Coach davies, I was so exicted when your first article was put on t-mag and more now that your on hear. This question was bound to happen. We have been talking alot about training, especially for football players. This is an unfortunate part of the game but a fact none the less: many players use some ergogenic or anabolic enhancement. Many players I knew at a D1 school and down to d3 follow the classic bodybuilder cycle. you mentioned alot of what they do, they are doing wrong. What have you seen or heard players use correctly for the game? I know, I know this is for the other forum, and the Coach is not Mr. Strasser, but i find this very interesting as to do it the right way, as it is another small factor that will always be. thanx alot Coach.
You know - I am happy you asked this, matter-of-fact everyone know and then I need a wake-up call. Unfortunately this is probably where I get censored off the form. And please dont take my anger the wrong way. Yes, controlled performance enhancing drugs is a reality in sport. You know there are some great legitimate products out there - and I would love to talk about those and if anyone wants to hear, I think I can blow you up while not compromising eligibility. But, I am not going to recommend anabolics because they are all to often a short cut around dedication and commitment. I am further fed up with gutless ballplayers letting the old coach perform them. Why 'cause they dont have the balls to compete.
Look I had a player who 3 seasons ago was drafted on the first day of the NFL. A few months earlier, we trained together and I ran him into the ground puking his guts out. I picked the SOB up, dragged him into his vomit and told him to have the personal pride never to let another man do that to him. And thats simply what Drugs in sport have done - its gotten to be a damn crutch for athletes who dont deserve to walk on the same field of some true warriors. And following a bodybuilder’s program for an athlete - sure some guys like to others to think they can bring it but when the time comes they wilt under the heat. Hey I know you are asking a good and legitimate question and again dont take my rant the wrong way. Give some details and we will talk. I will also interject with non-controlled options. In faith, Coach Davies
Hey Coach…thank you very much for the response to my mail, before. I’m still searchin for you "fun " program here on the forum. If it wouldn’t be too much I’d like to hear what products can “blow you up” (assuming they aren’t illegal) Thanks coach…Mike
Mike - you know I am always looking for your updates. Unfortunately nothing beats our homemade product (that is very legal) but is way too hardcore for anyone other than us. I’ve got some new products I am very pleased with. - In faith, Coach Davies
what r some of the products u recomend.also, give us an idea of your homegrown
thank you coach davies. I agree, it has become a crutch. But it can also be that extra little boost. I am ready to take up one of the programs you’ve written up on the forum. I am thinking of playing for a semi-pro team… I missed the whole college football thing, was going to a 1aa school but they did not offer scholarships and the tuition was out of this world, even with loans, and they didn’t have the education programs i wanted, so i stayed at the larger school i was already at… i am not going to be pro, just wanna play. now that i have missed out on it i want it back. so maybe i will, just for the love of action. I believe in great conditioning. Okay, i have done a few small dabbles of cycles, not even for football, but for the girls. Now i am wanting to be a warrior again. I have always maintained a good natural foundation and was 220 and decently low bf,10%, at 6’0 before anything. even out of shape i stay around this weight and strength. I usually follow a louie simmons type program and try to keep my GPP up, probably the wrong way though. What sparked my question though, was the reading of a book. I can’t recall who wrote it, a doctor; but it was about the raiders during the 80’s. It spoke alot about the different scandals and players, in particular, alzado. I just found it interesting. And by reading your article i wondered the right way, as if everything was in order, and not being like the above mentioned. I know this is not the other side of the forum but you have insight, hell the perfect insight on what we do. I did not want to make anyone angry. thank you for your time coach.
Anthony - the homegrown is a crazy herbal tonic that my good friend, Mike and I use. It is an unbelievable thermogenic but you might question my sanity if I tell you - As far as natural supplments, I have been using BCAA’s, Glutamine and Phosphatidyl Serine extensively over the last 10+ years for recovery. No surprise, but I shovel protein in both diet and supplementation - I get my hands on a lot of buffalo and ostrich, which is a tremendous source but still utilize a lot of packaged protein. Glucosamine/MSM are standard issue. Trib supplementation has always been big with me for years. I utilize a fluid replacement and am very encouraged about Surge. I didn’t mean to sound rude about the “sauce” post - I just want more 'ball players to commit to a complete diet/supplment package along with proper training before considering that avenue. Yes - the old coach gets he T level up to. I am pleased to help
“Unfortunately nothing beats our homemade product (that is very legal) but is way too hardcore for anyone other than us. I’ve got some new products I am very pleased with.”
Come on Coach. You can’t tell us that you’ve got some good shit and then not tell us what it is! Well, I guess you can, but I really wish you wouldn’t!
coach, in 1 of hatfields books he has a chapter on herbs. are u familiar with this and what do u think of his ideas?
Toad-I am definately not mad at you or anyone else. Matter-of-fact I appreciate the question and go say - you had the guts to ask the question. I am very, very privy to this element of sport. But so many athletes, particulary young football players - use it as a crutch. Oddly enough, they need to learn dedication of diet from bodybuilders as opposed to the shortcuts. Well, I love to hear you stepping out onto the field. Savor the moments and work like there is no tomorrow. If I can help feel free to ask. In faith, Coach Davies
Coach nothing stirs up this forum like a statment regarding something too hardcore for us to try. I guarantee, you are talking to hardcore people. We do not get paid, do seek the glory but we do pour our hearts and soul into training. We juggle jobs, families and personal lives as we seek our goals. Coach we are hardcore…we define hardcore. If you are hesitant because you have doubts regarding the safety of certain nutritional supplements then I can accept that…but I can not accept that something is too hardcore for me. You are a welcome addition to this forum, I look forward to reading each and everyone of your responses.
- you sold me by basically hitting the “hardcore” thing. I will release it but email me and I will give it to you. Don’t say your not warned. This is a strange herbal tonic, that strips fat and energizes like you cant believe. In faith, Coach Davies
Coach, you’ll release this over email? I can understand why you wouldn’t want to on the boards, but is it an open call for it? I’d love to hear what you were saying, I’ve been working since I was 14 trying to take what I’ve got naturally to it’s limit, I’m not a believer in steriods unless it’s for sport, just for looks, you can do almost as well, and with much more safety on the right cocktail of supplements. I’m interested in hearing something else to add to the cocktail. Also, have you had a chance to try the biotest supps yet? Just wanted to know your opinion, I’ve had success with them, just always lookin for someway to make sure I’m going as far as I can.
My concern of releasing it over the boards is that this is the wierdest “witches” brew and want to forewarn everyone personally. I would have never believed it until I tried it and am shocked how it has shredded fat from everyone who has used it. - In faith, Coach Davies
“Unfortunately nothing beats our homemade product (that is very legal)but is way too hardcore for anyone other than us. I’ve got some new products I am very pleased with.”
Coach, it sounds like you’ve been hanging out with the Biotest guys the way you’re teasing your personal products!
Just kidding…I know we’re all very thankful for all your personal knowledge and experience you’ve been pouring out on these boards recently.
How 'bout and article on this “hot” product?
Coach this sounds like something that could be valuable to a lot of people. I can’t think of any other truly effective energizing/fat-burning supplements that work as a true tonic…(toning the system to work better over time)…who cares what the name of it is… Sure the ECA type stuff works but with their speed like properties lead to withdrawal in a lot of people. Not to mention the fact that athletes or even normal people subjected to random drug tests can’t use the ECA.