Hey guys, starting my first inject cycle this week with T500.
I’ve got 23g x 1.5 pins, and I will be drawing from vials.
Problem: I have a phobia of needles. Saw a buddy of mine get shot with sust a few weeks ago, and I hit the floor, out. Kinda embarassing, but I figure some people on here might have overcome similar problems.
I was planning on injecting myself in the arse, but I don’t think I will be able to control the syringe going in and drawing back, and injecting… little complicated for first shot.
I would have a buddy of mine inject in my glute for me, but as far as trust goes I’d almost rather do it myself to ensure everything is done properly.
I think I can inject myself in my quad… I’ve read up on it and it says to shoot in the outside part of the muscle, about halfway up.
I’m fairly confident in my overall injection knowledge…summarized here…
Sterilize top of vial
Draw 1cc air into syringe, inject into vial, withdraw 1 cc test
sterilize skin with alcohol pad
push needle into skin, into muscle, but leaving some needle out incase it breaks off
pull on plunger slightly to check for bubbles/no blood
slowly inject oil
leave in for 20-30 seconds, and as i draw the syringe back out, rotate it to help keep oil in.
press alcohol pad on spot, and massage it for 2 minutes.
Any tips/tricks to injecting in the quad? Are there any spots to avoid for nerves/veins?
Injection in the glutes is a peice of cake! Its like butter. Also, you may want to shower before injection. It helps clean the injection site and it helps to calm you down a bit if you are nervous. Good luck on your cycle!
i have a similar phobia but since i had started to pin myself i realized that the phobia only exists ( and still does lol) when someone else is pinning me. for example bloodwork or a doc shot. i realize it dosent hurt, its more of the idea of it.
A word of advice, my first 2 cycles i pinned quads and after pinning exclusively in my gluts for my third cycle i will not pin anywhere else if i can help it. just because it is so much more comfortable, not to mention they can take a lot more gear a pop then outer quads. But i hear what your saying, i felt more control at first doing it in the quads, i would just suggest pinning in the glutes.
I never heard of someone passing out. You barely feel it, man. I could pinch you real hard and it would cause more pain then a new 23 g needle going in your rear end. Get over it. If you are going to use steroids you at least need the stomach to inject them.
Don’t over-think it. You have the technique down. Just be casual about it and that will help with the nervousness. I have a feeling that you’ll be posting back up in a couple weeks saying that this is the easiest thing in the world…LOL.
I’m supposed to pin wednesday, but I made a note in my log, the money/shipment got delayed, and it’s being delivered thursday or friday. I’m going to go with Friday.
And for joeblow… you’ve never heard of someone passing out? I didn’t even get shot and I passed out. It’s not a pain thing, it’s mental.
Thanks for the responses guys… I have a feeling too i’ll be posting about how easy it is in a coiuple weeks, haha.
I think I’m going to go for the quad because I’ll feel like I have more control.
[quote]kayveeay wrote:
I’m supposed to pin wednesday, but I made a note in my log, the money/shipment got delayed, and it’s being delivered thursday or friday. I’m going to go with Friday.
And for joeblow… you’ve never heard of someone passing out? I didn’t even get shot and I passed out. It’s not a pain thing, it’s mental.
Thanks for the responses guys… I have a feeling too i’ll be posting about how easy it is in a coiuple weeks, haha.
I think I’m going to go for the quad because I’ll feel like I have more control.[/quote]
That is what I meant, I never heard of anyone passing out either from watching or injecting. After you do it a few times you will not even think about it anymore.
[quote]kayveeay wrote:
I’m supposed to pin wednesday, but I made a note in my log, the money/shipment got delayed, and it’s being delivered thursday or friday. I’m going to go with Friday.
And for joeblow… you’ve never heard of someone passing out? I didn’t even get shot and I passed out. It’s not a pain thing, it’s mental.
Thanks for the responses guys… I have a feeling too i’ll be posting about how easy it is in a coiuple weeks, haha.
