IPF Ban on Metal Gear

How does everyone feel about this?
As the owner of a Metal V-type squatter, I am not pleased.

I’m pretty fucking pissed.

They increased the licensing fees, and Metal, Crain, and APT haven’t paid. I don’t know if they are refusing to pay, or just haven’t paid yet.

I squat and deadlift in Metal, and will probably be competing raw or in a different federation after June-July, whenever it is that the equipment is officially banned.

The IPF told lifters to take it up with the suppliers if they have any questions. I am extremely not pleased.

You would think they would grandfather in our existing suits or something, but this is all about money, not about whether the equipment conforms to the federation’s rules.

Fuck em both. I have a like new METAL squatter, and it is deemed useless…Im going to multy ply

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
I’m pretty fucking pissed.

They increased the licensing fees, and Metal, Crain, and APT haven’t paid. I don’t know if they are refusing to pay, or just haven’t paid yet.

I squat and deadlift in Metal, and will probably be competing raw or in a different federation after June-July, whenever it is that the equipment is officially banned.

The IPF told lifters to take it up with the suppliers if they have any questions. I am extremely not pleased.

You would think they would grandfather in our existing suits or something, but this is all about money, not about whether the equipment conforms to the federation’s rules.[/quote]

I agree on every.single.thing. in this post.
The suits go out on July 30th, I have a meet May 29th, so I’ll still be able to wear mine for that. Unfortunately, we don’t even have any other feds here, so I’ll be stuck having to get a Titan or something.

The fee is 13,000$. I don’t know what it has been in the past, but that seems like a lot.

[quote]ThirdUncle wrote:

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
I’m pretty fucking pissed.

They increased the licensing fees, and Metal, Crain, and APT haven’t paid. I don’t know if they are refusing to pay, or just haven’t paid yet.

I squat and deadlift in Metal, and will probably be competing raw or in a different federation after June-July, whenever it is that the equipment is officially banned.

The IPF told lifters to take it up with the suppliers if they have any questions. I am extremely not pleased.

You would think they would grandfather in our existing suits or something, but this is all about money, not about whether the equipment conforms to the federation’s rules.[/quote]

I agree on every.single.thing. in this post.
The suits go out on July 30th, I have a meet May 29th, so I’ll still be able to wear mine for that. Unfortunately, we don’t even have any other feds here, so I’ll be stuck having to get a Titan or something.

The fee is 13,000$. I don’t know what it has been in the past, but that seems like a lot.


Agreed on everything as well. Pure greed IMO. My stuff is all Titan (well except for my singlet), but my wife had just purchased a metal deadlift suit. That will be used for exactly 1 meet now.

The whole “take it up with the suppliers” thing just feels like IPF is trying to use its lifters to force these companies to pay the higher fees. That really rubs me the wrong way. The companies aren’t really paying increased fees imposed by the IPF - we, as consumers are. I’m sure if the companies pay the fees, they will also have to increase prices.

There is NASA, and AAU is starting up in Colorado. I really like being able to lift at the international level with the IPF, but this just feels sleazy.

I ordered a Metal V-Stance 2 days ago, I hope they let me cancel my order, I’ll get a centurion instead ) :

[quote]dianab wrote:
I ordered a Metal V-Stance 2 days ago, I hope they let me cancel my order, I’ll get a centurion instead ) :[/quote]

Just got my first use out of my metal V stance squatter. Makes me sad to think that it’ll only see one meet.

Also, I’m liking the Canadian presence in this thread

Theyre not banning gear till JULY 30th??

[quote]brauny96 wrote:
Theyre not banning gear till JULY 30th??[/quote]

Braun, it’s June 30th for the Metal and Crain products. And I think it’s Feb.8th for APT products.

OK I’M BEYOND PISSED, the article is below. this sucks azz

The IPF will remove METAL, APT and Crain products from its list of approved gear and equipment as early as next week. The federation released a statement saying that the change is due to the fact that “some manufacturers have not fulfilled their obligations”. Those obligations include a hefty fee that needs to be paid to the IPF.

In 2009, the federation reportedly doubled its yearly licensing fees to over $13,000US.

APT’s products will be barred from the IPF and its world-wide affiliates beginning on Monday, February 8. METAL’s equipment (Viking Powerlifting Rack and Viking Bench Rack) will be barred on that same day with its gear banned on June 30. Crain gear will no longer be allowed as of June 30.

