Isolation Exercises

I’m doing CT’s HSS-100 (original) and I need help with picking isolation exercises. What are some good ones for quads, hams, back and chest?

And another question, when doing seated cable rows should you have your legs locked out or have a slight bend in the knee? Thanks

[quote]colin1168 wrote:
I’m doing CT’s HSS-100 (original) and I need help with picking isolation exercises. What are some good ones for quads, hams, back and chest?

And another question, when doing seated cable rows should you have your legs locked out or have a slight bend in the knee? Thanks[/quote]

You realize this is the 2nd post with very similar question right?

Chest Isolation (seriously?) flat bench flyes, incline flyes, Pec-Deck, cable cross-overs.

Maybe you need to find something less “complicated”.

If you need to ask those questions, I’m thinking you should be sticking to only compound exercises for a while. Add the isolaton stuff in later.

By the way, bend the knees on seated rows. You want to be able to protect your low back. I’ve seen reasons for contrary advice but let’s just keep it simple for now.

yea I know. I didn’t mean for it to happen but it double posted when I sent it.

wow, now that I read over your entire post thanks for being a dick. I guess I should have said suggestions instead of help. I’m glad that you feel so confident that you patronize people over the internet over an assumption.

[quote]colin1168 wrote:
wow, now that I read over your entire post thanks for being a dick. I guess I should have said suggestions instead of help. I’m glad that you feel so confident that you patronize people over the internet over an assumption.[/quote]


i agree with the man, you’d probably be better off sticking to compounds and less iso work at the moment.

[quote]colin1168 wrote:
wow, now that I read over your entire post thanks for being a dick. I guess I should have said suggestions instead of help. I’m glad that you feel so confident that you patronize people over the internet over an assumption.[/quote]

I know, I applogize for it coming off that way. I didn’t mean it to come off that way.

You did however ask in such a way to make me (us) think you had no idea what an isolation exercise was for those bodyparts. I didn’t patronize you, you asked the most beginner-like questions, not me. And if that moniker suits you then keep reading.

My first thoughts were “this belongs in the beginner section, not the bodybuilding section”.

And I still say that if you have to ask the questions, even the way you meant to ask them, maybe that program is too advanced for you.

If I still sound like a dick, too bad. I was willing to help. As you may have noticed there weren’t too many replies besides mine.

EDIT: Hold on a second! I just reread my first reply. Where was I such a dick? Because I wrote “seriously”?

In this thread and it’s twin-post, I helped you with several examples of isolation exercises far each bodypart you asked about. Maybe you meant “thanks” instead of “dick”. I don’t know.

I think you need to grow a thicker skin.

I do the seated Cable Rows with a slight bend in the knee. I think that makes the most sense.

Quads - Leg Press
Hamstrings - Lying Leg Curl or Romanian Deadlift
Chest - Pec Deck
Back - Straight-Arm Pulldowns, Machine Pull-overs, Lat-Pulldowns, High Rows, and Chest Supported Rows.

I agree… i didnt reply as i thought this belonged in the Beginners section… UUuhh… i still do!

Derek WAS just helping you. I find it easy to both offend and be offended online. It is the nature of text only - and “smilies” only do so much…! :wink:


alright, whatever, it doesn’t help getting mad over it. One question though, why should I stick to compounds and less iso work just because I asked what are some good isolation exercises? Are you saying that CT’s HSS-100 isn’t a good program?

[quote]colin1168 wrote:
alright, whatever, it doesn’t help getting mad over it. One question though, why should I stick to compounds and less iso work just because I asked what are some good isolation exercises? Are you saying that CT’s HSS-100 isn’t a good program?[/quote]

No, it’s cause you asked as though you had no clue. It’s pretty easy to search for iso moves without making a thread.

[quote]colin1168 wrote:
alright, whatever, it doesn’t help getting mad over it. One question though, why should I stick to compounds and less iso work just because I asked what are some good isolation exercises? Are you saying that CT’s HSS-100 isn’t a good program?[/quote]

Who’s mad, you?

I stand by what I was saying earlier. No matter how fantastic that program may or may not be, I question your ability to put it into practice without the very basic knowledge of weight training that’s all.

I may be wildly off base here but I can’t imagine anyone trying a routine that calls for a few isolation exercises and can’t come up with any on his own. To me that’s weight training 101.

There’s compound exercises like bench press and isolation exercises like flyes. Military press/dumbbell side raise. Leg Press/leg extension. Deadlift/leg curls etc.

Did you happen to skip the introductory classes?

OK, now I’m being a dick, sorry. I don’t mean it to sound like it does. But I believe CT would say the same thing I am (we are) about his own routine.

“If you have to ask, you wouldn’t understand.”

Its true Colin. If you are novice enough to not have a large enough toolbox of exercises to pick your own for ANY workout - you A/ Belong in the beginners section and B/ Probably should not be worrying about using isolative exercises as your exercise selection.
This is because isolative exercises are mainly used in bodybuilding and to finish/maintain muscular proportions and symmetry.

You will actually find that 90% of the people here use a minimum of 60% Compound exercises in their programs. For a beginner it IS best to have a compound based/only program…

Let me link you to some fantastic articles… the first 2 are basics on how to make your own, and i wish i read this 10 years ago… honest.

This third one IS a program in and of itself, and i use the template often and i will for the rest of my training life. It is that good.

