Is 21 Too Old to Start Lifting?

Hey guys I am 21 years old. I am just wondering if I am getting too old to start power lifting and getting big. Is my testosterone going to be strong for a while?

Are you serious?

Considering most top guys in powerlifting are usually in their 30’s-40’s or so, I’d say you’re fine. Don’t worry about your testosterone, worry about lifting heavy shit and eating lots of food.

I did my first powerlifting meet at 29. Entered as a novice in the 181s. I’m 42 now, 198lbs, stronger, faster, and an overall better person…just start!

Of course not!

i started at around 20… so no, you can’t.

I’ve seen 75 year old men compete in powerlifting.

I’m sorry, you were saying something about being too old?

When is an average age to start building muscle? I just do not want to be behind and like i said i feel like after 21 T levels drop, metabolism slows, and msucle gains are not as good. Opinions?

Just asking this question because i did mma for 3-4 years and i am pretty small, just want to get strong and big.

It is a fact if you get under the bar and lift and get in the kitchen and eat. You WILL get bigger and stronger.

If you cant learn and stay motivated by Jim Wendler, find a new sport.

[quote]Brotha123 wrote:
When is an average age to start building muscle? I just do not want to be behind and like i said i feel like after 21 T levels drop, metabolism slows, and msucle gains are not as good. Opinions?[/quote]

Stop over thinking shit. You seriously just had a ton of people tell you how late they started. My first meet wasn’t until I was 24. Your test isn’t likely to drop until your mid to late 30’s if not later.

Furthermore, if someone told you your test was dropping this moment, would you look at it and say “I’m not going to do this because I’m not optimal for it?” If that’s the case you’re screwed for life in all your endeavors.

The perfect time to start something, anything, is immediately. While you wait a day, your competition is out there getting faster and stronger. Just sack up and start now. If you overthink all this (which you’re doing) you’re just not going to go too far in this sport.

[quote]black_angus1 wrote:
I’ve seen 75 year old men compete in powerlifting.

I’m sorry, you were saying something about being too old?[/quote]

Last competition, there was this old guy (72 I think) could barely walk…he shuffled, looked like he needed a walker. You could tell he was a big guy in his day…over 6 feet. I thought he was just hangin around…till he shuffled out during bench and hit a bench over 300 lbs. The coolest thing I saw all meet.

That and a 10 yr old girl pull 225.

[quote]Brotha123 wrote:
When is an average age to start building muscle? I just do not want to be behind and like i said i feel like after 21 T levels drop, metabolism slows, and msucle gains are not as good. Opinions?[/quote]

you guys call me a troll. comeon now, this is an obvious troll.

You aren’t getting any younger. Just fucking start.

[quote]roguevampire wrote:

[quote]Brotha123 wrote:
When is an average age to start building muscle? I just do not want to be behind and like i said i feel like after 21 T levels drop, metabolism slows, and msucle gains are not as good. Opinions?[/quote]

you guys call me a troll. comeon now, this is an obvious troll. [/quote]

No they call you a troll in the bodybuilding forum, we could care less about you here.

Haha come on man, 21 is still a prime age to start. Just fucking do it!

There is no age too old.

Ages 50-60, testosterone starts to drop and male menopause hits. Anytime before that is a great time to start lifting in hopes of breaking world records, and anytime after that is a great time to start lifting in hopes of staying healthy and increase testosterone levels.

At age 21, you have 29 years of lifting left before you should consider changing your expectations about your effort in the gym. So start reading and powerlifting now, and in 29 years come back and we’ll let you know what to do after that. God speed.

OP stop whining. Yeah natural tests reach their highest at around 21 years old… who gives a rat’s ass? No one is ever getting “optimal gains” anyways. There are 2 many variables to control for anyone to ever be doing it perfectly.

Do this:
Quit bitching.
Lift heavy.
Eat a lot.

In a few years you’ll be big and strong and you’ll laugh that you ever posted this to begin with.


[quote]greystoke wrote:

Last competition, there was this old guy (72 I think) could barely walk…he shuffled, looked like he needed a walker. You could tell he was a big guy in his day…over 6 feet. I thought he was just hangin around…till he shuffled out during bench and hit a bench over 300 lbs. The coolest thing I saw all meet.

That and a 10 yr old girl pull 225.[/quote]

This guy benched 274, I think. My federation has pretty long pauses, too. I was pride.