Internal Shoulder Rotation/Vertical Pulling

ok so im fairly sure my humerus is internally rotated, i can feel my shoulders have rolled forward quite a bit. obviously i need to prioritise working my external rotators through rows, rows and more rows to really bring up my upper back and go easy on pressing movements.

my question is in referece to vertical pulling. ive read through a lot of forums with people in the very same situation and the response has been to work your back harder with chins, rows, deadlifts etc.

however surely vertical pulls will strengthen your lats, making you even more internally rotated? for me personally chins, pullups and pulldowns all give me shoulder pain currently (benching actually doesn’t strangely).
so should vertical pulls be used in this situation? if so how much? or should you limit yourself to horizontal pulling.

Thankyou in advance to any replies

Rather than answer your question, I’m going to question your initial assumption. What makes you think that your humerus is internally rotated. Have you considered that it’s not weak external rotators, but instead you’re suffering from scapular protraction?

Do this: sit up straight, shoulders back (but not exagerated), and shoulders in a neutral position. Keeping this relationship, roll your shoulders forward. You now have what appears to be internal rotation, but instead is scapular protraction. In which case, it’s scapular stability you need to work on.

Hope this helps.

Dr. Pangloss, what do you recommend for scapular stability…I do things like the LYTP (new improved YTWL drill) I’ll also get in a pushup position and lift one hand and one leg…not sure if this promotes scapula stability but I think it helps to fire the scapula if it isn’t firing properly. Thoughts?


[quote]rasturai wrote:
Dr. Pangloss, what do you recommend for scapular stability…I do things like the LYTP (new improved YTWL drill) I’ll also get in a pushup position and lift one hand and one leg…not sure if this promotes scapula stability but I think it helps to fire the scapula if it isn’t firing properly. Thoughts?


I just found out that I’m experiencing this on my right shoulder/scapula from my chiro/ARTist…he suggested supermans and agreed with me if I asked him if face pulls would also help. I’m going to start incorporating the supermans into my warmups on upperbody days and adding face pulls as my assistance exercise on one of those days.