Anybody read Rob faigins book,“natural hormonal enhancement” or scoped out his website. If so has anybody tried his macronutrient cycling diet? Says its marginally superior to the “Anabolic diet.”
Read the book - good stuff, but most of it you have probably heard before. I used the plan in the book and found it really good and really easy to follow. It is basically just going on a zero carb diet for the first 7 days and then after eating a carb meal or two in the evning wvery tird and fourth day…carb load meals are basically carbs only (pasta, breads, rice, etc.) with very little protein and very little fat .
Lot of great info in this book,definitely worth the money.Don’t agree with his stance on post workout carb intake though,definitely not supported by the available research.Apart from that,a pretty good read.