Hss-100 Shoulder Question

Hello everyone. I feel that my next routine will be hss-100 for shoulders. I’ve read through the article and it seems awesome.

There is a problem however- Thib dictates that in addition to innovative DB exercises like the Gironda swing, we do cable and machine reps. I don’t have access to any cables, or machines. Just iron.

Anyone who’s done this routine- Do you think that if i subbed the machine and cable sets for DB ones, it’d still be sweet?

IE “Seated row to mid-pec line with elbows out”- replaced by barbell row, wide grip, with emphasis on posterior delts.

Any input will be greatly appreciated

I haven’t personally tried the routine, but if that’s all you have access to and you want to try it, go for it. Obviously cables, dumbbells, barbells, and machines all have their purpose in building a solid, well-rounded and detailed physique, but you work within your means and do what you can.

Try it out, and if it isn’t working for you like it should (which it still probably will as usual when you change things up dramatically), then you can try something else or maybe get a membership to a gym that does have cables (or guest pass to try).