Inseason Training

He everyone!

I’m playing basketball, season started 2 weeks ago, and I’m trying to improve my vertical.

Our team pratices three times a week and we have one game on Saturday or Sunday.

I thought of a schedule looking like this:

MON - Lower Body 1
TUS - Practice
WED - Practice
THU - Lower Body 2
FRI - Practice
SAT - Game
SUN - Off

The routine for lower body days would look as following:

Lower 1:

Jump rope 3x1min
Drop Jumps 3x4
Jumps for heigth 3x5
Squats 4x4
Glute Ham Raise 3x8
King DL 2x10
Standing Calv Raises 2x12

Lower 2:

Jump Rope 3x1min
Side to side box jumps 3x6
On Box Jumps 3x4
Deadlift 4x4
Reverse Hyperextension 3x8
1-leg squat 2x10

I know it looks like quite a lot for inseason, but I would like to try if I can handle that volume.

My current stats:
Age: 21
Weight: 205 lbs
Height: 6â??3
Standing Reach: 8â??2
Standing Vert: about 22 inch
2 feet take off: about 25 inch
1 feet take off: about 24 inch
1RM Squat: about 310 lbs
1RM Deadlift: maybe around 330 lbs

What do you think? Any tips/advice?

Thank you!

How bout adding upper body in both of those days. One on maximal strength and the second on rep method.

I would try something more like

Power Clean: Hitting weights around 90% for singles for 3-5 sets
Hang Snatch:3 sets of 3
Jerk:3 sets of 5

Front Squat: 4 sets of 5
RDLs: 3 sets of 8
Calve Presses: 3 sets of 12

Work on your stamina and other aspects when ever you feel best but not on weight lifting days or atleast not before it.

[quote]im_the_truth_ wrote:
I would try something more like

Power Clean: Hitting weights around 90% for singles for 3-5 sets
Hang Snatch:3 sets of 3
Jerk:3 sets of 5

Front Squat: 4 sets of 5
RDLs: 3 sets of 8
Calve Presses: 3 sets of 12

Work on your stamina and other aspects when ever you feel best but not on weight lifting days or atleast not before it. [/quote]

My problem is that I’m not familiar with olympic lifting and right now I wanna get some results. I’m going to learn them one day but not at the moment.

Considering this what would you reccomend? would you change the order of the exercises doing strength exercises first?

Thanks for your reply!

[quote]motherofpearl wrote:
How bout adding upper body in both of those days. One on maximal strength and the second on rep method.[/quote]

I’m going to do two upper body workouts on practice’s days in the morning!

Upper 1:
Bench Press 4x4

Bent-over rows 4x4

Incline Dumbell Press 2x6

Neutral Rows 2x6

Dips 3x10
Renegade Rows 2x10

Upper 2:

Standing Military Press 4x4

Pull ups weigthed 4x4

Pull ups neutral 2xamrp

Seated DB Shoulder Press 2x6

Biceps Cable Curls 2x10

Thanks for your reply!

Hey guys!

One questions: Would you incorperated plyometrics before or after the strength work??

I would check out DeFranco’s In Season template. It’s only twice a week like you’re looking for, and you can tailor it more towards your goals but it is definitely a solid template to follow. I’m using it right now in my rugby season and it has helped me to maintain (as much as possible at least). I wouldn’t expect to improve a whole lot while you’re in-season but I think this template will help you as much as any other program to stay at peak performance.

before helps nervous system and you never wanna do ployometrics tired.

[quote]missinglink wrote:

I would check out DeFranco’s In Season template. It’s only twice a week like you’re looking for, and you can tailor it more towards your goals but it is definitely a solid template to follow. I’m using it right now in my rugby season and it has helped me to maintain (as much as possible at least). I wouldn’t expect to improve a whole lot while you’re in-season but I think this template will help you as much as any other program to stay at peak performance.[/quote]

agreed. You’re in season, so you need to keep intensity high enough, and volume low enough. Gains will be tough, but possible. Good Luck!