deep squatting 835 for reps? is that possible? i thought most people squatting even that much for a single were doing a westside-style squat.
so are you saying that you dont think Brent Mikesell who parrell squat almost 1200 pounds cant do a deeper squat with 835???..and in the off season ronnie coleman weighs more than brent and obviously has more muscle mass…i am not being a prick here but there is a huge misconception of people who have not powerlifted to those that think just because in a meet one goes to parrellel that he cant go really deep with more weight…once again i go back to my story of when Charles Poliquin claimed that no one in America could do a full olympic squat with 500 pounds…this pissed off Louie Simmons so the next max effort squat day at westside he has every member of the morning crew all 800-1000 pound parrellel squater all do a max effort session with the safety squat bar wich is much harder than a regualr bar and made them go dwo TO A 8 INCH BOX…now go find something 8 inches off the ground and squat down to it all youll see that is a full ass to the grass squat…every member in the morning crew could easily do 500 pounds and some did 700+ pounds and this was like 4 years ago and the morning crew is much stronger now…all this being scared of big weights impossibile thinking is in your mind get rid of it no matter your goals and youll get stronger…big martin
RC didn’t “gain” 40 lbs of muscle this year. He just dieted a lot better. If you compare him to two years ago, he’s not that much bigger (although in vastly better shape). [/quote]
You’re correct in that he didn’t gain 40 lbs of muscle in the last year, but you’re incredibly off if you think Ronnie doesn’t look much different than two years ago. Two years ago Ronnie was competing in the high 250s or so.
Last year Ronnie was 267 lbs four days out from the Olympia. He competed at 245 lbs and looked probably the worst he has to date. Two weeks later he competed in the GNC show (where for some ridiculous reason he lost to Gunther “I have the shape of a fire hydrant” Schlierkamp) weighing 265 lbs. Did he put on 20 lbs of muscle in two weeks? Of course not.
Ronnie was overdieted last year and was flat, flat, flat. Truth be told, he probably put on about 15-20 lbs, which is still absurd for someone already that developed.
It’s also not a matter of any new miracle drug. These guys are all playing the same game. In fact, you’d probably find heavier juicers in the audience at these shows - guys just dying to be like the elite. Part of having great bodybuilding genetics is also the ability to respond incredibly well to what drugs they do take. There are no ‘secrets’.
Oh, and in the video he does full front squats with 585 lbs and is cruising with it, until he seems to lose the bar and just drops it. Right after that he drops to 495 lbs and pumps out 12 reps in the front squat like it was nothing. Let’s also remember this was 5 weeks out from the Olympia when he’s not enjoying off-season eating and is doing two hours of cardio a day.
big martin, i would hope someone can do it. but if a 1000 lb squatter can hit 700 something, then what does it take to do over 800 for reps? i know it’s not that straightforward, but i’m just saying.
Sorry guys…I’ll let you “athletes” get back to the talking about your “sport”. I myself would have to see Coleman make those lifts in person, thats all. Didn’t mean to question the integrity of someone who uses insane amount of illegal pharmaceuticals so he can oil himself up and pose for people. Call me crazy. or call me close-minded. or call me whatever you want, I don’t really care. bye
You all are so gullible. Do you think its not really easy to fake pictures? Cmon.
Im tired of these stupid wannabe motherfuckers saying shit about powerlifters and how they squat “westside parallel” and bullshit like that. In competition you have to squat until you break parallel. Breaking parallel is when the crease in the hip goes below the top of the knee. THis could be an inch, this could be a millimeter. It doesnt matter. Its the rules of our competition. Ive squatted 705 wide and 445 with a manta ray on an 11 inch box. Im 6foot tall so that puts me really low. I would bet that with just the bar i would be able to squat close to 500 on an even lower box. IM so tired of you motherfuckers talking about shit you know nothing about. I would be willing to bet that you have never even been to a competition. If you had you would know that you can judge depth from a video. There have been squats i have seen in person that i thought were way low that looked only parallel on tape.
Ronnie coleman did not do reps in the full squat with 800 whatever lbs. Its bull shit. Do you think bill kazmeir wasnt stronger than Ronnie Coleman? He couldnt do that. Ronnie coleman is a strong bastard. But hes not god like some of you people think.
I find it odd that anyone could say that a person did or did not do something when they neither know the person nor watched them successfully or unsuccessfully do whatever is in question.
It’s certainly not impossible to gain 40 pounds of muscle in a year, I did it in my first year of training. I was in high school at the time, I went from 135 to 175. When a novice trains properly, eats a lot of food and doesn’t miss workouts, it is possible.
Obviously it’s a lot harder for an advanced athlete to make big gains, but lets not say it’s impossible for everybody, m’kay?
Geeze Goldberg…why are you so angry? I wasn’t one to talk about “squatting westside” or whatever…but…man…you sound mad…
And about making Ronnie out bigger than God…no one is doing that…besides…alot of people…and you may be one or may not…don’t even believe in God on this here website…so that point is mute!
someone just pmed me saying that the worlds strongest man wasnt sanctioned, or whatever. Kaz competed in powerlifting before strongman. He held the record in all three lifts at one time or another.
There is no doubt that ronnie coleman is a strong bastard. no doubt at all. He also mentioned that i couldnt dispute that he deadlifted 800 for two. yes he did, but and this is a big but. He used STRAPS. One of the biggest barriers to deadlifting big weights is the grip on the bar. Ive seen Garry Frank, Andy Bolton, Brent Mikesell, all drop deadlifts. These are three of the strongest men in the world. give them straps and who knows what they might lift. Its not fair to compare the two.
Johnnie O. Jackson is a pro bodybuilder who has deadlifted 840 without straps. Mind you, he used to be a powerlifter as well. I believe he is looking to compete in powerlifting this year.
I saw the pic of the supposed 885 or whatever it was. One thing struck me as really funny. Squats that heavy in a powerlifting competition always have some bar bending going on. And this is with an extra stiff, thick squat bar. I doubt ronnie coleman was using this type of bar. There was hardly any flex in the bar at all in his pic. Might it have been staged? Bodybuilding photographers have been known to do that at times.
Well if we are gonna pick one or two out we might as well pick out powerlifters and strongmen that could do well in bodybuilding. im sure there a couple of those.
I get pissed off when people insinuate that somehow a powerlifting squat isnt as impressive as a bodybuilder squat thats done in a gym that nobody sees. it makes no sense to me.
Yeah, I noticed that as well. Fake plates are used in photo shoots, no question. Usually if Chris Lund is the photographer, it’s a real lift, but it must not have been Lund. For example, last year (or maybe it was two years ago), Jean Pierre Fux was shooting with Chris Lund only a couple weeks out from a show and he was squatting around somewhere in the neighbourhood of 600 lbs. Well, he tore both quads off the bone and crumbled under the weight. Disasterous injury.
So, I doubt the legitimacy of this particular picture, but do not doubt that he could at least hit a single with it. Watching him front squat 6 plates with an arms crossed grip was pretty wild.
As I already said, he is/was a powerlifter before he was a bodybuilder. Tell me this isn’t turning into another stupid bodybuilder vs powerlifter thread.
The original point was just that Ronnie is a freak. We all agree on that.
Is he the strongest man ever? Of course not.
However, I think we could all agree that if Ronnie quit bodybuilding and trained specifically for powerlifting, that it would be rather interesting to see what he could really do.