Incline DB bench

Hey everyone.

I have a question and I’d appreciate any response. Well, when I’m doing heavy 30 deg incline DB bench presses, I’m having trouble getting the weight up over my shoulders for the 1st rep. The other day I was doing 5x5 with 75 lbs DBs and I was okay for the 1st and 2nd set and the 3rd was a struggle. After that I couldn’t get them over my shoulders and I had to ask someone for a spot.

So my question is is this normal or does that signify any weak areas like maybe weak triceps or shoulders. I mean once I get the weights over my shoulders I don’t have a problem finishing the set, it’s just that 1st rep that’s killing me.

Maybe that first rep is full ROM and the other reps are partials. Are you coming down all the way on the remaining reps?


It’s because the first rep likely has a much larger range of motion than the rest of the set. You’re starting very far in the hole for that first rep. Not only is it not unusual to have a spotter start you off, I would recommend doing it so you don’t waste a lot of your energy on trying to do it yourself.

That can be a problem. You might try cleaning them to your shoulders before sitting down. The best solution would be to get some “power hooks” which clip on to the DB handles and then you can hang them from a bar in a rack or on a smith machine bar. That way you can hang them from the right height and “unrack” them like you would a barbell. Do a search online, I think the run 40-60 bucks.

How do you get them up? I find that it’s easiest to sit down and set the dumbells on end on my thighs (so that the dumbells are vertical). Then I use my thighs to pop them up into place. It takes a little practice, but is the easiest way to do it in my opinion.

well the first rep is starting from a dead stop so oviously it will be harder

[quote]Hatari Samaki wrote:
How do you get them up? I find that it’s easiest to sit down and set the dumbells on end on my thighs (so that the dumbells are vertical). Then I use my thighs to pop them up into place. It takes a little practice, but is the easist way to do it in my opinion.[/quote]


– edit –

I over analyzed

but like others said. You are starting in the hole, so the first rep is harder. In matter of fat I am doing CT’s Super Hero routine and today was Bi’s and 5x5 of High Incline DB Press. Nothing like trying to get the DBs in position after killing your Bis and forearms…

[quote]Hatari Samaki wrote:
How do you get them up? I find that it’s easiest to sit down and set the dumbells on end on my thighs (so that the dumbells are vertical). Then I use my thighs to pop them up into place. It takes a little practice, but is the easist way to do it in my opinion.[/quote]

Here’s a video of the way 99.9% of people get into position. You must be that .01%. How do you prop the DB’S up? And of course the first rep is the toughest because momentum has not occurred to help. Same reason starting squats from the bottom position are much more taxing than unracking and squatting.

So I guess it is normal. Someone at my work mentioned that I might be weak with my arms and recommended I should do isolation arm works which I don’t really incorporate much in my workout.

I usually go down just short of the shoulders on the remaining reps. I guess I will have to rely on a spotter, it’s just that there’s rarely anyone doing weights at the time I workout. I guess I can just finish it off with BBs instead.

And Hatari, that’s my setup, I put them on my thighs and try to kick them up hard and fast with the knees, but on those last sets I get stuck right at the shoulders. And it does feel like wasted effort to get them over.

Well awesome thanks again.