3 years have past since I last set foot here. I was surprised to see my journal was still up and how much I enjoyed writing those. (It was the Vixen shot Cupid log) I could start a long list of excuses but basically life happened. I was working out on and off but definitely not with the same intensity as I used to.
A month ago I decided to give myself the gift of time well spent - time for myself and as I started thinking about my nutrition, my program and my goals I remembered how often I used to hang out here and came back to take a look. As weird as it sounds my younger self was such an inspiration to me. This one is for all those who fall off the wagon for whatever reason, brush off their egos and start from scratch-well maybe not total scratch but man I feel far from my 150 bench PR - lol.
My goal for the next few months is consistency. I will find time for the gym 3 times a week for a good solid hour. During these workouts I will consistently improve my lifting with higher reps or heavier weights. I will try to eat well, balanced and be aware of my protein intake. It may not seem like much but it’s a start, a foot in the right direction.
So far I have maintained this goal for a month without fail and I feel better already. I was going to conitnue my old log but thought better to start fresh. I’m not the same person I was. Time changes everyone. One thing I did realized though: I was missing my iron. Not the cardio, perhaps not the diets either, but the satisfaction of facing myself in the mirror and lifting because it made me happy and no one else.
and now for the moment of hurtin truth: my new numbers…
squats w 45lbs bar 3 x 12
assisted pull-up counterweight 60 lbs 3 x 10
stiff-leg dead lift 45 lbs 3 x 12
bench press w 25 lbs dumbbells 3 x 10
cardio: 20 mins of HIIT on treadmill.
Soundtrack: Greenday -Dookie for a trip down memory lane
Here’s the link to my old log as reference (back in the day we were refered to as Vixens- between you, me and the barbell I much prefer powerful women.)
Hi Dinab: I am ashamed to say an insanely bad place for lifters- Energy Cardio on Sherbrooke Ouest. Reason is I felt that location topped out all my needs for now. I wamted a gym I could walk to - hence no parking issues, no digging out my car in the winter ect. If ever someone opened a “real” gym in my area I am sure they would have a following.
Needless to say I scare the cardio bunnies. They all point me out to their trainers and say “I do mot wamt to look like that” -lol well the feelings are mutual. And where do you workout?
You could try Pro Gym in Hochelaga, I used to train there and it’s a great place. It’s not too far and they have ample parking.
I’m in the north end and I work/train at Metropolis.
that gym is awesome - it’s actually known in circles that reach Jersey and western Canada. Without naming names a bug sups owner hangs out there when he travels to Montreal. - issue is as a sups. rep he is also my customer. It may sound weird but I do not want to get all grunty and sweaty in front of the people I deal business with. What do you think?
I’d say that given a chance to train in a facility where you have access not only to good equipment but to see people train who are stronger than you out trumps having a client who might notice that you sweat when you train. Probably will respect you more, and if anything he’ll remember you. I loved training there and really I could care less who sees me sweat or squeeze into squat suit or yell out obscenities when I have to.
Hi N! I’ll look forward to hearing about your training. Love your city – I always have a fun time in Montreal. Pretty much the one place I am tempted by the bagels.
true dianab- I think I would simply have to get over the mental block of it. I’ll give it a try sometime and see how it feels. I only took a short term subscription to the gym so I can always switch over if it feels right.
[quote]kimbakimba wrote:
Pretty much the one place I am tempted by the bagels.[/quote]
hmmmm bagel… thanks for the welcome kimba, I find posting and reading the other logs inspiring myself. I even snuck in a fourth workout just for fun today. Here’s my breakdouwn:
clean and press 65lbs 10 x 1 - really one of my favourite moves. It feels so complete.
oly press 65lbs 3 x 3 - I was having more trouble cleaning then pressing so I added these to hit the shoulders.
hamstring curl 65 lbs 3 x 8
abs in captain’s chair, 15,12,10,
assisted dips counter weight 50lbs 3 x 8 - initially tried unassisted but not there yet.
decline crunches w 25lbs plate 4 x 8.
cardio: 20 minutes of moderate treadmill 5% incline 4 mph.
soundtrack: Nirvana Inutero. Realized I need to update my MP3 - I’m more into the alternative rock scene (aggressive music helps me move the weight). I’d be glad if anyone had any suggestions.
[quote]kimbakimba wrote:
nlmain wrote:
Here’s a fuzzy but awesome vid on the clean and press
obviously there is a huge difference between 65 lbs and 502 lbs…
Damn. That’s some serious shit, right there. Looks like fun![/quote]
It is fun - just make sure you find a safe spot in your gym.
BB bicep curl 40 lbs 3 x 10 - added reps
lever leg extension 60 lbs 3 x 12 - added reps ready for more weight
calf raises 95 lbs 3 x 8 (in cage, on step) - added weight
superset with over hand pull-ups (heels on floor) 3 x 12 with hold on last rep,
abs: reverse crunches on bench with 5kg medicine ball between the knees 3 x 12 with hold on last rep -these are a B@#$!
squats 95 lbs 5 x 5 - added weight
leg press 135 lbs 3 x 12 -added reps ready fore more weight
cardio: 20 mins of moderate EFX.
Soundtrack: Metallica.
Supper: Basically emptied my fridge â??lol.