I'm Back! My Competitive Return to Strongman

When the world shut down for covid, I stopped lifting weights. I thought, this will be good for me. I’ll take a month or two off from the gym, let some injuries heal, and when things are better, I’ll get back at it. I ate well for awhile, kept my bodyweight up, stayed active. Eventually bought some of my own equipment. I was fine.

But a week turned into a month, into 2 months, into 6… And a year later, I found myself at the lightest bodyweight I’ve been in nearly a decade, weak as shit, and feeling horrible about myself. I lost my confidence, and I had lost my drive to do this stuff. 3 months ago, I couldn’t have definitively told you that I’d ever lift again, much less compete. That’s how bad it got for me.

Well, I got the vaccine about 6 weeks ago(not a topic I’m up for discussing), and showed up to a strongman Sunday at the gym I train at. It was tough. I was out of shape, I couldn’t press 200 lbs over my head, I don’t believe I could have deadlifted 500. For reference, I’ve pressed just under 300 and deadlifted over 600 in the past. I hated it.

But I also loved it, and I realized how much of a void there had been in my life without the gym. So, I started training hard immediately, and trying to push my bodyweight up.

3 weeks later, I decided to sign up for a show that was happening 3 weeks after that. Because I’m insane. That show was Saturday. I WON my weight class, and I won the best deadlift across classes based on wilks, for a 100 dollar cash prize. More on the deadlift below.

My first big deadlift attempt in training had been 515, which I hit about 5 weeks ago. It was absolutely a max. A couple weeks later, I failed 545. Eventually, I hit that weight for a double, I think 2 weeks after that, and failed 585. On Saturday, I hit 475, 505, 535, 555, 575 and 585, and definitely had more in me. But 585 locked up the win for me on the event.

The next event was an axle clean and press at 195 for reps, clean every rep. I went last so I knew 6 reps would win. I absolutely smoked it. 6 reps in 30 seconds, power cleaned and nearly strict pressed every rep. Walked off the platform with 30 seconds to spare. I was on fire, easily had 10+ in me.

The next event was the yoke carry. I crossed the start line for my single point, and walked off. I hate yoke, and I knew if I won the last event, the way the standings were, I’d win overall. So I said screw it, I’m gonna just win the last one.

Last event was a Hercules hold. The weight was goddamn heavy. Again, I went last. 46 seconds was the time to beat, which was really excellent. The judge kept me aware of the time to beat, so I let it go 2 seconds after. WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER.

So during the awards, I remembered they were doing a prize for best wilks on deadlift across classes, and I knew 585 at 175 bw. was pretty damn good. But one of the heavyweight men got 905, and I didn’t know his bodyweight, so I wasn’t sure how that would shake out with the formula. Turns out, mine was best.

I fucking needed this. I’m excited about lifting, and life again. I felt my swag come back to me yesterday. I felt like I came back from the dead, and I felt like I was right where I belong again. I’m not as big or as strong as I was, but I will get back there, and beyond that level. I’m ready for PRs again!



Amazing progress, glad to hear you got your fire back.

That is a bastard of a handle on the Hercules hold… Also, that’s an interesting rig. I probably would be moving out of the way of that frame that is overhead and attached to the weights as soon as I let go of the handles haha

Great post Flip and great to see you back lifting and enjoying it. Just reading this fired me up, now I cant wait to train tonight. Quality

Congratulations, @flipcollar! Do keep us updated

Great result. I know I’ve said it before but I’m glad to see you back on the forums. And I’m even happier to see you lifting and kicking ass!

Hell yeah man, excellent job.

I’m feeling good just reading about it! Welcome back to your life!

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Awesome work Flip! I’m happy for you.

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@flipcollar Congrats on the win. Please tell me your height and weight in your avi. Thank you.

Well the height is easy, haha. I’m 5’11.

Weight was probably around 195. I’ve weighed anywhere from about 190 to 205 and looked about like that.

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thank you.

