Injection Site Questions

I’ve tried to locate where this has already been addressed, to no avail…

In the cycle that Furious George recommends in the “Steroid Newby Cycle Planning” thread, Test Enth is injected every 3rd day. A few questions about these injections:

  1. How often should the injection sight be altered?
  2. How much time between injection and training is advisable… is there too long of a window or too short??
  3. Is there a period after the injection during which it is not advised to train the muscles at the injection sight?
  1. Every 7 days (i.e. if you shoot left delt on a Monday don’t hit it again until next Monday)

  2. Depends where you inject and what you are training. Shoot delts on a leg day, quads or glutes on an upper body day.

  3. IMO 24 hours is a sensible time frame.

In the past i used quads and delts. I started at the glutes but then heard stories of people hitting the sciatic nerve and passing out due to pain. I too rotated sites every week. If i hit left quad on a monday, that wouldn’t get touched again until about sunday or monday.

Has anyone ever hit the sciatic nerve with a pin?

regarding #3

You can exercise just about anytime the day after if it isn’t sore. I would think soreness would be the main limiting factor.

My first experience with shooting calves wasn’t fun…I would not recommend that one. lol


I’ve found preworkout is always preferable as I’m always tighter and less relaxed postworkout. I’m only referring to lower body injection sites though.

Also make sure stick to upper-outer quadrant of the glutes to avoid that nerve completely.

I have in the past shot into a muscle group and trained it straight after.

As for rotations, i might choose:

Left Delt, Right Delt
Left Bicep, Right Bicep
Left Lat, Right Lat
Left Ventroglute, Ventroglute
Left Quad, Right Quad

One could add in Left and Right Trapezius and also Standard Glute shots or even Calves for a 14 day rotation giving each part a 2 week break… or allowing a week break during bi-daily injections.



[quote]Dirty Gerdy wrote:
My first experience with shooting calves wasn’t fun…I would not recommend that one. lol


X2 - I did it once, never again. There are far too many nerve endings and blood vessels there and it was extremely uncomfortable.

It’s the only site I’ve ever pulled blood from when aspirating. Not a fun spot at all.

Renton: I pulled blood from my quad once. I was like ‘heeeeyyyy, thats not right’ no worries tho. lol

BBB: [quote]And the one time I injected pecs, I was trying to change a lightbulb and they both cramped up simultaneously! Funny, but not at the time, let me tell you ;)[/quote]

Well if you weren’t such the multitasker and just injected and THEN changed the light bulb maybe that wouldn’t have happened :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol jk LOL!


I enjoy shooting in my delts and tri’s. I found it easier to do Tri’s on the same day of injection, b/c they’re usually sore the next day or 2, never the same day injection for me.

I enjoy shooting in my delts and tri’s. I found it easier to do Tri’s on the same day of injection, b/c they’re usually sore the next day or 2, never the same day injection for me.

So 24 hours after injecting it is good too train injection site, am i right?
Is this even if it is still sore? (feel’s like it’s corked)

[quote]spyder720 wrote:
In the past i used quads and delts. I started at the glutes but then heard stories of people hitting the sciatic nerve and passing out due to pain. I too rotated sites every week. If i hit left quad on a monday, that wouldn’t get touched again until about sunday or monday.

Has anyone ever hit the sciatic nerve with a pin?[/quote]

I have never hit one while pinning, but I have had one in my mouth nearly severed by a dipshit Dentist a few years ago, I nearly jumped out of the chair, and I actually called her a few choice names, one of the worst surges of pain I have ever felt in my life (this from a guy who took a .40 cal in the shin.)

I lost the ability to taste for almost 5 months, right about the time I was looking into an attorney, it started to slowly return. I settled with her out of court, (it involved more than just the ill-placed shot.)

So in other words… Do your site research, and avoid nerves at ALL cost!!!

i have injected either in or too near a nerve in the leg, it was the most crippling experience for about a week

i have never had a bad experience with l and R ventro or glute.

i might add that any new injection site might respond differently for the first time!

“almost” anytime i have tried a new site the first was the most painful

[quote]mbk wrote:
So 24 hours after injecting it is good too train injection site, am i right?
Is this even if it is still sore? (feel’s like it’s corked)[/quote]

Yea you’re not going to do any damage, just depends how sore you are if you want to train that body part being sore. Like I said I like working out whatever muscle I inject in that same day so I don’t have to worry about any soreness and my training w/ that muscle is completed.