Why not use one of the in-season training templates that Joe DeFranco has provided in WS4SB3 or in some of his Q&A’s?
He specifically addressed in-season basketball training in one of his Q&A’s on his web site a while back. I don’t remember what date it’s posted, but you could easily skim through all of them and find a few of them.
Here are two in-seaons plans he has posted before:
In-Season Workout 1
Day 1 - Day after a game
A. Barbell Squats 2 sets of 8-10
B. Flat Dumbell Bench Press 2 sets of 8-10
C. Chin-ups 2 sets of max reps
D. Standing lateral raises 2 sets of 8-10
E. Dumbell Curls 2 sets of 8-10
F. Swiss ball crunches 2 sets of 25
*After you warm-up, this workout shouldn’t take you longer than 35 min.
You would perform your “explosive” lift(s) during the second workout of the week. This is the day you can also work on your “weak links” (usually upper back/external rotators). Here’s a sample workout for Tuesday or Wednesday:
Day 2 - Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday
A. Hang Cleans 3 sets of 3
A. Box Squats with chains (50-60% of 1RM) 6 sets of 2
B. Reverse Hyperextensions 2 sets of 10
C. Bent-over Dumbell Rows 2 sets of 8 each arm
D. Cable external rotation 2 sets of 12 each arm
E. Abs (choice)
In-Season Workout 2
The best way to go about this is to lift the day after the game and then again mid-week. The day after the game I would focus mostly on muscle mass maintenance. Warm-up and then perform 2-3 work sets of 6-15 reps, using a controlled tempo, for all of the major muscle groups of the upper body. Then, I would do some light running/jogging. This workout will help you recover from your game as well as prevent muscle mass loss.
Day 1
A. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press, palms in 2-3 sets of 6-12 reps
B. Chin-ups or Lat Pulldowns 2-3 sets of 6-15 reps
C. Standing dumbbell shrugs 2 sets of 10-15 reps
D. Rope pushdowns 2 sets of 10-15 reps
E. Standing hammer curls 2 sets of 10-15 reps
F. Seated external rotation, elbow on knee 2 sets of 15 reps
G. Ground-based abdominal circuit
H. 6-8 40-yard striders (easy tempo)
*After you warm-up, this workout shouldn’t take you longer than 55 min.
You would perform your “explosive” lift(s) during the second workout of the week. This is the day you can also work on your “weak links” (usually upper back, lower back, external rotators). Here’s a sample workout:
Day 2
A. Box Squats (straight weight or weight + chains) 6 sets of 2 reps using 50% of 1RM
B. Reverse Hyperextensions 2 sets of 10-15 reps
C. Dynamic bench press (straight weight) 6 sets of 3 reps using 50% of 1RM (You can perform 2-3 heavy singles after your speed sets every 3 weeks.)
D. Cable or dumbbell external rotation, elbow at side 2 sets of 15 reps each arm
E. Abs (choice)