…I get stronger.
So I’m Kris and this is my log. Someone tiny but strong insisted I start it, so I humbly take my place with the rest of the hard workers in this section.
Some numbers:
Age: 34
Height: 6’3"
Weight: 230#
Squat: 355#
Bench: 285#
Deadlift: 475#
I’ve been training with a purpose (vs. “Whatcha wanna do today? Shoulders and chest? Cool.”) for coming up on a year and a half now. The last several months (closer to a year really) have been 5/3/1, which I enjoy. I just wrapped up the BBB challenge, came achingly close to a 365# squat, and am changing gears for a few months before I jump back on 5/3/1 in the powerlifter style, to try to get my numbers on up.
Taking a page from Dan John I’m going to do 3 workouts a week with power clean, military press, front squat, and bench press. I’m adding in some arm work and calf work (hello vanity) and core work. I’m also going to start ‘running’, instead of just sprinting. I’ve got my little 1.2 mile route already set and run it twice now: the times are too horrific to mention but I remind myself that the last time I ‘ran’ I was sixty pounds lighter.
So then:
Warmup: Dynamic jazz, 3 rounds of 5 pull ups-> 10 lunges-> 10 inverted rows->, rest
Power Clean: 135x8, 155x6, 185x4
Military Press: 95x8, 115x6, 135x4 (set of 5 pull ups between each set of MP)
Front Squat: 155x8, 185x6, 205x4
Bench Press: 155x8, 185x6, 205x4
Pressdowns->EZ Curls, 3 supersets of 15/12
Calf presses on the leg press (is there an official name for these?): 12, 10, 10 (4p/side, 5p/side)
Jacknives (Jacknifes?) on the medicine ball->Stir the Pot, 8/5x both ways
I work in a warehouse and sometimes sling pallets around as part of my job. I also sometimes get overzealous and forget I’m not a kid anymore and tweak my shoulder(s) doing that. My right should is just now recovering from such stupidity- my pressing numbers won’t be skyrocketing but they will be more comfortable as it finishes healing. My power clean form is not brilliant but not awful, I mainly need to work on getting under the bar with more alacrity.
Final note: I’m treating this as a ‘park bench’ workout phase and will be transitioning into a 5x5 style workout after a month of this. So if I don’t feel like I’m crushing a weight I’ll just be working on doing the move more cleanly/forcefully until I do feel like I’m crushing the weight.