice would be great. Im motivated to do this, but I tend to follow instructions better than just guessing on my own, so a pre set multi-week routine would be great for me. Thank you guys again, this forum is great.
Did ya read the posting at the top of the Beginners forum at all ?
My advice would be to check out ABBH and T-Dawg 2.0
And start reading all the articles on the site that you have time to. Before you post any questions, try to figure out if you can find the answer by doing any research on your own. Make good use of the search function, and try to read plenty of the articles in the “High Impact” link.
[quote]WS4JB wrote:
Did ya read the posting at the top of the Beginners forum at all ?
My advice would be to check out ABBH and T-Dawg 2.0
And start reading all the articles on the site that you have time to. Before you post any questions, try to figure out if you can find the answer by doing any research on your own. Make good use of the search function, and try to read plenty of the articles in the “High Impact” link.
This workout is more tailored to the fat loss you want. Then I would recommend anything else once your happy with the fat loss, ABBH for example http://www.T-Nation.com/readTopic.do?id=459341