Im ready for the juice!

How many of you out there have heard a story like this before? A guy at my place of employment start the BFL program a month ago. He is over weight never worked out before but is slurping down the Plex like its gods gift! He came up to me with a Flex magazine in his hand and said pointing to a picture of Ronnie C.“I want to look like this in a year”. I thought for a second a said “look the guys you see in the magazines have 10 years of hard training”. I paused and told him that ALL those guys use roids and are up on all the new drugs and training. He said the people in the EAS ads look like that in 12 weeks but if he had to use roids to get there in 12 weeks he would! I asked him how much protein,carbs,fat he took in a day he said “I dont count that stuff!” So his next question was “what is the down side of doing steroids?” By this time I was getting a little upset! I told him to get his diet right,learn about work out programs and how muscle work. I told him BFL is ok for a new person to get started in weight training but hes not going to get Ronnies title with that work out program alone! I gave him this web site and told him to start learning! The next day he came in with this blank stare. I asked what was wrong? He said " I was up until 4:30 this morning on that site,I never thought I would need a degree in chemical engineering or biology to understand this stuff!
Like I told him, You dont but dont think for a minute that in one month of working out you will know everything and you are now ready to “do roids” to get the results that everyone else has put in countless time in training and information gathering. Do yourself a favor read,listen and ask questions but… give yourself time and leave the roids alone… with one month of training your not even close to needing or ready for somthing like that. If it were so easy…everyone would have the perfect body!

Good story. Everyone should be required by law to read the “Hierarchy” article at T-mag before going to the gym: Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION

Tell him to go ahead and start using roids in fact let him in on the secret that you have to put an airbubble the size of the hindenburg in your vein to prepare it for the roids. Population control, thin the herd, keep them from breeding… ha ahaaaha aha… Yes it is a joke so lighten up Fransis.

seriously though, people that stupid should just be taken out and shot. no wait, laughed at, kicked a few times, laughed at again, then shot

I have friends at my gym who always come up to me and say “Man I need to get some pills – I want to be huge” I don’t care about side affects or any of that shit – just get me some pills man! I’m like – I think you need to be careful with using steroids in pill form – you just need to eat man! They don’t listen though – It’s always I don’t care about side affects I just want to be huge! Then there’s a guy who is always telling me - “ man if I lived in the States I’d be fucking huge!” I say, what the hell does that mean? I guess he thinks that the adds in the back of magazines are all legit and the new supplements out that have the steroid names are all real steroids and they will make him huge! It’s an endless line of morons that believe everything they read – shit if it’s written on paper it must be true! Blow’s my fucking mind.
Oh, and there is a guy at my office who comes up to me the other day and see’s my creatine container and says, “man don’t you know that creatine makes you go bald?”
I looked at him for a couple minutes and just said – is that why I have a full head of hair?
Holy bat shit – how do people come up with this stuff!

You realize that injecting an entire dose of gear into a vein would probably kill you anyway, right? No need for an air bubble because injectable steroids are meant for IM injections, not IV.

Some people never cease to amaze me. What a dumb fuck!

To me, this is always an interesting topic.

I recently read something by one of the Pro’s (I think that it may have been a comment made by one of the Pro’s at Shawn Ray’s “Muscle Camp” that recently completed in Vegas.

Anyway…he said that WITHOUT EXCEPTION, all the top guys showed great potential at an early age NATURALLY before they began to use anabolics.

Another comment I read recently was that the greatest use, misuse and abuse of drugs was at the Amateur level, with guys whos genetic potential, diet and work ethic will never get them to the Pro Ranks.

Any thoughts?

You should print out Ron Harris’ guest Atomic Dog and make the guy read it. Then tell him that you will never ever give him any advice ever again unless he starts a nutrition log. (I find that this works occasionally…)