Hey T-bros, I’m lookin for a good place online to get quality fish oil caps and some joint bidness. I’m not overly concerned about the glucosamine and the insulin resistence stuff. Unfortunately it does have to be online however being that I’m overseas for a while. Figured you all would know a great place to pick some of this stuff up. Keep it up brothers!!
I’m sure some are cheaper
I get my fish oil, flax oil, joint command (glucose supp) etc from Pro Source.
Their Omega 1250 is good:
1 cap.=450 EPA @ 300 DHA
[quote]usaffirefighter wrote:
Hey T-bros, I’m lookin for a good place online to get quality fish oil caps and some joint bidness. I’m not overly concerned about the glucosamine and the insulin resistence stuff. Unfortunately it does have to be online however being that I’m overseas for a while. Figured you all would know a great place to pick some of this stuff up. Keep it up brothers!![/quote]
My brother has had great success ordering at http://www.vitamins.com/
The pricing is extremely good, and he stated that the quality is very high.
Check it out…
There was a big review on the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine site (www.jssm.org and search a bit on dietary fat) last Fall that included info. on cartilage and inflammation.
Might be good reading.
Too, I just sent TC an article on how fish oils - particularly DHA - might be particularly beneficial for men. Stay tuned.
None of this helps with online purchasing but it might steer you toward a particular blend. Happy hunting!
Fish oils are currently very popular. Are they as good as their publicity claims?
There are several problems with fish oils. First, the processing is destructive. If you squeeze a seed, oil drips out. If you squeeze a fish, you get a mess. Cleaning up that mess requires processing, and the processing damages oil molecules. Fish oils are five times more sensitive to light, oxygen, heat and destruction than are seed n-3’s. So you get damaged molecules in your fish oils.
The second problem is contamination. All fish oils contain persistent organic pollutants-PCB’s, dioxins and organochlorine pesticides. Some contain mercury. It’s impossible to remove it all. Just my 2-cents
[quote]usaffirefighter wrote:
I’m not overly concerned about the glucosamine and the insulin resistence stuff.[quote]
Glucosamine and insulin resistance? Does this mean there’s a connection I haven’t heard about? Guess I’m out of the loop. Anyone want to clear this up?
I found a variety of good types at vitacost.com (although I am just killing time until Biotest’s EFA supplement comes out). For now, I went with Nordic Naturals EPA which is pretty high potency fish oils. Good times.
This is a good website. Pretty cheap, too.
I love Carlson’s Fish Oil because of its purity and I take it in liquid form. I highly recommend it.