Just the thought of flaring in the bench makes my shoulders scream.
Getting old is great, ain’t it?
Just the thought of flaring in the bench makes my shoulders scream.
Getting old is great, ain’t it?
[quote]kpsnap wrote:
Just the thought of flaring in the bench makes my shoulders scream.
Getting old is great, ain’t it?[/quote]
yeah, and I benched flared for 20 years before it finally caught up with me.
I know BBers bench flared. But what’s the benefit? I did it for awhile, but I attribute it to bad form. My coach now yells at me the minute I flare.
Interesting to read the litany of your injuries. I suspect many of us have a list like that. Workaround is the best modus for me anymore.
[quote]kpsnap wrote:
Just the thought of flaring in the bench makes my shoulders scream.
Getting old is great, ain’t it?[/quote]
No question on this…both of these.
Heal up brother.
I like the “nap in the hammock” workout the best…tis the season for that.
nap in the hammock was the bomb, going to try to keep that in my regiment for the next few months
[quote]PeteS wrote:
planks 3 x 30 sec, each set with 27lb toddler on back
How old is your youngest now? It seems like he was just born. I hope the shoulders/back/knee/pelvis/plantar faciitis (holy shit) all heal up real soon.
[quote]ecogenx wrote:
[quote]PeteS wrote:
planks 3 x 30 sec, each set with 27lb toddler on back
How old is your youngest now? It seems like he was just born. I hope the shoulders/back/knee/pelvis/plantar faciitis (holy shit) all heal up real soon. [/quote]
god, you make it sound like I am so beat up…
Logan will be two in June. he is a maniac. call him the heart attack kid. a few months back, while under my supervision, he managed to figure out how to open the dishwasher and retrieved two steak knives, one in each hand. twenty minutes later he climbed on top of the stove, and was sticking his fingers in the toaster.
he also worship’s his big brother to the point of impersonating him.
you say ‘what’s your name’
‘how old are you’
he does a great curious george impersonation as well
[quote]PeteS wrote:
[quote]ecogenx wrote:
[quote]PeteS wrote:
planks 3 x 30 sec, each set with 27lb toddler on back
How old is your youngest now? It seems like he was just born. I hope the shoulders/back/knee/pelvis/plantar faciitis (holy shit) all heal up real soon. [/quote]
god, you make it sound like I am so beat up…
Logan will be two in June. he is a maniac. call him the heart attack kid. a few months back, while under my supervision, he managed to figure out how to open the dishwasher and retrieved two steak knives, one in each hand. twenty minutes later he climbed on top of the stove, and was sticking his fingers in the toaster.
he also worship’s his big brother to the point of impersonating him.
you say ‘what’s your name’
‘how old are you’
he does a great curious george impersonation as well[/quote]
Where did 2 years go? That age is so tough. All mobile,curious and crazy. Good work pops.
[quote]PeteS wrote:
[quote]ecogenx wrote:
[quote]PeteS wrote:
planks 3 x 30 sec, each set with 27lb toddler on back
How old is your youngest now? It seems like he was just born. I hope the shoulders/back/knee/pelvis/plantar faciitis (holy shit) all heal up real soon. [/quote]
god, you make it sound like I am so beat up…
Logan will be two in June. he is a maniac. call him the heart attack kid. a few months back, while under my supervision, he managed to figure out how to open the dishwasher and retrieved two steak knives, one in each hand. twenty minutes later he climbed on top of the stove, and was sticking his fingers in the toaster.
he also worship’s his big brother to the point of impersonating him.
you say ‘what’s your name’
‘how old are you’
he does a great curious george impersonation as well[/quote]
Your giving me flashbacks Pete, my oldest turns 21 next month and my daughter turned 18 in November last year. Enjoy them Pete
hlr 3 x 10
front squat bar x 10, 135 x 10, 225 x 6, 275/315/365/385 x 3. 275 x 10. 385 easy, PR is 405 x 3, or 455 x 1. trying to stay submaximal but get some work in for now.
rack pull from 1 pin vs quadded minis 135/225/315/405 x 5, 455 x 3, band tension fried me
bent rows 4 x 10 @ 275
cable abs 4 x 6-10
dbell shrugs 3 x 12
ghr 3 x 8
calves 3 x some
prowler 90lb x 40yrd x 8
fried, good session, only hurt in the good ways
I <3 Front Squats.
[quote]Derek542 wrote:
[quote]PeteS wrote:
[quote]ecogenx wrote:
[quote]PeteS wrote:
planks 3 x 30 sec, each set with 27lb toddler on back
How old is your youngest now? It seems like he was just born. I hope the shoulders/back/knee/pelvis/plantar faciitis (holy shit) all heal up real soon. [/quote]
god, you make it sound like I am so beat up…
Logan will be two in June. he is a maniac. call him the heart attack kid. a few months back, while under my supervision, he managed to figure out how to open the dishwasher and retrieved two steak knives, one in each hand. twenty minutes later he climbed on top of the stove, and was sticking his fingers in the toaster.
he also worship’s his big brother to the point of impersonating him.
you say ‘what’s your name’
‘how old are you’
he does a great curious george impersonation as well[/quote]
Your giving me flashbacks Pete, my oldest turns 21 next month and my daughter turned 18 in November last year. Enjoy them Pete [/quote]
hey, my oldest is 22 and on the other side of the country, I appreciate every crazy day of my life
That there’s some nice front squattin’!
. “trying to stay submaximal but get some work in for now.”
I should say, you are definitely getting some work in with the front squat poundages.
[quote]Led wrote:
. “trying to stay submaximal but get some work in for now.”
I should say, you are definitely getting some work in with the front squat poundages.
from the way my back, abs, and legs feel today, yeah, i got some work in
more injured guy bench training
face pulls, pullaparts, bench with bar, ext rotations, laterals, band pressdown 3 x 30 each
neutral grip db floor press 8 x 15, top set with 110s (last week ws 90s)
rotator bar pulldown 8 x 10
pec dec up and down stack
jm press 135/185/225/275 x 8
close grip with sling shot 275/315/365 x 6
vgrip pulldown 3 x 10
face pulls 3 x 10
laterals 3 x 20
ahnuld press 3 x 15
cable up row 3 x 10
cable front raise 3 x 10
ez curl 4 x 12
pressdown 4 x 12
bike 40/20 intervals 8 minutes
Nice work Pete. Funny your rehab numbers are most guys maxes…lol
Lot’s of volume. Very adequate for being injured.
30 minutes elliptical early a.m.
Man that eliptical thing again WTF?
A couple of questions if I may: