Increasing My Frequency

I’m getting bored with my current workout and need your help designing a new one. I’m currently doing 7x4 with the basic pulls/presses + front squat/stiff-legged deadlifts split up over three sessions a week.

I’d like to increase the frequency to four times a week, make them shorter and incorporate new moves. I’m also starting the anabolic diet at the same time. My goal is to lose bodyfat and gain muscle (whose isn’t?).

Monday 8x3:

Bench press
Chest-supported row
Machine assisted pullups
Shoulder press

Tuesday 3x8:

Back squat
Ab crunch machine
Standing calf raise

Thursday 3x8:

Incline bench
Seated row
Biceps curl
Triceps pressdown

Friday 8x3:

Front squat
Stiff-legged deadlift
Hanging leg raise
Seated calf

This is based on Big Boy Basics modified to fit my gym. Are my modifications acceptable or am I missing something?

Lower body strength is an issue for me. I only started squatting two months ago and have been progressing very slowly (doing them ATG from the start). Should I just persevere, limit them to parallel or switch one of the squats to leg press?

Any suggestions are welcome!

Looks good but I would make a DL first on one of thje leg days preferably the low rep high load day and make it priority Prob just ONE big move that day as well. I know my butt aint doing a front squat with a HIGH intensity and then the DL with same intensity. I would use the front squat as more an assistance for the DL

Other than that looks pretty basic and GOOD


[quote]Brogan wrote:
I’m getting bored with my current workout and need your help designing a new one. I’m currently doing 7x4 with the basic pulls/presses + front squat/stiff-legged deadlifts split up over three sessions a week.

I’d like to increase the frequency to four times a week, make them shorter and incorporate new moves. I’m also starting the anabolic diet at the same time. My goal is to lose bodyfat and gain muscle (whose isn’t?).

Monday 8x3:

Bench press
Chest-supported row
Machine assisted pullups
Shoulder press

Tuesday 3x8:

Back squat
Ab crunch machine
Standing calf raise

Thursday 3x8:

Incline bench
Seated row
Biceps curl
Triceps pressdown

Friday 8x3:

Front squat
Stiff-legged deadlift
Hanging leg raise
Seated calf

This is based on Big Boy Basics modified to fit my gym. Are my modifications acceptable or am I missing something?

Lower body strength is an issue for me. I only started squatting two months ago and have been progressing very slowly (doing them ATG from the start). Should I just persevere, limit them to parallel or switch one of the squats to leg press?

Any suggestions are welcome!


Forget about the machine assisted pullup and the ab crunch machine. It’s a back extension not hyperextension. Consider doing a 1-leg SLDL instead of the 2-legged one, and work in single leg and posterior chain stuff whenever possible. Might want to drop the hanging leg raises in favor of a hamstring movement. don’t forget grip work. Big boy basics is a good start though-good choice, good luck.

Machine assisted pullups are still needed because I’m not yet strong enough to do them unassisted.

I chose the ab crunch machine because Big Boy Basics calls for an ab exercise. What should I change it to?

Single leg work is something I’ve never done, and when I think about it it’s definitely something I need. What if I on friday change front squat to pistols and SLDL to single leg good mornings (not sure how to do 1-leg SLDL)?

Im also thinking about changing the back squat on tuesday to leg presses until I get my strength up to par. As it stands my front squat 5RM is barely 100lbs. Something just seems to give (glute/hamstring?) when I go past parallel.

[quote]Brogan wrote:
Machine assisted pullups are still needed because I’m not yet strong enough to do them unassisted.

I chose the ab crunch machine because Big Boy Basics calls for an ab exercise. What should I change it to?

Single leg work is something I’ve never done, and when I think about it it’s definitely something I need. What if I on friday change front squat to pistols and SLDL to single leg good mornings (not sure how to do 1-leg SLDL)?

Im also thinking about changing the back squat on tuesday to leg presses until I get my strength up to par. As it stands my front squat 5RM is barely 100lbs. Something just seems to give (glute/hamstring?) when I go past parallel.


Can you do one chin-up? If not, get a band and do band-assisted chins. As for ab exercises, don’t bother with much flexion (crunches)-go for side bridges or 1 arm db overhead squats, or cable woodchops. Good thinking on the friday-change the back squat on tuesday to a front squat, and make friday a single leg/post. chain day.

Read Mike Boyles website-specifically the article called “New thoughts on single-leg training.” Do not leg press-your strength will go up just be patient and make sure you’re using good form. You’re probably lacking in flexbility-do a dynamic flexibility warmup, stretch those hip flexors and pecs etc.