Darkness Falls Officially

Well that’s it. I just finished my first injection of test prop. it’s a few days before the official start of my cycle, I injected to assess pain and soreness. We’ll see what happens in that area til monday.

I’m glad I did an injection now. I did everything wrong :P. I never really thought I’d be nervous, and I didn’t realize how nervous I actually was until it was over and I got lightheaded and had to lay down for a second. Sheesh.

I’m a wuss. I got reaaal sweaty about 5 seconds after I removed the pin. I forgot to aspirate of all things! And I may have drawn too much into the syringe, since the amps say 2.3 mL and I only got 2 syringes filled (one’s being stored for tomorrow, in a closed tupperware container–pin is capped of course).

Should have gotten 3 filled since I’m only doing .75 mL each time.

At least I remembered to swab the injection site before hand :). And I’m still here, so I didn’t hit a vein…in my ass.

So anyway, that’s that. We’ll see how bad the BA is tomorrow–tonight it doesn’t seem too bad, noticeable but not bad, but my glutes are already sore from my good morning/lunge/pull-through combo yesterday. And if the games aren’t rained out, I’ll have 8 hours of umpiring to do tomorrow…

Question–1) something I never really thought of til afterwards–what posture do you guys have when you’re injecting? I stood, and felt awkward. Dumb question, but it just occurred to me now, so I may as well ask it. I know you want the muscles to be relaxed so…

  1. ways to reduce injection pain due to BA , AND, ways to reduce soreness from the BA? does mobilization of the muscle work for or against reducing soreness?

I guess we’ll find out if I can inject daily–I never really figured it’d be a big problem, but now I’m rethinking. I guess I’ll find out.

Thanks for all you guys’ advice leading up to today. Appreciate it.

Hey, good job. That’s a milestone, your first injection. Congrats!

  1. I stand for ventroglute. I think you almost have to for any glute shot you’re giving yourself. No worries there, but yes, you do want a relaxed muscle.

  2. You can cut it with cottonseed oil, or some other USP oil if there’s too much BA. Just add the oil, and filter into a sterile vial, very easy to do.

You are at a slight disadvantage, though, trying to judge whether there’s too much BA. The prop is known to hurt to begin with, AND, your muscles have to get used to dissipating the oil, which in and of itself will be uncomfortable. I’ve never used prop, but I thought if it’s going to hurt, it’s during the injection itself. If you’ve survived that with minimal pain, the BA content is probably okay. Now you just have to look forward to your glutes being sore for several days as they get used to your self medication. In my case,the ventroglutes caused very little discomfort; my quads were another story, though. Only their first shots each, though.

Also, I meant to mention, the PM was only a suggestion at a way to possibly save a few bucks.

prop hurts when it starts to dissapaite.
the injection itself is fine
youll notice soreness in the muscle,and the more you use the worse it gets.

god job though
no needt o be nervous next time.
after a few times youll act like your throwing lawn darts.

Welcome aboard Aragorn.

I have given myself seated glute and VG shots as well as standing. You kinda try both and find whats works for you.
Also site pain can be lessened by rubbing or working the area afterwards.

Don’t sweat the nerves before you first time. Rainjack has a post somewhere in here where he talks about his nerves before the first one and how it took him something like 45 minutes before he let his wife poke him. Everyone gets nervous the first time. Last year I even gave out my cell phone number to a guy who was so nervous I had to talk him threw it one the phone.[This is something I no longer do though so no PM’s from anyone regarding my cell # please and thank you :)]

Congrats and welcome. You are lucky you didn’t get nervous and lightheaded while giving the injection. I’ve heard some horror stories of guys actually passing out during the shot.

I think you are going to have one hell of a good time. You are already an advanced and knowledgable lifter. The addition of this powerful combo will push you to levels you have only dreamed of. It will bo something to behold.


Thanks everyone. I’m looking forward to see what I can do.

I still can’t believe I was that nervous. Didn’t even realize it til I was through.

So one more question, does injection time make any difference in sleep quality?

I don’t think it would at all, since after a few days you reach a steady state level with the AAS in the blood. I know most people have a morning ritual, I’m probably going to pin at night though–my heavy sessions are in the morning, figured I’d ask anyway. Specifically thinking of Tren here.

Ok, my ass is sore. Not terrible, but definitely very noticeable. I can see how that would preclude leg training. I think I’m going to try to find the VG site tonight.

