I need some advice on taking glutamine when I should take it how much I should take and should I take it with water or juice. I am 125 lbs. and Im trying to lean up but I dont want to lose my muscle. I know I’ll lose some but its tough.
Coach Davies, i would like to hear your answer to this question. please.
Are you male or female? i take a tsp after i workout…just throw it in my surge, then mix it with my Protien shake before i go to sleep. I try to use about 10 grams a day. In fact that is the only suppliment have been using for about 3 months now besides protein and Surge…and a vitamin. I think it does wonders for recovery. I am tempted to throw in a prohormone into the mix, but i am only 20 years old, so my t-levels are pretty much through the roof right now, so i don’t see a need for anything other than what i am using now. I think glutamine does wonders for recovery…
Sped, I agree with you on your recommendation pertaining to glutamine supplementation, I am 20 years old also and I do take a prohormone supplement, (Biotest Androsol) it does work.
glutamine is by far the best supplement out there it has loads of nutritional benefits as well as anabolic properties. I’ve been taking about fifteen grams daily and it makes a big difference. you won’t feel as sore. take it before bedtime as it increases free testosterone an gh levels.
Glutamine - an amazing product that I have talking to anyone who will listen to me since the early 80’s. Tremendous anabolic effect, impact on growth hormone secretion and a precursor of glutathione. But you already know its great for you. Dosages are the differences of opinion here. In my true fashion, I tend you use a sledge hammer when taping in a nail. My athletes will work to 40 + grams of Glutamine & 25 of BCAA per day. You will need to slowly ingest L-Glutamine in your diet of roughly 1/2 teaspoon every 3 hours. I have tested Surge on a group of athletes and found it effective and able to substantiate their claims. Each serving of that contains 3 grams of L-Gluatamine along with other quality ingredients. I am personally going to “bookend” my training sessions with this and another product outside of the Biotest family which is a perfect blend of Glutamine & BCAA and then further supplment with additional Glutamine. I am quite obsessive about my supplementation and you might find my compliance a challenge but I will be happy to express if you wish. In faith, Coach Davies
Im a fan of glutamine, but I try to approach its use from a different angle. Most forget that protein shakes are typically loaded with glutamine. Whey is a great source of gln and is the best source of glutathione precursors. So if you are eating a high protein diet (protein every few meals), you will be getting some good glutamine without needing to buy additional supplements. In fact, most of my athletes (anaerobic and aerobic) are on relatively high protein diets (2g-2.5g/kg) and much of that protein comes from MRPs and protein shakes. Therefore their protein and amino acid intake is very good and they get lots of glutamine from this.
In addition to this, I have them sip a very diluted carb+BCAA+glutamine beverage during training (gives about 20-40g carbs, 5g BCAA and GLN) and Surge after training (gives the amt of BCAA and GLN in the hydrolysates as well as the additional supplemental 3-5g of BCAA and GLN). In my opinion, this should be sufficient BCAA and GLN intake. BCAA and gln are not magical. They are present in foods and protein powders. Eat a high protein diet and you will get most of your needs from that. Then use small amounts of BCAA and GLN at specific targeted times in and around training and you will see pretty dramatic results.
With this said, I should clarify that I work individually with many pro and olympic athletes and also consult with a few CND olympic teams. The protocol above is what I do with them.
Oh, and BTW, Coach Davies...Your presence on the forum is impressive, the information is top notch, and your good humor and patience is applaudable. Im glad you like my baby (Surge) and that it's producing results. Funny story...I designed this stuff in particular for a group of endurance athletes (iron man triathletes) I work with who werent recovering well. They had all the training tricks down (all the way down to the oxygen tents) but their diets sucked. After cleaning up the diets and introducing Surge, they felt incredible and all improved.
Interestingly, my anaerobic guys wanted to try it and although I wasnt sure it would have as dramatic effects in them, it did! So a star was born! Right now Im trying to wrap up the scientific lab stuff on the product and within a year, the data should be published in peer reviewed journals.
Coach Davies-
I’d love to see your full supplement regimen. I assume you’re talking about GlutaCene.
What do think of ribose? Creatine? Caffeine?
I think that creatine’s alright for athletes, but ribose is much better. I’ve found it’s better for recovery than GlutaCene or any legal product.
I would think that would need caffeine to get you through those marathon sessions you prescribe. Maybe some tyrosine instead?
I know this is “warm & fuzzy” moment - but a pleasure to hear from you Coach Berardi. I’m glad I havn’t annoyed any of you, with my viewpoints. A friend recently told me I wasn’t just old, I was a fossil.- Well, I’ve figured my approaches are so old, they’re new again. Yes, I like your baby Surge. I’m not easily impressed but used some on high school athletes in the desert of Southern California recently and they found it effective. The final test was me, so I took it out to train yesterday with me. Went off the desert mtns. to see if the old coach could move some heavy stones and wheelbarrow. It was around 100degree heat and cutting the chase - I’m impressed. - You did notice I tend to overdo things, as far as stories, I used to bring in 25 kg barrels of supplements with me, when I handled the speed development of the Green Bay Packers. Funniest thing you ever saw, 6 or so of these big barrels, loaded with product and everyone dipping in with dixie cups - I am never accused of being subtle. - And again sir a pleasure, I look forward to hearing from you more. Now Tony - instead of telling you what I do for supplements, tell me what you do in training and let me show you my approach - Please understand I hammer this topic. In faith, Coach Davies
Thanks for the personal note, Coach Davies. All your detailed, patient posting makes me wonder this: when do you have time to train your athletes when you are giving all this info for free to us knuckleheads over here! Seriously, thanks!
I liked your GBPackers story. That's actually what I have my coaches do with their athletes. Since Im finishing my PhD here, I mostly do consulting with teams now. I visit several times per year...give some talks, troubleshoot, and then kick the athlete's butts for a weekend so that they know what level they need to be at when Im not around.
Anyway, I have the coaches gather the big daddy buckets of powders (actually some companies make supplements special for my teams strictly according to my specific recommendations based on their needs) and before and after practice they dip in and mix up their drinks. There is a list above the barrels with the athlete's name and how many scoops they need and all they need to do is dip in! It looks funny but I sure wish I had such a set up back in my football, rugby, or track and field days!
Well right know is my time of the year that I develop programs and get set-up for the season, in which I review performance. I’ve been on the road constantly training athletes and finally I can sit back and get down to this much needed work. Once season starts, time unfortunately becomes scarce. In faith, Coach Davies
Coach Davies- I use the Westside Barbell system with a little extra functional upper back work thrown in (i.e. using the sled in a hand-over-hand pulling manner). What supplements would you suggest?
Thanks. -Tony
Tony - give me some ideas of your goals and that would help. I use high dosages of Glutamine and BCAA’s and have been for a long-time. Now I know there will be plenty of lab rats experiments saying this and that but it works for my boys. Dont want to get off topic 'cause the old coach can ramble. I like Surge and Glutacene but would rather look at your program and give you solid advice. In faith, Coach Davies