Alright, I’ve been convinced to start a log. This will be the third way I track my training (written log and phone app til now).
Born in 1984. Married in 2008. Daughter born in 2013. Son born in 2016.
Current profession/job: Police Officer
Dream job: High School Strength & Conditioning Coach (not actually a thing where I live–just the football coach who teaches something else)
I have a B.A. in Exercise Science and two certifications from the National Strength & Conditioning Association–Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and Tactical Strength & Conditioning Facilitator.
I don’t really train or coach anyone but offer my advice and programs freely (maybe I’ll take money someday). I’m currently trying to create an officer wellness program for my department so I can combine my passion with my paycheck and benefits.
My training goals change from time to time. Some weeks I’m pursuing strength, some it’s size, some it’s conditioning… I am the walking definition of workout ADD. I write my own stuff as well as following other people’s stuff. I learn best by doing. But regardless of my current pursuit the goal is to always be athletic and able to perform at a high level.
Injury History - surgery on right shoulder in 2004 (capsular plication to tighten it up), surgery on right knee in 2008 (subluxed patella), surgery on left hip in 2017 (torn hip labrum), surgery on right shoulder in 2019 (biceps tenodesis)
Alright, enough babbling…
Added current and desired PRs 4.25.17.