Jeff Monson Training

I’m sure many of you have already seen this over at Sherdog, but for those of you who haven’t, it’s a pretty cool insight into his training:

wow… talk about sport specific training. Combine that with daily grappling and boxing practices and that’s about as well designed as you can get a training program. Nothing is going to be like the real thing but I am impressed.

Cool video. He is a scary looking dude.

homie is insane. Def would not want to get in the octagon with him. Also I can’t wait to see the fight tomorrow night. I am thinkin monson takes it over Silva.

Sylvia…my bad.

That training looks sick

I hope he knocks the shit out of that gangly, goofy looking, uncoordinated jackass. The only reason he’s champion is because he never fought anyone worth a damn yet. Probably have to surgically remove the belt from his waist by now.

[quote]baretta wrote:
That training looks sick

I hope he knocks the shit out of that gangly, goofy looking, uncoordinated jackass. The only reason he’s champion is because he never fought anyone worth a damn yet. Probably have to surgically remove the belt from his waist by now.[/quote]

exactly. Honestly, sylvia does not look very intimidating. Except for his height, there is nothing intimidating about him. however, look at Snowman and that dude just scares the **** out of me…period.

Go Snowman. That training video is awesome, gets me pumped up just watching it.

he should push the suv around some more he was shot after the first round

[quote]brunottfn wrote:
he should push the suv around some more he was shot after the first round[/quote]

I don’t know if it was his gas tank or the fact that his only possible chance of winning wasn’t working. That’d take the energy and heart out of me pretty quick.

[quote]brunottfn wrote:
he should push the suv around some more he was shot after the first round[/quote]

…and wear a 100 pound weighted vest while pushing it.

I guess you can’t train tall.

He’s profiled (kind of) in GRAPPLING magazine this past issue.

He’s not so bad (ya, RIGHT!)

IHP says they have DVD’s of his circuits you can buy. I bet they’re worth the $$$.

I’d like to see his lifting program. That motherfucker’s jacked.

[quote]Doug Adams wrote:
brunottfn wrote:
he should push the suv around some more he was shot after the first round

…and wear a 100 pound weighted vest while pushing it.


If you listen closely I believe they only do that circuit like 2x. (which i hope wasn’t his workout for the day).

their dvd’s are cool pretty innovative shit, but for a lot of their real training methods you need machines that you just cant find.

I’d say go buy the diesel crew’s mma e-book. you can make all their shit for less than $200 (strongman stone too… those are fairly easy 2 make)

It’s too bad that all of his training didn’t pay off. He looked lousy vs Sylvia. When he finally did get him on the ground, after much effort, he did nothing with him. No ground and pound no submission.

Oh well, back to the drawing board for Monson.

His “functional” training methods from Santana look impressive, but are misguided. He gassed because he tried to condition by “mimicking” fighting rather than by actually fighting. In my opinion - and this is something I learned from Dan Gable - he should have conditioned by hard bouts of fighting and then when his technique deteriorated finished with the alternative methods, e.g. sprints, tires, truck push, etc. As he learned, Sylvia wasn’t just a long arm sticking out there. Suprise, suprise, he could sprawl! But guys like Santana need gimicks like “machines most people can’t afford” to APPEAR like their training is better. It is likely that hooking Jeff up to those resistance pulleys while he was mimicking takedown shots actually interefered with the mechanics of his shot and slowed it down.

From a wrestling perspective, Monson’s takedown attempts were pathetic - no set ups and crappy attempts at finishing. He relies too much on strength and not enough on technique.

Bigdogbarks. I can not agree with you more. I was thinking the same thing when I saw that arm they made to mimmick Tims. Actually I was thinking “long plastic objects and tires don’t hit back”.

I like some of the products Santana offers at intocombat but man the marketing behind it is over the top. I am sure they were banking on Jeff to win so they could sell more videos and books such as his “training leading up to the backstage warmup” for $500 but now they have to sell it for half of that. I hope my sarcasm does not offend anyone but I am upset since I read an e-mail Rhadi Ferguson sent out which was one big scientific excuse for Jeff gasing.

What a disappointing fight. Thankfully, the other fights were awesome. Monson did shit.