I think I’m going to go for the quad because I’ll feel like I have more control.[/quote]
The quad is good as you can see it, it is however more painful, you can feel the needle going in, and it is more vascular too so it is vital to aspirate.
When you get a little more comfortable i would suggest learning the Ventro Gluteal area.
Glute is best IMO; but if you need to ride with training wheels on your bike at first delt and and quad are very easy access. After a few pins in the delt and or quad your should have the confidence and self assurance to reach around
[quote]sapasion wrote:
Glute is best IMO; but if you need to ride with training wheels on your bike at first delt and and quad are very easy access. After a few pins in the delt and or quad your should have the confidence and self assurance to reach around ;)[/quote]
Just don’t over think it. Not the proper procedure but the amount of fear you place on the needle. I was the same way until my nurse let me administer one of my shots (not gear) and it was easier than I thought. Just getir done! God Speed on your cycle!
All it is going to take is you just doing it a few times. You just have to get over the initial phobia. After a few shots you will not even think about it anymore. They are right also, the shoulder is a good place to start.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Careful with the sites on spotinjections folks. I personally consider the thigh sites to be too lateral on most of them. Series #2 is OK but the others show injections that are too close to the ITB and could result in migration of the oil bolus towards the knee. Something that has occurred more than once on this forum.
That is GREAT advice - and the first time I’ve heard someone say that. It’s exactly what happened to me, I believe, on two different occasions. If I inject my guads too laterally - so that the needle is almost parallel to the floor as some sites show/recommend - within 6 hours my knee is aching, and comes close to getting infected (days of pain, sore to the touch, etc), but the injection site is just fine. It’s like the oil has gone directly to my knee and stayed there. Why would injecting too laterally on the thigh cause this to happen? I’ve taken to injecting closer to the anterior part of my thigh - about halfway bw knee and hip and then approx. 2 inches laterally. So far that’s worked much better. But I wish I could just inject via ventrogluteal every time!!
Personally i would opt for the glutes, especially with it being your first time. Less soreness and a broader area for injection. Don’t forget to aspirate. Good luck
[quote]littlerunt wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:
Careful with the sites on spotinjections folks. I personally consider the thigh sites to be too lateral on most of them. Series #2 is OK but the others show injections that are too close to the ITB and could result in migration of the oil bolus towards the knee. Something that has occurred more than once on this forum.
That is GREAT advice - and the first time I’ve heard someone say that. It’s exactly what happened to me, I believe, on two different occasions. If I inject my guads too laterally - so that the needle is almost parallel to the floor as some sites show/recommend - within 6 hours my knee is aching, and comes close to getting infected (days of pain, sore to the touch, etc), but the injection site is just fine. It’s like the oil has gone directly to my knee and stayed there. Why would injecting too laterally on the thigh cause this to happen? I’ve taken to injecting closer to the anterior part of my thigh - about halfway bw knee and hip and then approx. 2 inches laterally. So far that’s worked much better. But I wish I could just inject via ventrogluteal every time!![/quote]
It is simply that where you currently inject it is into a muscle, thus “INTRAmusclular” injection.
When you do it more laterally, it is in the area of a very very long tendon, that stretches from a compact muscle on your thigh called the Tensor Fascia Latae (directly under the front pockets when you wear jeans) down to the Tibia of the lower leg (the iliotibial band - it gives that fantastic line between the vastus lateralis and the Biceps femoris i believe, that you see on ripped and large BB’s).You inject through/near this into a space - probably an Intermuscular Injection (Bushy?) Which does exactly as you suspect, drains down to the knee causing problems there.
[quote]joeblow wrote:
All it is going to take is you just doing it a few times. You just have to get over the initial phobia. After a few shots you will not even think about it anymore. They are right also, the shoulder is a good place to start.[/quote]
my shoulders do not react well to injection. It was by far the most painful site for me. could not sleep at night the pain was so bad. but thats me