Here is a nice little Die post-workout thing I made, enjoy, feel free to alter. Thanks to Dan John. I’ll be using it with OLAD.
Die Post-workout
A1) DB low trap raises on bench, 2-4x8-15
A2) Poor man�??s shoulder horn, 2-4x8-15
B1) Cable partial external rotation, 2x15-20
B2) Push-up plus with feet elevated, 2x15-20
Self myofascial release with foam roller and softball/tennis ball, full body
Dynamic stretch:
A1) Frankensteins, 3x10
A2) Traffic cop, 3x30
B1) Gate swing, 3x10
B2) Glute stretch walk, 3x8
B3) Quad stretch walk, 3x8
C1) Golfer pickup walk, 3x5
C2) Arm windmills, 3x30
C3) Scraping the barrel, 3x20 both ways
Static stretch:
Calves, hams, inner thigh, quads, glute/IT band/psoas, hip flexors, spinal erectors, lats, three delt heads, triceps/medial delt, biceps/chest, chest, forearms, traps three ways, quadratus lumborum, intra-thoracic mobility on foam roller
A1) Hip flexor stretch, YxTime
A2) Weighted glute bridge for reps 2-3x5-10, where 2-3 is Y
B1) Uni glute bridge for time, 2-4 sets
B2) Side lunges, 2-4x6-12
C1) Adductor machine, 2x8-15
C2) Abductor machine, 2x8-15
C3) Wrist roller for extensors, 1-3 sets
Nap, 15-45 min.
Choice of above, or skip