Josht9210's TRT Log - Depersonalization, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Etc


Here’s what you need to ask the endo for:

My endo was a total moron when it came to andrology. Whatever, I’m telemeding with dr saya on monday.

@unreal24278 what are your thoughts on Clonidine? It was studied as effective for hppd patients. Also would lower my hr/bp I’m assuming, which is good. I’m assuming this med is in your realm somehow? Can you explain its pathology? I don’t understand what the a2andren or whatever it effects is. Sorry you actually have good info lmao

Can’t explain right now, have an exam in like 40 mins (year 12 final)

I take guanfecine off label for ADHD, same class of drug, doesn’t lower my HR (actually… now I get rebound increase in HR if I stop taking it, also get tremors, shakes, restless legs if I don’t take for more than 3 days etc… withdrawal symptoms) but in general from baseline no significant effect on HR, then again my dose is very low

Makes me very lethargic/sedates much of the time, but beats the withdrawals I get when I don’t take it, little known fact, clonidine increases GH pulsation during sleep #gainz

Has been trialed for efficiency in treating idiopathic short stature

Good luck on your exam! Let me know what you know about it later, I’m considering it however ik these kinds of meds really mess with sex drive due to blood flow. And I obviously dont want to be too subdated

What is the closest compound to this out there ?@unreal24278 (ugl or trt clin)

Little update; my defy doc prescribed me what I was already dosing with a little twist.

Pre-defy: 175mg a week - > 25mg daily, 5mg masteron daily for dht
Defy: increased to 26mg daily - > 182mg a week, 1 click cream for dht, he confirmed low dht
Also pregnenolone, hopefully to convert to progesterone for anxiety

Waiting for my shipment, continuing my current protocol until then.
I actually feel good, Really good. I added in some supplements for my HPPD/Anxiety and started tapering off my ssri. I have no clue how the trt and ssri have interacted but the way I’ve been feeling is really interesting. My brain fog is gone, I can keep a train of thought now, I can actually feel stuff again. I have come to the conclusion that paxil wasn’t only numbing my emotions but also my senses, which is good and bad. The sun is legit brighter, music sounds better, touching stuff feels real again and less dream like. I just feel like I’ve waken up from a long dream that I can’t explain… even with such a low dose of paxil idk what it was doing to me… I just hope this feeling stays as I haven’t fealt like this in years, its like its bypassing the ssri that has stolen the activity from my d2 receptors, and things just feel good again I’m so excited. (week 8 btw) There is a level of anxiety still there, more of an anticipation anxiety, I’m scared of this changed feeling, its very new, yet familiar, like the old me before my panic disorder started…

This gives me hope because I took a big risk self medicating, and just the amount I’ve spent on this in general, I really hope it helps me in my fight with anxiety.

Week 9 start update; first lay in 4 months, boner was good to go, I attribute this to lowering my ssri dosage and the 182mg/26mg ED dosage. I don’t know if I’m in my honey moon phase since its week 9 or permanent reality, but I feel real for the first time since getting depersonalized/anxiety and on ssris 10 years… The anxiety is still there and pretty annoying but trt has given me more confidence to fight instead of run and avoid, I’m upping my therapy and spearheading some emotional issues I have…
Thanks @dextermorgan @systemlord for all of your knowledge on trt and advising new guys like me in the right direction… I am one of the few who listened to your ED IM/sometimes subq injections and fealt great results… I’ll keep pushing forward and update soon.
I don’t know if the 5mg of masteron I add to my dosage daily is the main factor for my good feeling or not, but its surreal.

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It will only get better the more time passes, glad to hear you are showing benefits.

Did you get much anxiety when you lowered your ssri dose?
I’m hoping to do the same, but whenever i have done so pre TRT the anxiety got pretty bad.

I have gone down to 5mg from 10mg right now while on trt, its gotten a lil bad but mainly from the brain zaps.
I’d say yes and no but the trt has def helped me fight my anxiety and be more aggressive at overcoming.

The key is to slowly taper decreasing in small increments every couple weeks (or longer if needed). Doing it that way you’ll have little to know negative effects. These types of drugs should should not be quit cold turkey or even drastic drops in dose unless you are looking to feel like absolute hell for lengths of time.

Getting liquid version is key, that way you can say go from 10mg to 9mg 8mg etc… The slower the better

Liquid SSRIs?

Looking good bro

Yeah some forms of ssris offer them for weening off.

That’s wild!

You’ve got decent genetics, full muscle bellies. I can fit four fingers In between the crease of my elbow and bicep insertion point. On the other hand they tend to be rather peaky, they just don’t look “full” when unflexed

Thanks, I’m actually kind of sad because I was bigger natty at age 23 on creatine, tons of water weight though made me look bigger, I really wish I could do a full blown cycle, My calve muscle bellies are also huge, decent ab insertions etc.

Pic unrelated;

My face has started to become red and flushing, see under the eyes, I read about this before but forgot why it happens, anyone?
Shameless flex btw

Oxygenated red blood cells, remember naturally our levels are higher in the morning and lower at night time, but with TRT your levels are higher the majority of the time because if you drop levels low, there will be symptoms.

This kind of thing is more common than you realize.

Yeah I figured, I’ve actually seen it commonly on guys at the gym so I knew it was related.

So what should I do? I feel my bp and pulse are a bit up. My nerves have been getting to me so I assumed it was high H&H and I got scared and tried to go donate…

My rhr is usually 85-94, And my anxiety has been up over this and they wouldn’t let me donate due to 102 pulse & 106 (idk my anxiety has made me really nervous lately)

I have an appointment with my doc on friday, I wanna see her thoughts, maybe try and get a beta blocker…
Idk if i need it bcuz pre trt and even during trt, my bp was always 120-125/65-70
But my rhr is always high and I dont wanna not ever be able to donate due to high pulse
The red face is scaring me, and i cant seem to get my pulse or bp to calm down, i cant tell if its anxiety or other this time…

I do have the option to use a bb to help with; anxiety, bp/pulse from trt, but i do want to avoid meds that kill libido or.fatigue me, those are the reasons im here in the first place

As you guys can see us anxious people overanalyze everything lmao
I swear man if i didn’t have anxiety things would be great