Just wanted to keep a log of my progress on TRT.
Pre trt stats:
Age: 27
Weight: 180
Height: 5’9
Testicles: Huge
Former smoker
Small recreational drug use history, no anabolic abuse
Lift 4-6x a week, cardio 3-5x HIIT
Medical History: Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia(no longer), Depersonalization, Depression (due to ssri, and just over quality of life thanks to anxiety)
Medications: Paxil 10mg(10 years), xanax 0.5 (only taken when needed), Cialis 5-20mg(when needed, may start daily)
Side effects from medication: ED, weak erections, fatigue, brain fog, lack of emotion, weak orgasms, lack of emotion, no interest or motivation in anything, over sleep, can over eat easily, easy to become addicted to anything that makes me feel anything(thus i stay away from addicting things)
Reasons for getting on trt: see side effects ^
Pre-trt Anxiety: 2-4/10, very low anxiety on paxil, almost careless
Pre-trt labs: I will post full picture of them later.
424ng/dl TT range 264-864
110pg/dl FT range 55-220
Shbg 21
E2/fsh/lh/etc not tested due to doctors ignorance
Post trt labs will be attached:
I kept changing my dosage/frequency on my protocol due to high levels of anxiety, heart palpitations and just all sorts of concerns my anxious brain would feed me.
My labs were taken 4 days post injection 50mg ( I was supposed to be injecting every other day but kept getting really bad anxiety)
Current changes: Increased muscle mass, morning and night erections every day or so, week 3 I fealt more real, music sounded crisper, things just fealt real again, then came the anxiety, like a dark cloud following me everywhere. Still lingers but I’ve been distracting myself very hard.
Current protocol: 25mg Test Cyp ED, 5mg Masteron ED
Been consistent on this protocol now for 1.5 weeks, anxiety is at a 5/10, whereas injecting eod, 3.5d it was 6-8/10
I began my journey 8 weeks ago using UGL and decided to invest in defy for proper guidance and testing. Currently waiting on my telephone appointment with the defy doc.