[quote]on edge wrote:
Bottom line, most you ATG guys don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just trying to look tough or cool and, from what I’ve seen on YouTube, a lot of you don’t even know what ATG is. [/quote]
You are my new hero
[quote]on edge wrote:
Bottom line, most you ATG guys don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just trying to look tough or cool and, from what I’ve seen on YouTube, a lot of you don’t even know what ATG is. [/quote]
You are my new hero
maybe hes just a huge pussy
ATG = ass to grass…basically the fullest range of motion possible to the point where your ass is almost touching the ground.
[quote]on edge wrote:
The whole ATG or not argument is both tired and retarded. Mostly on the part of the ATG crowd. First of all, in this case, you don’t know jack about how Shawn Merriman trains. He may also do full squats in his training. You guys are all aware he has a knee injury, so, WTF? Maybe he can’t go full squat right now. Duh. Idiots.
Second, just because you can do full squats with out hurting your knees and it is actually good for them, doesn’t mean half squats are bad for them and are not also good for them. Athletically, in football and most other sports, you’re never working out of a full squat position so it’s a reasonable argument (weather right or wrong) that Squatting to a level some where between half and parallel is better.
Bottom line, most you ATG guys don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just trying to look tough or cool and, from what I’ve seen on YouTube, a lot of you don’t even know what ATG is. [/quote]
u rulz.
maybe he was locking out supramaximaly. like a board press
Plus we are talking football players here and half squats are easier on the ego! Not to mention as the plates pile on your ROM can get shorter and shorter making it seem as if you have limitless strength. After all without a means of determining where the bottom is or someone watching you, you can just stop going down when it gets hard. That’s why ATG and box squats are dumb…who needs a decent ROM when you can just stroke your ego every time you lift. And yes, going from banging out half squats with 405 to the humbling experience of struggling with 225 on full squats is ALL ABOUT trying to look tough and cool!
But then again who really gives a fuck how deep he squats or anything else he does in the gym. He’s not getting paid for powerlifting.
[quote]masonator wrote:
So what. He isn’t a powerlifter. He’s a football player.[/quote]
best fugging answer.
Why are people assuming he was using more weight for half squats than he could for full squats?
It’s entirely possible he was using a relatively light weight for himself, and was using the partial squats to train some particular quality as part of his rehab.
T-Nation: Home of the ignorant
here’s a vid
occurs @ 1:20 left
the video doesn’t actually show full ROM but looks like halfs. could be the cuts are terrible.
[quote]JMAX wrote:
on edge wrote:
The whole ATG or not argument is both tired and retarded. Mostly on the part of the ATG crowd. First of all, in this case, you don’t know jack about how Shawn Merriman trains. He may also do full squats in his training. You guys are all aware he has a knee injury, so, WTF? Maybe he can’t go full squat right now. Duh. Idiots.
Second, just because you can do full squats with out hurting your knees and it is actually good for them, doesn’t mean half squats are bad for them and are not also good for them. Athletically, in football and most other sports, you’re never working out of a full squat position so it’s a reasonable argument (weather right or wrong) that Squatting to a level some where between half and parallel is better.
Bottom line, most you ATG guys don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just trying to look tough or cool and, from what I’ve seen on YouTube, a lot of you don’t even know what ATG is.
Plus we are talking football players here and half squats are easier on the ego! Not to mention as the plates pile on your ROM can get shorter and shorter making it seem as if you have limitless strength. After all without a means of determining where the bottom is or someone watching you, you can just stop going down when it gets hard. That’s why ATG and box squats are dumb…who needs a decent ROM when you can just stroke your ego every time you lift. And yes, going from banging out half squats with 405 to the humbling experience of struggling with 225 on full squats is ALL ABOUT trying to look tough and cool!
But then again who really gives a fuck how deep he squats or anything else he does in the gym. He’s not getting paid for powerlifting.
Yeah, I bet all the pro-bowl linebackers are insecure about their squat max and are pussies in the gym.
When In foot ball do you go into full flexion of the hip and knee?
We are not talking about rowing here.
You need to train both full squat and half squat.
Half squats have been shown to have a great transfer to sprinting times…why wouldnt a footballer use it?
My only concern in the knee health.
I have (reliable) information that Merriman is a performance and “functional” guy now… a la Julius Peppers (try a youtube search of his workouts.)
I know the NFL and bodybuilding are not synonymous, nor are the lifting methods, but I’m not all that surprised. Yeah, Merriman had fairly decent numbers at the combine - 25 reps on bench, 40" vertical, 10.1 broad, but I highly doubt that he’s focused on his numbers as much as he was prior to entering the NFL.
Think about it: Why risk injury doing heavy ass squats (full range of motion, 90 degrees, WHO THE FUCK CARES) when what he’s doing now is clearly working? I also doubt he’s worried about putting up more weight than anyone on his team. He’s a professional, and I hope he’s more worried about being a good football player than being a good weight lifter.
[quote]AngryVader wrote:
kickureface wrote:
Ghost22 wrote:
Who gives a fuck, if that’s all he does and it works for him leave it alone.