Hope you don’t mind me continuing the conversation about my como over here.

Unfortunately for me, a large part of my training is going to be managing issues. Right now my knee isn’t letting me do leg press, but the trap bar deads and front squats don’t hurt so that’s what I’m going with. Although I think my strength on it isn’t going to be an issue. Though the weight is tbd, how heavy do you think I need to go on trap bar? I’d heard it’s normally about 500.

I completely missed this post when you wrote it a month ago.

I don’t remember specifically what we were talking about, but I’m assuming car deadlift based on context.

500 can be good, depending on how many reps you’re getting out of it, and if the handles are elevated. If the handles are above standard bar height, I’d do some heavier work, if possible. Car weights vary tremendously.

The deadlift is from 13" which I’d never done, but makes the lift seem really easy to me. I hit 520 for a continuous 10 (way less than the 60 second time limit) on trap bar from about 12-13" last session. How heavy is “heavier”? upper 500s?

Most of your training should probably be in the range of… something you can do in the 6-12 rep range, I’d say. Because most car deadlifts are won in that range. So that’s the sort of conditioning you should expect to have to have. But sometimes, car deadlifts are just wonky. I’ve been in a show where 1 rep won, and I’ve seen nearly 30 win.

So basically, I’m suggesting that you do a LITTLE work outside of the 6-12 rep range so that you can be somewhat prepared if either of these two extremes happens at your show. You need to know what it feels like to lift something heavy (like 3-4 rep max), and you have to figure out how to pace yourself at a lighter weight as well. So for that, I’d also add in a session or 2 of high reps in the 400’s.

You will be as strong as you are, none of this is really geared towards making you stronger, per se. I assume that’s something you already know how to do. This is more about preparing yourself for all of the possibilities that come with the sport, and this particular event. Car deadlift is one of the more difficult events to prepare for because you don’t actually get to know the weight in advance. They can give you a number that they think the lift will be equivalent to, but it’s always just a guess.


How do you pace touch and go deads? I’ve been experimenting with breathing at the top. At some point you’d have to set it down, but it’s a lot easier not to have to break it off the floor.

Because you’re working with that fixed pivot point with the car apparatus, it does make it easier to ‘rest’ at the top of the deadlift. You can kind of lean into it and lock your body in a way that requires less core stability than holding a standard deadlift. That’s what I would do, resist the temptation to set it down, you might not be able to get it again if you do.

Competed again this last weekend. This was a bizarre show for me.

I cut to 175 again for this show, because I just didn’t have enough time to really fill out for the next class up. Now that this show is over, I’m definitely putting on weight.

This contest included: Max axle deadlift, a log/axle/circus db medley, a yoke zercher/sandbag carry medley, and a hussafel stone for max distance.

So the first weird thing was finding out when I arrived for the show that no one else made weight for the 175 class. Everyone that was supposed to be in the class either dropped to novice, or up to 198, presumably because of me being there. Shit happens. A few contestants did the same thing at my last show. Nobody wants to be fighting for second place.

So, it was determined that I would just automatically get (another) nationals bid, and I won my class. lol. And I was set to just do the same weights/compete throughout the day with the 198 class.

The first event was the max axle deadlift. I ended up setting a state record on this at 535, and missed 555. The reason I missed 555 was a hamstring injury that ended up sidelining me for the rest of the day. A real bummer.

So then we get to the end of the day, and it turns out that a) I had the best deadlift of the show by Wilks (again). Setting a state record and winning the deadlift overall netted me 300 bucks for the show. So basically, I did one event, and ended up with a first place medal, a nationals invite, 300 dollars and a new Texas record. Crazy.

My leg is healing. It was a pretty scary pull, I really thought I tore it. But, it’s getting better, just a lot of pain, stiffness, immobility, etc.

Next up is my OSG qualifier, if I can heal up for that. I’ll be posting about it soon, I hope!


This is wild! Congrats man! Gonna compete at nationals at 175 or gonna grow a bit?