I searched through the various threads we have on the use of it, and noted the results were pretty good in some cases, and not so exciting with others, and am wondering why no one has been using it of late, or at least not posting of their experiences with it.
As you all have seen, I’ve been trying to figure out an assistance AAS protocol for when I begin whatever rehab is necessary for the injured delt problem I have.
Initially I was going to keep it with just the AAS for financial, GH out, but have been giving at least IGF-1 more thought of late too.
So, my belief is that it is best taken during a cycle of AAS, and my reasoning could be completely flawed, as I don’t know much about it save some research on the net etc.
Seems like most know, it is a longer term process of reaping the benefits of hyperplasia etc from it. I would think why not create some extra hypertrophy during the hyperplasia with a concurrent cycle of AAS, right?
I don’t know how long the hyperplasia takes to take place though. But I think it would be good to do as I’m thinking.
So how would you guys approach the use of it in my case?
I am not necessarily worried about using it in every muscle group bilaterally at the moment, if I can use it just in the shoulders, or more subq, for a systemic release.
It’s all in the interest of collagen synth of course.
So I don’t know if that makes sense or not. Seems there might be a better more efficient protocol or method of delivery for the collagen benefits and hyperplasia localised in the delts only. Or maybe my heads up my ass again.
Could some of my more experienced and respected friends, (Bushy, 2the, lil etc, please chime in and help me figure something out, so I can start trying to catch up with you mofos again in the quest for size and strength, lol?
I know most of my threads of late have been sub-par, as far as quality and interest, but I think this topic is overdue for another chat session.
Please feel free to discuss your take on it’s benefits etc in a general sense, if you can address my use of it for the shoulder as well please.
Thanks guys,