Jaslyn Hewitt Takes Up Bodybuiding

Ex-tennis player Jaslyn Hewitt, sister of US Open and Wimbledon winner LLeyton has given up the game and taken up bodybuilding! She has more muscle than her big brother (not that that’s hard) and I think she looks quite impressive. Here is an article from the Herald-Sun.

Herald-Sun article:
WITH typical Hewitt determination, Lleyton’s former tennis-playing sister Jaslyn has entered a new competitive career.
Last night, she entered her first bodybuilding competition in the women’s novice figure category at the Adelaide titles.
It was less than six months ago that she took up the sport.
Hewitt, 24, trained for up to four hours a day to prepare for the event and shed 12 per cent of her body fat.
She was only interested in figure events and did not want to “bulk up like a she-man”.
“I like the athletic feminine look,” she said.
"I’ve always wanted to have a six pack and get as lean as I possibly could.
“I’ve never been in the shape that I am at the moment and I’m happy with the figure I have, even though I know it’s almost impossible to maintain.”
The top three finalists in each category will compete at the Australian titles in Canberra on October 27.

and here are some images from the Courier-Mail:

No. 2



Sorry, I’m not very good with editing photos, if you want to see the actual gallery it is at:


Well, she gets a 10 from me. Thanks for showing that.

Excellent! She can carry her brother’s bags now.

I’ll be the first to say: ew.

I really don’t dig superlean chicks. At all.

Girls should be properly squishy in certain places.

[quote]SGDerek wrote:
I’ll be the first to say: ew.

I really don’t dig superlean chicks. At all.

Girls should be properly squishy in certain places.[/quote]

Youre on the wrong website.

I’ve never understood why just because a guy works out to get lean and muscular, that he would be attracted to women who do the same.

[quote]fightingtiger wrote:
SGDerek wrote:
I’ll be the first to say: ew.

I really don’t dig superlean chicks. At all.

Girls should be properly squishy in certain places.

Youre on the wrong website.[/quote]

[quote]Natural Nate wrote:
I’ve never understood why just because a guy works out to get lean and muscular, that he would be attracted to women who do the same.

fightingtiger wrote:
SGDerek wrote:
I’ll be the first to say: ew.

I really don’t dig superlean chicks. At all.

Girls should be properly squishy in certain places.

Youre on the wrong website.


Do you get offended slightly when someone says “eww, (insert bodybuilder’s name) looks gross because he is too lean.”? Why should it be different for a woman who is competing? Obviously she worked hard to get that lean and you are on a bodybuilding site writing off that hard work as simply making her gross.

[quote]fightingtiger wrote:

Do you get offended slightly when someone says “eww, (insert bodybuilder’s name) looks gross because he is too lean.”?[/quote]


[quote]Natural Nate wrote:
I’ve never understood why just because a guy works out to get lean and muscular, that he would be attracted to women who do the same.


Because there is an attraction to that. Lean and muscular does not just mean masculine. If you can’t see, or don’t agree with it, there is no reason to say so.

[quote]BigRagoo wrote:
Because there is an attraction to that. Lean and muscular does not just mean masculine. If you can’t see, or don’t agree with it, there is no reason to say so. [/quote]

That’s the thing, though. Lean and muscular DOES mean masculine to me. I don’t want a lean and muscular girlfriend. I also think that professional bodybuilders look retarded - bodybuilding is about aesthetics, not size.

But to each their own.