I have been using full body workouts 3x a week for a year now and have seen very minimal results. My diet has been great for bulking, getting more than enough calories a day to create a surplus plenty of carbs and fats as well and 1.5 times my body weight in protein.
I’m starting to think that maybe full body workouts with sprints are not the best way to go when trying to put on muscle mass while not increasing fat.
So I’m considering going to a split now because that seems to be what people who actually have nice physiques use. I know that OVT is a split that is recommended a lot on this website but is it the best one out there?
Now I know that it doesn’t matter what program you are doing if you don’t have diet in check but I want to try splits and am wondering if this is a good one to do while on a bulk.
I’m 18 years old and I weigh 203lbs right now with 13% bodyfat.
But I pulled my pectorial and I’m just getting it back to normal. I did 135lbs 3x12 today and that was the most I have done and I started working it again monday.
There’s no one split or routine that’s the ‘best.’ All work to some extent, and that extent is determined by genes, diet, intensity, and all that stuff.
Think about what you really want out of lifting and your routine, and you’ll certainly find one (or one will be recommended) and then you can see how it works for you. Just keep up the good work, and you’ll get to where you wanna be.
I mean my goal is to be ripped no matter what. I want to compete in bodybuilding one day so I have to get my body fat really low. I have never been “ripped” at all though I’m a FFB.
I would love to put on as much muscle as possible and achieve a more ripped look is really my goal. I still want to be big just not as fat as I am now.
Even though there are people who would want to be able to see their upper abs but I want to be shredded is the thing.
[quote]APLASTICSPOON wrote:
I have been using full body workouts 3x a week for a year now and have seen very minimal results. My diet has been great for bulking, getting more than enough calories a day to create a surplus plenty of carbs and fats as well and 1.5 times my body weight in protein.
I’m starting to think that maybe full body workouts with sprints are not the best way to go when trying to put on muscle mass while not increasing fat.
So I’m considering going to a split now because that seems to be what people who actually have nice physiques use. I know that OVT is a split that is recommended a lot on this website but is it the best one out there?
Now I know that it doesn’t matter what program you are doing if you don’t have diet in check but I want to try splits and am wondering if this is a good one to do while on a bulk.
I’m 18 years old and I weigh 203lbs right now with 13% bodyfat.[/quote]
I’ll guess you’re 6 feet. OVT is ok, but if you wanna start split training look for Thibaudeau’s recent stuff.
What did you weigh a year ago and what was your strength looking like then? Unless you were already pretty strong, you seem to have solid numbers. [/quote]
I started box squatting to get my form right but I don’t use the box anymore because it’s fine. A year ago I weighed 175lbs, I had done weights since I was 14 but I just started doing it the right way.
[quote]MEYMZ wrote:
I have been using full body workouts 3x a week for a year now and have seen very minimal results. My diet has been great for bulking, getting more than enough calories a day to create a surplus plenty of carbs and fats as well and 1.5 times my body weight in protein.
I’m starting to think that maybe full body workouts with sprints are not the best way to go when trying to put on muscle mass while not increasing fat.
So I’m considering going to a split now because that seems to be what people who actually have nice physiques use. I know that OVT is a split that is recommended a lot on this website but is it the best one out there?
Now I know that it doesn’t matter what program you are doing if you don’t have diet in check but I want to try splits and am wondering if this is a good one to do while on a bulk.
I’m 18 years old and I weigh 203lbs right now with 13% bodyfat.
I’ll guess you’re 6 feet. OVT is ok, but if you wanna start split training look for Thibaudeau’s recent stuff.[/quote]
Anyone here thinks that the threads like “What is the best split” or “TBT or splits to build muscle” or maybe “what is the best diet and routine to get huge” should be banned from T-Nation.
No disrespect OP, OVT is just another type of training and if youve been doing TBT for a year your results will be good. Go to the gym and put effort, believe in your training, get stronger, everything is fine. Good Luck
[quote]APLASTICSPOON wrote:
Anyone got any opinions on those?[/quote]
You could try all the approaches (heavy lifting, volume and constant tension) and apply various criteria to see where you fit better, physically and psychologically. If you don’t have so much time under your belt you’ll need some months (or maybe years) to figure it out.