Has anyone bought the new Juggernaut Method 2.0 by Chad Wesley and JTS? I saw pretty good results on the original method, and I was just wondering if it’s worth the $27 for the updated program. It supposedly includes multiple programs for different goals and nutritional templates.
How many people are they going to rip off. Meaning 531 and juggernaut there’s a new variation like every week.
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
How many people are they going to rip off. Meaning 531 and juggernaut there’s a new variation like every week.[/quote]
Ya because 1 program should work for everyone and no variations need to be made to it ever. And they make you buy it.
don’t know too much about juggercrap but wendlers 5/3/1 is a Ed Coan program with different percentages for the Squat, bench, deadlift and press. Wendlers program sucks it neglects many muscle groups and in the long run you’ll be weak and suffer from many injuries
[quote]cparker wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
How many people are they going to rip off. Meaning 531 and juggernaut there’s a new variation like every week.[/quote]
Ya because 1 program should work for everyone and no variations need to be made to it ever. And they make you buy it.[/quote]
Yea exactly people choose to be ripped off. Admittedly I was koolaid sipper at one point.
I think the Juggernaut Method is a solid program if you follow it for long term. But do I think somebody needs to buy a whole “BRAND NEW” version of it. No, I don’t, Plus I’m sure in 2 weeks it will be available free on the internet anyway.
Every program is still copying the first guy who lift things up and put them down.
Ive been using Juggernaut with a lot of success. Its a great base building program. I used/am using it to bring up the base of my lifts.I would recommend after juggernaut is done, do a couple weeks of heavy doubbles and singles or do something like westside because juggernaut is more sport related strength, not powerlifting. Theres my two cents, let me know how this goes for you.
Btw, i went from a 420lb one rep max to 365 pounds for 9 reps, coulda got 3 by my waves of 5. I just finished my waves of 5. But like i said, good base building program, i feel to get maximum effect tho, you need to put in a wave of heavy singles and shit
[quote]sufiandy wrote:
Every program is still copying the first guy who lift things up and put them down.[/quote]
In theory this is true but not exactly because of the science of training we now possess. 531 and thus juggernaut method were ripped off of the bfs program by wendler when he decided to become a strength coach after dumping westside.
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
How many people are they going to rip off. Meaning 531 and juggernaut there’s a new variation like every week.[/quote]
[quote]dayoff wrote:
don’t know too much about juggercrap but wendlers 5/3/1 is a Ed Coan program with different percentages for the Squat, bench, deadlift and press. Wendlers program sucks it neglects many muscle groups and in the long run you’ll be weak and suffer from many injuries[/quote]
Okay, I’m often critical of Wendler’s marketing tactics, but you are very wrong here if you think his training philosophies are unbalanced.
[quote]dayoff wrote:
don’t know too much about juggercrap but wendlers 5/3/1 is a Ed Coan program with different percentages for the Squat, bench, deadlift and press. Wendlers program sucks it neglects many muscle groups and in the long run you’ll be weak and suffer from many injuries[/quote]
Can you explain to me how it neglects many muscle groups?
[quote]dayoff wrote:
don’t know too much about juggercrap but wendlers 5/3/1 is a Ed Coan program with different percentages for the Squat, bench, deadlift and press. Wendlers program sucks it neglects many muscle groups and in the long run you’ll be weak and suffer from many injuries[/quote]
You should try actually reading one of his books.
[quote]Fletch1986 wrote:
[quote]dayoff wrote:
don’t know too much about juggercrap but wendlers 5/3/1 is a Ed Coan program with different percentages for the Squat, bench, deadlift and press. Wendlers program sucks it neglects many muscle groups and in the long run you’ll be weak and suffer from many injuries[/quote]
Can you explain to me how it neglects many muscle groups?
x 2
I want to here him explain this too!
Wendler doesn’t claim to be anything but a simple and effective strength program and it delivers. Anyone who follows the program as suggested should get stronger. He talks about and suggest accessory exercises but lets you decide and forces you to do more than just be a robot blindly following a program. You have to think a little.
I thought that Juggernaut was very similar to 531 but had an athlete more in mind. Add in the “Thinker”, J. Smith and there is most likely alot of good info. I like to buy these books to hopefully learn something new and get a new perspective.
He’s only has one rear delt exercise on one of his programs. All others lack any rotator work.
Why would I spend money buying a routine that he stole from Ed Coan.
I don’t want to get strong on a continuing basis. I want to get strong as possible as quickly as possible.
Keep on doing 5/3/1 others will gain more strength and remain injury free. Maxing out for reps is the leading cause of injuries
Don’t you realize everyone on elitefts comes out with a book once they post a log there Wendler,Bryant,Smith,now Pulcinella has his book
Pulcinella’s current routine is based on a Coan split too.
Let me ask you this question. Besides Scott Yard who has set a powerlifting record using 5/3/1?
[quote]dayoff wrote:
He’s only has one rear delt exercise on one of his programs. All others lack any rotator work.
Why would I spend money buying a routine that he stole from Ed Coan.
I don’t want to get strong on a continuing basis. I want to get strong as possible as quickly as possible.
Keep on doing 5/3/1 others will gain more strength and remain injury free. Maxing out for reps is the leading cause of injuries
Don’t you realize everyone on elitefts comes out with a book once they post a log there Wendler,Bryant,Smith,now Pulcinella has his book
Pulcinella’s current routine is based on a Coan split too.
Let me ask you this question. Besides Scott Yard who has set a powerlifting record using 5/3/1?[/quote]
It sounds like you just hate EliteFTS.
This guys results aren’t too shabby…
Ed Coan’s program isn’t “original”. Neither is the Bigger Faster Stronger program. These principles have been around for a very long time. Each one of these programs is just organizing it in their own way.
You also obviously barely know anything about the program you are bashing. It speaks volumes that you are so confident to trash the program of a very accomplished lifter/programmer with such little knowledge.
I bought the Juggernaut 2.0 ebook, it was okay. I don’t have the original book, but the variations in the book aren’t anything very different from the original program.
The inverted variation is just the sets and reps from the 10s and 8s phases reversed. So instead of 5 sets of 10, it is 10 sets of 5. The undulating periodization model switches up the order of the phases like this:
If I were to run the program that is how I would do it. That way you don’t go 3 months without handling meaningful weights.
Even though there isn’t much in terms of variations on the program, there is a ton of knowledge in the book that is worth reading. Smith really knows his stuff about training athletes and I definitely learned some new stuff. I don’t know how much of that is new stuff though, since I don’t have the first book.