Jump During Snatch and Clean?

Do you attempt to jump up when doing either of these? Oh, and also when doing a clean & jerks do you lean back?

Take a look at this article.


[quote]fartmonkey64 wrote:
Do you attempt to jump up when doing either of these? Oh, and also when doing a clean & jerks do you lean back?[/quote]

Not really a jump, but more of a quick drop to get under the weight, my feet do leave the ground though.

For the second question, not too much, but I think you’d have to lean back a little bit but I’m not too sure I know excactly what you mean.

it’s true man. go into any college gym around here and they’re all doing the “boston stomp”.

So do your feet actually leave the ground?

Some lifters lose contact with the platform and some don’t. When they do lose contact, it is from trying to get under the bar fast.

It important that you don’t jump with the weight or else you’ll likely hurt yourself.

[quote]fartmonkey64 wrote:
So do your feet actually leave the ground?[/quote]

the feet may leave the ground not to jump but to initiate the drop under. the important difference is between jumping and dropping. if your feet leave the ground as a result of you dropping and maybe resetting to a bit wider stance for the catch so be it. but if you’re jumping…stop jumping. you have to learn to get under the bar fast, not rise with the bar. if you don’t learn to drop you’ll never clean more than you can high pull.

  1. stand on your toes and get your balance.

  2. from there drop to a full squat as fast as you can.

do it fast and your feet will leave the ground. and you will be descending, not ascending, while they do so.