Could be his knee injury was indirectly related to half squatting all the time.
Or it could be directly related to the fact that football isn’t always great on the knees.[/quote]
His injury was from being hit in the knee if I remember correctly. Correct me if I’m wrong.
[quote]JMAX wrote:
on edge wrote:
The whole ATG or not argument is both tired and retarded. Mostly on the part of the ATG crowd. First of all, in this case, you don’t know jack about how Shawn Merriman trains. He may also do full squats in his training. You guys are all aware he has a knee injury, so, WTF? Maybe he can’t go full squat right now. Duh. Idiots.
Second, just because you can do full squats with out hurting your knees and it is actually good for them, doesn’t mean half squats are bad for them and are not also good for them. Athletically, in football and most other sports, you’re never working out of a full squat position so it’s a reasonable argument (weather right or wrong) that Squatting to a level some where between half and parallel is better.
Bottom line, most you ATG guys don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just trying to look tough or cool and, from what I’ve seen on YouTube, a lot of you don’t even know what ATG is.
Plus we are talking football players here and half squats are easier on the ego! Not to mention as the plates pile on your ROM can get shorter and shorter making it seem as if you have limitless strength. After all without a means of determining where the bottom is or someone watching you, you can just stop going down when it gets hard. That’s why ATG and box squats are dumb…who needs a decent ROM when you can just stroke your ego every time you lift. And yes, going from banging out half squats with 405 to the humbling experience of struggling with 225 on full squats is ALL ABOUT trying to look tough and cool!
But then again who really gives a fuck how deep he squats or anything else he does in the gym. He’s not getting paid for powerlifting.
I’d like to see someone who struggles with 225x10 atg move 405 for half squats or even quarter squats. Hell, even a walkout.
[quote]Hanley wrote:
T-Nation: Home of the ignorant[/quote]
Hey that’s America buddy!
[quote]chitown34 wrote:
JMAX wrote:
on edge wrote:
The whole ATG or not argument is both tired and retarded. Mostly on the part of the ATG crowd. First of all, in this case, you don’t know jack about how Shawn Merriman trains. He may also do full squats in his training. You guys are all aware he has a knee injury, so, WTF? Maybe he can’t go full squat right now. Duh. Idiots.
Second, just because you can do full squats with out hurting your knees and it is actually good for them, doesn’t mean half squats are bad for them and are not also good for them. Athletically, in football and most other sports, you’re never working out of a full squat position so it’s a reasonable argument (weather right or wrong) that Squatting to a level some where between half and parallel is better.
Bottom line, most you ATG guys don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just trying to look tough or cool and, from what I’ve seen on YouTube, a lot of you don’t even know what ATG is.
Plus we are talking football players here and half squats are easier on the ego! Not to mention as the plates pile on your ROM can get shorter and shorter making it seem as if you have limitless strength. After all without a means of determining where the bottom is or someone watching you, you can just stop going down when it gets hard. That’s why ATG and box squats are dumb…who needs a decent ROM when you can just stroke your ego every time you lift. And yes, going from banging out half squats with 405 to the humbling experience of struggling with 225 on full squats is ALL ABOUT trying to look tough and cool!
But then again who really gives a fuck how deep he squats or anything else he does in the gym. He’s not getting paid for powerlifting.
I’d like to see someone who struggles with 225x10 atg move 405 for half squats or even quarter squats. Hell, even a walkout.
ha, i have someone in the gym that fits this description perfectly, he’s probably about 6 foot and just a string bean. tonight he just did 405 for 3 reps of MAYBE 1/4 squats, i seriously doubt he can hit a legit 225 for more than a couple, i talk to him quite often and have seen him lift quite a few times, point is i’m not basing this assumption off seeing some random person one time in the gym. as for the original post, so he does some 405 quarter squats on camera for people that prolly think that’s a lot of weight, wish he would have gone all the way down but big whoop, whatever. about the knee thing i think it depends on how you squat, i read a study that showed the torque difference on the knee joint and hip joint between powerlifters and for regular weight lifters. the weight lifters had approximately the same torque value for the knee and the hip, so about a 50/50 distribution. powerlifters on the other hand had roughly 3 times as much force on the hip joint as on the knee joint, so more of a 25/75 distribution. so i guess it all depends how you squat as to how it is on your knees, granted with enough weight i’m sure it doesn’t matter how you squat.
I am trying to figure out why there is so much care in this thread.
From a football players point of view: One of my trainers who helped me out, an AFL linebacker, and a former NFL receiver: They have all been telling me that my legs are more than strong enough and that all I need to do is maintain my current strength level and that I need to “save” my knees because their going to get plenty of abuse playing ball. Just my .02 on the topic
As for me Im kind of hard headed a little bit though I wanna get that 700+ squat then maybe I’ll " maintain"…maybe…
Really guys, seriously now.
I don’t give a fuck how Lights Out trains, as long as he gives McFadden the snot bubbles on 14 September.