I was thinking about buying “Natural Hormonal Enhancement” by Rob Faigin. Does anyone know if this contains any valuable information that would help me with fat loss and muscle gain?
I’ve read it…it’s basically I cyclical ketonic diet, only the carbs aren’t as low as a normal ketonic diet. the diet makes room for cheat foods like pizza on certain days. The book is not really targeted at bodybuilders except in a small section and the workout volume is too low for real results. overall read of the book is very intersting, but I think low carb diets are a waste of time. I think the only time carbs should be dropped in before a show so it’s a matter of opinion.
I have quite a different opinion from Dozer. This book has changed my life. There is nothing radically new in it in terms of diet, but it is so chock full of references and studies, that it is what finally convinced my that the western diet is garbage, and that I should finally try a modified Keto. I gave half assed tries at them before, but due to the negative media slant, that they were “dangerous”, and “just fad diets”, I quit long before I got any benefits. After reading Faigan’s book, I tried it, not as an attempt at quick weight loss, but as an entirely different lifestyle and approach to nutrition. Since I’ve been on his diet, I have lost 20lbs., in about six weeks. The great part of it is that as a competitive powerlifter, I have dropped an entire weight class, and only lost about 20lbs. off of my total. If I would have lost this weight thru a conventional diet, and excessive cardio, I probably would’ve gotten weak as hell. My moods and energy levels have become stable for the first time in my life. I have accomplished more in the last six weeks of grad school, than I had in the previous year. After reading this book, I plan on eating somewhat of a less rigorous, targeted keto diet for the rest of my life. Like I said, the diet isn’t revolutionary, but the delivery is so excellent, that it convinces you that what you are doing is healthy and beneficial, not just a quick fix. In a nutshell, anyone who is skeptical about ketogenic dieting, MUST READ THIS BOOK>
Good Luck,
Where did you guys get the book from. Is it available in any stores.
The book is great and I lost 18 lbs of bodyfat while packing on a good amount of muscle
That sounds great…thanks for the info…but what does the book say in a nutshell?? Eat high protein, high fat, low carb? Sat. or unsat. or EFA fat?? Anything else?
I haven’t finished the book entirely, but so far I think it’s very well written and full of a ton of great information. This book would be perfect for a newbie much like Optimum Sports Nutrition by Michael Colgan was for me when I was just getting into bodybuilding seriously. In my opinion the best parts of the book are how he sheds light on how medical doctors are so close-minded and the growing(literally) problem of obesity in westerm civilization. He also does a phenomenal job in explaining hormonal manipulation through diet.
Jack, the book is not available in stores and can be purchased on dragondoor.com