Is 21 Too Old to Start Lifting?

[quote]flipcollar wrote:
I probably shouldn’t keep this thread going, but…
OP’s join date is 2009. Why is he asking about starting lifting now?[/quote]

  1. While most have it on good accord that the OP could be a troll, most of us answered for those that MAY read this and actually have some doubt or question as to beginning powerlifting, especially lurkers who just show up to read or have whatever restraints about joining. 2) If he is real, which isn’t impossible, that would make him (by topic title) 18 or 19 when he joined, and at that age it could have been to read articles/forums strictly about bodybuilding or checking out T vixens or some shit and now wants to shift over to the powerlifting side, quite frankly I’m just throwing out guesses and have no clue, nor have I been around long enough to have my troll hunting instincts and skills up to par, but I definitely get where you’re coming from.

[quote]LiquidMercury wrote:

  1. Screw my honey badger image not working.
  2. I bow down to your endless supply of picture memes and claim defeat.[/quote]

Anabolic hormones peak at 25, and remain relatively stable until about 35. Isn’t science great?

wow, i sat at a desk for 4yrs got all fat then at 37 decided to try powerlifting. i guess if 21 is too old then im fucked. i better tell my 47yr old buddy that started at 42 to give it up too. :frowning:

[quote]spar4tee wrote:

[quote]daraz wrote:
Number 1 troll, you got a lot of fishies on your hook.[/quote]
pretty fishies[/quote]
Awww man, wish I was pretty :frowning:

[quote]DixiesFinest wrote:

[quote]LiquidMercury wrote:
I up your mouse with honey badger.[/quote]

you were saying?[/quote]
Hahaha Dixies Memes = BOSS

not trolling, i have been focused on mma and recently decided to switch gears a bit.

21 is never too old to do anything, except chicks under 16 in Alabama, or chicks under 18 most everywhere else.

I never thought I’d see the day when a 21yr old would ask if they were too old to start training.

Brutha, what are your goals? Are they to lift competitively, or just to get big and strong?
If it is just training, then just do Wendler’s 5,3,1. If it is to compete then I am sure you will find
lots of help related to Powerlifting specific training on this forum. While we train similarly, we train with a goal of improving our lifts to conform with our sport and it’s rules.

Good luck old man.

[quote]LiquidMercury wrote:
21 is never too old to do anything, except chicks under 16 in Alabama, or chicks under 18 most everywhere else. [/quote]

You’re welcome.

By the way I just turned 21 and I’m too old for pretty much everything.

[quote]VikingsAD28 wrote:

[quote]LiquidMercury wrote:
21 is never too old to do anything, except chicks under 16 in Alabama, or chicks under 18 most everywhere else. [/quote]

You’re welcome.

By the way I just turned 21 and I’m too old for pretty much everything.[/quote]

Hawaii and Idaho? 14? Really? At least 16 they look like jail bait, at 14 they haven’t even gotten to that status yet.

[quote]asooneyeonig wrote:
wow, i sat at a desk for 4yrs got all fat then at 37 decided to try powerlifting. i guess if 21 is too old then im fucked. i better tell my 47yr old buddy that started at 42 to give it up too. :([/quote]

true dat

[quote]roguevampire wrote:

[quote]Brotha123 wrote:
When is an average age to start building muscle? I just do not want to be behind and like i said i feel like after 21 T levels drop, metabolism slows, and msucle gains are not as good. Opinions?[/quote]

you guys call me a troll. comeon now, this is an obvious troll. [/quote]


[quote]Brotha123 wrote:
Hey guys I am 21 years old. I am just wondering if I am getting too old to start power lifting and getting big. Is my testosterone going to be strong for a while? [/quote]

I just started lifting again in 2010 (@34 years old) and I’m the strongest I’ve ever been, including high school football. And I deal with Low-T therapy on top of it. LOL

My two cents, I just started powerlifting training and found this article to be both informative and inspiring.

P.S. - Not a troll… at least not for today.