In Season Wrestling Weight Training

Monday -

Warm Up :

Joe Defrancos Limber 11 + 2 x 10 Underhand and Overhand Band Pull Aparts + 2 x 10 Rotator cuff Band Warm Ups.

The Workout :

3 x 5 Glute Bridge ( 3 Second Hard Contraction At the Top ) Super Set Withâ?¦
3 x 5 DeadLift ( Add 5 - 10lbs Each Week ) + One Warm Up Set

4 x 10 Standing Barbell OverHead Press ( Add 5 - 10lbs Each Week ) Super Set Withâ?¦
4 x 10 Pull Ups ( Add Weight Once You Can Complete With Perfect Form )

4 x 30 + Seconds Farmers Walk ( Use a Weight You can only Carry for 30 Seconds ) Add 5 seconds to the time each week. Once you reach 1 Minute Increase the weight and start at 30 Seconds again.

Friday -

Warm Up : Same As Before

3 x 5 Clam Shell With Band Resistance Super Set Withâ?¦
3 x 5 Each Leg DumbBell Lunge ( Add 5 - 10 Lbs Each Week ) + One Warm Up Set

4 x 10 Db Bench Press ( Add 5 - 10 Lbs Each Week ) Super Set Withâ?¦
4 x 10 Db Rows ( Add 5 - 10 Lbs Each Week

4 x 30 + Meters Farmers Walk ( Use a weight you can only carry for 30M ) Add 5 Meters each week until you can carry that weight for 60M. Increase the weight and begin back at 30M.

4 x 10 Assistance exercise ( Curl Variation, Push Up Variation or Ab Exercise )

Follow this program for 8 weeks on 1 week off for 3 cycles totalling 24 weeks on 3 weeks off.

Nice little addition here- Followed!
Good luck with your training fella.

curious about the results.

keep us posted.

Additional Information About me -

5’ 11" Tall

Free Standing Weight - 155

Competition Weight - 145

All my lifts are done with good form, no cheating, no sloppy postures, no excuses!

Progress at the end of the first three weeks -

Mondays -

Week 1 Deadlift 3 x 5 - 205lb
Week 2 Deadlift 3 x 5 - 225lb
Week 3 Deadlift 3 x 5 - 235lb

Week 1 OHP / Pull Ups - 4 x 10 45lb Barbell / Body weight ( Only could do 8 Pull ups on last set )
Week 2 OHP / Pull Ups - 4 x 10 55lb Barbell / Body weight - Completed
Week 3 OHP / Pull Ups - 4 x 10 65lb Barbell / Bodyweight - Completed

Farmers Walk

Week 1 - 80lb Kettle Bells - 4 x 30 Seconds
Week 2 - 80lb Kettle Bells - 4 x 35 Seconds
Week 3 - 80lb Kettle Bells - 4 x 40 Seconds

Fridays -

Db Lunges

Week 1 - 3 x 5 - 35lb Dbs
Week 2 - 3 x 5 - 40lb Dbs
Week 3 - 3 x 5 - 45lb Dbs

Db Bench / Db Rows

Week 1 - 4 x 10 - 35lb Dbs / 50lb Dbs
Week 2 - 4 x 10 - 40lb Dbs / 55lb Dbs
Week 3 - 4 x 10 - 45lb Dbs / 60lb Dbs ( Only got 9 rows with good form with my left arm on last set )

Farmers Walk ( Distance )

Week 1 - 80lb Kettle Bells 4 x 30M
Week 2 - 80lb Kettle Bells 4 x 35M
Week 3 - 80lb Kettle Bells 4 x 40M

Assistance Exercise

Week 1 - 4 x 10 Weighted Push Ups ( 60lbs of weight )
Week 2 - 4 x 10M Rope Climbs ( Starting from seated position, no use of legs or feet, just upper body )
Week 3 - 4 x 10 Barbell Curls - 65 Lb Barbell

Over head Press is weak due to such over use of shoulders in wrestling. However i am still making progress. My guess is ill continue to grow stronger so long as i keep my self properly nourished and rested.

Andrew, I wrestled myself (when I was your age) and my biggest advantage was explosiveness in standup that I built from power cleans. You want to be limber and fast with a strong back, I’d swap those out with dead lifts. Dead lifts are probably ok if you’re late in the season and worn down from cutting weight.

When I wrestled in college, we did a lot of buddy squats and buddy “low back” extensions. I hated them at the time, but in retrospect it makes a lot of sense to be comfortable with your own weight class on your shoulders.

My 2 cents…

[quote]Andrewcarr224 wrote:
Monday -

Warm Up :

Joe Defrancos Limber 11 + 2 x 10 Underhand and Overhand Band Pull Aparts + 2 x 10 Rotator cuff Band Warm Ups.

The Workout :

3 x 5 Glute Bridge ( 3 Second Hard Contraction At the Top ) Super Set Withâ?¦
3 x 5 DeadLift ( Add 5 - 10lbs Each Week ) + One Warm Up Set

4 x 10 Standing Barbell OverHead Press ( Add 5 - 10lbs Each Week ) Super Set Withâ?¦
4 x 10 Pull Ups ( Add Weight Once You Can Complete With Perfect Form )

4 x 30 + Seconds Farmers Walk ( Use a Weight You can only Carry for 30 Seconds ) Add 5 seconds to the time each week. Once you reach 1 Minute Increase the weight and start at 30 Seconds again.

Friday -

Warm Up : Same As Before

3 x 5 Clam Shell With Band Resistance Super Set Withâ?¦
3 x 5 Each Leg DumbBell Lunge ( Add 5 - 10 Lbs Each Week ) + One Warm Up Set

4 x 10 Db Bench Press ( Add 5 - 10 Lbs Each Week ) Super Set Withâ?¦
4 x 10 Db Rows ( Add 5 - 10 Lbs Each Week

4 x 30 + Meters Farmers Walk ( Use a weight you can only carry for 30M ) Add 5 Meters each week until you can carry that weight for 60M. Increase the weight and begin back at 30M.

4 x 10 Assistance exercise ( Curl Variation, Push Up Variation or Ab Exercise )

Follow this program for 8 weeks on 1 week off for 3 cycles totalling 24 weeks on 3 weeks off.

good luck adding 10 lbs to your OHP each week without stalling FAST. lol first post hey everyone

Week 5 and I’m still increasing, But yeah its getting pretty hard to maintain good posture. I predict ill stale out at 125.

The last thing I wanted to do during wrestling season was lift weights


For me wrestling season is all year round. I find I’m slow and weak if i don’t lift.

I see, if its working for ya keep going.