EDIT—Forgot to ask, for those who shoot shoulders, does the delt shot interfere at all with getting your back and shoulders tight for back or front squatting? Ie. if I do a delt shot the night before my morning leg session.

Shooting at night may add to soreness. I think just by virtue of staying mobile after injecting you’ll help alleviate some soreness.

Again, not having injected prop (just enanthate) before, after a short period, I could train legs without any problems, once the site was used to injections. I injected quads 95% of the time, as it was.

Oh, and here’s a quick link to locating the VG site:



I personally prefer quad shots. I just like to clearly see what I’m doing.

however you chose to stand before inserting the pin is not as important as holding that position until you remove it!

[quote]Max Hardcore wrote:
I personally prefer quad shots. I just like to clearly see what I’m doing.[/quote]

thats my love with the vg i can see it and use two hands the one handed ass shot makes me feel like im going to break it off every time.

how would i post that thread?..i broke it off in the arse

i got my cherry popped with the quad and all, but it damn near crippled me once

So how often can you pin the VG site? I ‘think I know’ that 1x a week is preferable for most sites, or at the most not more that 2x a week. Is that correct? Can you pin VG more often?

haha…the first one was pretty rough for me as well. It took me a pretty long time to get that friggin needle in my ass. I was shaking like crazy I was so nervous I was gonna fuck it up but once it was in and i’d injected the oil I realized there really isn’t much to it and the next one was fine.

best of luck with your cycle. i have a feeling you are going to be very happy with the results.

Thanks furious, so do i. The first injection still hurts like hell though. Molten hot lead indeed. I cut it with sterile oil for the second one, that’s not near as bad right now. looks like I’ll be needing painkillers for leg day tomorrow :). Still nervous about finding the VG site, but oh well.

[quote]hangiron wrote:
Max Hardcore wrote:
I personally prefer quad shots. I just like to clearly see what I’m doing.

thats my love with the vg i can see it and use two hands the one handed ass shot makes me feel like im going to break it off every time.

how would i post that thread?..i broke it off in the arse

i got my cherry popped with the quad and all, but it damn near crippled me once

my quads lol
I will never touch my quads again
used to love then I would sit on the crapper and stick it in my leg and in the shower after.

one night I hit my leg and I go slow I ease the pin in the muscle I do not rush anything.its a little like butt sex I touch and easy in ya go.

but I had it in there and that last 1/16th of a ninch or so I felt this shock go up my leg and into my head.
it was like I got hit by lightning
I yelled and just let go of the pin and held very still untill I wasnt twitching anymore.

put it out,changed the pin hit my delt and said no more quads.


Hey Nich, what size pin were you using bro? And what specific location on your quad were you at?

You do have to be careful, and they can make for a nasty leg/stretching day, but they rock as far as holding the pin steady and seeing wtf is going on imo, lol.

I just used to go just lateral of an imaginary centerline straight down the middle of the anterior part of the quad. Too far over either way of that centerline can be problematic for some guys.

You can’t argue the fact of having full on vision of wtf is going on, and steadying the pin superbly though with them imho. I will admit that if using prop or phenylprop they can really make for a tough day of legs and stretching afterwards though, lol!

Glad you made it through Aragorn!

You’re on your way brother.

Best guys,


[quote]InTheZone wrote:

Hey Nich, what size pin were you using bro? And what specific location on your quad were you at?

You do have to be careful, and they can make for a nasty leg/stretching day, but they rock as far as holding the pin steady and seeing wtf is going on imo, lol.

I just used to go just lateral of an imaginary centerline straight down the middle of the anterior part of the quad. Too far over either way of that centerline can be problematic for some guys.

You can’t argue the fact of having full on vision of wtf is going on, and steadying the pin superbly though with them imho. I will admit that if using prop or phenylprop they can really make for a tough day of legs and stretching afterwards though, lol!

Glad you made it through Aragorn!

You’re on your way brother.

Best guys,



ok ready for my mad MS Paint skilzzzzz
I put it in right about here every time and I use a 20g pin for ED injects.
visable from the top and about half way down in the biggest part of my outer quad.

I never had a problem with soeness or anything like that from Prop in my legs but i do work them alot so that may be a factor.

just that one time i hit the nerve scared the crap out of me.