Is Push/Pull the Way to Go?

i am currently doing a push/pull split routine (mostly compound) 4 days a week. my goals are to gain strength and size.
i noticed though that my shoulders are slouching and that they def need some extra focus.

now, i am trying to decide whether or not the push/pull split is the right way to go. should i stick with the push/pull routine and just throw a few extra exercises for my shoulders (1 arm face pulls/ extrernal rotator cuff/ rear delt flys) in there? or should i do a different routine? like one day chest and shoulders and the other day legs and back.(this way i could focus more on my back and shoulders)

also, since i am trying to gain size and strength, what kind of sets/reps should i do for those exercises speficially aimed for my slouching shoulders/back?

What’s your push-pull look like?

A little extra face pulls, rear delt machine (pec dec backwards) and back bridge cleaned up my posture nicely.

Are your shoulders pulling forward with good posture? Are you able to stand up straight with your shoulders back and without pain?

Push/Pull has worked great for me. If you need to focus on something then I suggest you just change up your exercise selection.

For example, I want to focus on my triceps to increase my bench so I’m just doing close grip bench instead of my regular grip bench.

lower your pressing volume slightly and add in some more upper back work, or you could try doing some upper back work on your off days and not lowering pressing volume. That may be too much.

i can stand straight with my shoulders pulled back. it doesnt really hurt…just feels uncomfortable.

i am currently doing monday and thursday push, tuesday and friday pull.

squats or lunges
bench press
shoulder press
front raise

upright row
side raise
seated row
face or neck pulls
rear delt flys

going for 3-4 sets of 10/8/(8)/6 reps

Just wondering about that. How would you do pull for the legs? I know quad extension may concider push and leg curl concider pull. How would you pull, if you concider the squat a push?

If you’re splitting the legs push/pull do the quad dominated as push (Squat, leg press, extensions, lunge) and ham dominated as pull (deadlifts, curls, glute ham raises) Philly has that right with Squats on push day and rdl (Romanian deadlifts) on pull day.