So I moved back from school and joined a new gym. The gym provided 3 free personal
training sessions, which were supposed to be catered to the average person. I asked if I could use my 3 to analyze the big 3: squat, deadlift, bench.
No real issues with deadlift. Grip and a problem of excess sweating suck.
Bench is weak off the chest, probably weak front delts and/or chest.
On to squat:
1: not warming up enough
2: bar placement
3: not keeping my core tight
4: sitting too far upright
As for sitting too far upright, I think this was due to only doing front squats for the past 9 months or so.
Not keeping my core right, I seemed to be keeping it tight until about half way down, but once I started getting close to parallel, I seemed to be relaxing it.
Bar placement, tried many different placements. Finally found one that worked, low bar with hands just barely outside shoulders. I had been going too wide, thus not creating the bridge in my back to hold the bar… this was causing the instability. Then I would try high bar, which was not letting me use as much weight.
And lastly, I have been doing a 5 min warm up on an elliptical and a few sets with a free bar.
Today’s leg day:
Back squat barx10x2
At 245, I was so amped to get the first rep (never gotten that much before) that I didn’t concentrate when I went for the 2nd, didn’t take a deep breath, and basically missed it, although the first wasn’t too difficult. I am weak in the hole, but once I get out I seem to explode.
DB Walking Lunge 55’ers 4 sets of 12
Ghetto GHR on Lat Pulldown 8, 6, 6, 4
Then I did some calves.
EDIT: oh yeah, and as for the postural stuff, the trainer set it seemed like it was more of a dominate side effect, not a true imbalance