IPF Secretary General Emanuel Scheiber says that complaints should be directed to the manufacturers.

I’m not happy with the IPF, APT, or Metal. As for Crain, not even sure what they sell.

All that being said, I had already ordered two new Titan squat suits after I got two huge runs in my Metal King after about 10 times in it. I can just look at the Titan Super Centurion and tell it is a hell of a lot better suit than the Metal King V-type.

[quote]mrodock wrote:
I’m not happy with the IPF, APT, or Metal. As for Crain, not even sure what they sell.

All that being said, I had already ordered two new Titan squat suits after I got two huge runs in my Metal King after about 10 times in it. I can just look at the Titan Super Centurion and tell it is a hell of a lot better suit than the Metal King V-type.[/quote]

And if the ban was for defects in the gear or the gear did not meet the specs I would just say damn and go on. But the Ban is because they didn’t meet there fee requirement thats sucks. I’m sure there is some reason for fees but come on man 13000. WTF

[quote]four60 wrote:

[quote]mrodock wrote:
I’m not happy with the IPF, APT, or Metal. As for Crain, not even sure what they sell.

All that being said, I had already ordered two new Titan squat suits after I got two huge runs in my Metal King after about 10 times in it. I can just look at the Titan Super Centurion and tell it is a hell of a lot better suit than the Metal King V-type.[/quote]

And if the ban was for defects in the gear or the gear did not meet the specs I would just say damn and go on. But the Ban is because they didn’t meet there fee requirement thats sucks. I’m sure there is some reason for fees but come on man 13000. WTF[/quote]

Yeah I agree with you on all accounts. When I saw the ban it pissed me off pretty damn good for a few hours.

When it all comes down to it, it is a big “fuck you” to lifters.

I think this was a huge boost to the raw movement, especially right after an amazing raw unity meet. Which reminds me, I have an APT singlet, I have to buy a new one of those too, how incredibly stupid.

[quote]mrodock wrote:
Which reminds me, I have an APT singlet, I have to buy a new one of those too, how incredibly stupid.[/quote]

It seems a bit inconsistent, actually. The ban on Metal and Crain only concerns “Squat Suits, Bench Shirts, Deadlift Suits and wraps” (http://www.powerlifting-ipf.com/News-Detail.63.0.html?&no_cache=1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=550&tx_ttnews[backPid]=2&cHash=4af2c80037), so that you can wear a Metal or Crain singlet, but apparently “all equipment” from APT is banz0red.

Any comment from the manufacturers?

Isn’t the IPF the same fed that doesn’t allow the use of a false grip on the bench press?

If so, fuck them… And the horse they rode in on.

[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
Any comment from the manufacturers?

Isn’t the IPF the same fed that doesn’t allow the use of a false grip on the bench press?

If so, fuck them… And the horse they rode in on.


Yep… thumbs around grip only.
Ano Turtiainen posted this on Powerliftingwatch:

[quote]Ano Samuel Turtiainen wrote:
METAL has offered money for IPF, but they are not yet able to give as written contract concerning the co-operating. Is the IPF so rich, that they do not want money for the contract or are they going to cheat??

Incidentally, it seems that singlets cannot be banned. According to the IPF rulebook: “Non Supportive W/L / Wrestling / Leotard / singlet. Subject to the specifications itemized (c), (d) and (e). The suit does not require Technical Committee approval”. The logo may need to be covered, though.

[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
Any comment from the manufacturers?

Isn’t the IPF the same fed that doesn’t allow the use of a false grip on the bench press?

If so, fuck them… And the horse they rode in on.


Ano Turtianen of Metal said they offered the IPF money, but they are unwilling to take it. I translate that as he offered the same amount of money they paid last year. Rickey Dale Crain had said back in September that he has supported the IPF for over 40 years and that they are requiring a ridiculous licensing fee and he refuses to pay it. I have not read anything from APT to date.

Yep, that’s the organization alright, haha.

edit: just noticed that aut-x-rs included a quotation.

[quote]aut-x-rs wrote:

Incidentally, it seems that singlets cannot be banned. According to the IPF rulebook: “Non Supportive W/L / Wrestling / Leotard / singlet. Subject to the specifications itemized (c), (d) and (e). The suit does not require Technical Committee approval”. The logo may need to be covered, though.[/quote]

If I had done some research I could have saved myself $40, oh well. Now I have a singlet for lifting and a singlet for school. Now I need one for special occasions . . . I’ll just use my Metal king squat suit, perfect.