Good luck.


[quote]derek wrote:
colin1168 wrote:
alright, whatever, it doesn’t help getting mad over it. One question though, why should I stick to compounds and less iso work just because I asked what are some good isolation exercises? Are you saying that CT’s HSS-100 isn’t a good program?

Who’s mad, you?

I stand by what I was saying earlier. No matter how fantastic that program may or may not be, I question your ability to put it into practice without the very basic knowledge of weight training that’s all.

I may be wildly off base here but I can’t imagine anyone trying a routine that calls for a few isolation exercises and can’t come up with any on his own. To me that’s weight training 101.

There’s compound exercises like bench press and isolation exercises like flyes. Military press/dumbbell side raise. Leg Press/leg extension. Deadlift/leg curls etc.

Did you happen to skip the introductory classes?

OK, now I’m being a dick, sorry. I don’t mean it to sound like it does. But I believe CT would say the same thing I am (we are) about his own routine.

“If you have to ask, you wouldn’t understand.”[/quote]

The reason (To the OP) Derek IS being a dick, is because you do not belong here… this is for bodybuilders and powerbuilders, competetitive or not… for serious people who are at a certain level physically or at least psychologically.

This isn’t to say you wont get help, but you will enjoy the beginners secion much more as they are happy so share what they are learning, for us to tell someone what they should be learning somewhere else or have already learnt by the time they come to this particular forum - well, it pisses people off. Hell, if i dont research my own stuff and ask a dumb question or talk out of sorts, i get told where to get off… as does everyone.

You will benefit from this link greatly…

I mean it, you will learn a hell of a lot there. THEN come here…



[quote]colin1168 wrote:
alright, whatever, it doesn’t help getting mad over it. One question though, why should I stick to compounds and less iso work just because I asked what are some good isolation exercises? Are you saying that CT’s HSS-100 isn’t a good program?[/quote]

It is a good program. But it’s also a specialization series (if memory serves me right). The only way you should be doing a specialization program would be if you are quite advanced and have a legitimate lagging body part. But, if that was the case, then you wouldn’t be asking us for isolation exercises.

If you can’t list at least 4 isolation exercises for any body part, then you are in no position to be doing specialization programs.

Get yourself on a basic program which is primarily composed of “money” exercises and revolves around progression. Leave the specialization programs for later down the road when you actually need them.

I agree I should have posted in the beginners section. I don’t like being told what to do because I asked for some isolation exercises. I know some but I wanted good ones for my workouts. austin_bicep your posts make you sound like a prick.

Thanks for not answering my question or saying anything useful:) It’s kind of funny how you guys can tell someone what they should be doing because they ask for exercise suggestions. Just because you read articles from the internet does not make you an expert on bodybuilding.

[quote]colin1168 wrote:
It’s kind of funny how you guys can tell someone what they should be doing because they ask for exercise suggestions. Just because you read articles from the internet does not make you an expert on bodybuilding.[/quote]

Dude, take a hike already. There’s no way in hell you know enough about bodybuilding to be telling anyone off on the subject.

I now have well over 20 years experience in training and even more if you consider fooling around in the basement with an old Weider set. Enough training experience to build myself from 180lbs up to 270lbs lbs. Who are you to tell me or anyone else here that all they ever learned was from reading articles.

And there are guys on here that make what I’ve done look like childs-play.

You were given advice from me and others. That fact alone pisses me off because you seem very ungrateful for having gotten the information.

You asked questions that anyone over 12 years old should know the answer to. Which is fine because we all start out somewhere God knows.

I for one started training in my friends basement when I was like 15. We got strong enough without the Internet, without the T-Nation Bodybuilding Forum and without so much as a magazine subscription to end up breaking the bench we used.

Spend some time in the Beginners Forum. It’s not a lower form of education, it’s the RIGHT place for someone who can’t pull the info you asked off the top of your head.

Your questions DO NOT belong in the BodyBuilding Forum.

“Your questions DO NOT belong in the BodyBuilding Forum.” I’m pretty sure if you actually paid attention you’d notice I already admitted I should have posted there. I don’t know why you would have to say that to me again?
Who are you to tell me I don’t know enough about bodybuilding to tell anyone off? It’s not like I asked what an isolation exercise was.
Holy shit, you gained weight so now you can tell me what to do? haha given help? Mostly I’v e been told off by dicks like you. Way to take a power trip over the internet, that’s really cool:)

OK, you called me a dick again. Anything new to add?

If you just did what we suggested we woudn’t be going back and forth and you could get on with your learning.

(And why is it that you continue to act as though I didn’t give you EXACTLY what you asked for in your original post?)

Please don’t start calling us out on lack of experience until you have some of your own, ok?

Figured I just be like you, repeating what other people have said. Ok, fine, tell me how I can move this post to the beginners form and I’ll be more than happy to do it.
Ok, but don’t think you’re some god because you’re old and lifted weights, ok?

Quads = Leg Extensions
Hams = Leg Curls (I don’t think Romanian deadlifts qualify as isolation due to the stress on the core)
Chest = Flyes
Back… I don’t think you can really isolate your back?

Beginners’ question for sure. But what I’m more interested in is… do people actually to seated cable rows with the legs locked? Wouldn’t it be easier to focus on the back if you’re not trying to make sure that your knees don’t bend at the same time?