My Intro:
My name is Benj. I am 25, 5’ 10" in height and reached my heaviest at 292lbs! I started working out last April 1 on a self-driven goals of achieving better health by losing excessive body fats and toning my body to improve my self-esteem.
My Workout:
-My workout consist of at least 30 minutes cardio (warm up and body stretching), some light free weights and machine exercises (3x8-12 to 5x8-12), and doing many sets of 20 ab crunches (cannot do sit ups yet) and making it sure that I am really targeting the abs!
My Nutrition:
-I am on a low carb, high fiber diet (boiled or steamed potatoes, vegetables and some legumes…and fruits).
-I would eat 2-3 slices of plain whole wheat/grain, fiber-enriched breads if I am really on a very very hungry mode.
-I am not really fond meats, but since I am on a diet, my protein sources are chickens (skin removed), egg whites, tofus and canned tunas…usually boiled or steamed but on minimal servings only.
-I also cut down on salt, sugar and processed foods. (potato chips, brownies, donuts, pastries, ice creams etc.) As an alternative, I would use lemons, vinegar and some herbs as flavoring. I have not eaten any salty and sweet stuff for the last 11 days.
-I have been drinking only water for the last 11 days now…and I have staying away from commercial beverages like instant juices, sodas, flavored water and even sports drinks!
-I have some multivitamin and Vitamin C supplements taken daily.
My Initial Results:
-After the first painful week of my workout I was able to shed 4lbs off my initial weight of 292lbs down to 288lbs.
-I also notice that fats concentrated in some parts of my body, are beginning to loosen a bit.
-The muscles that I train are starting to develop rather slowly.
-I am feeling well all day and in doing my usual tedious chores, my endurance has improved a lot.
-I have been doing the same stuff for the last 11 days and right now my weight is playing around 285-286lbs…so I can safely approximate some 2-4lbs of weight loss a week.
My Questions:
Am I doing just fine or can I still do more and get better results?
I have been hearing that if you build muscles and you will burn also fats but I don’t think I am getting enough protein servings everyday to properly develop my muscles, so can I start drinking those whey and protein drinks as early as now or I still need to lose certain amount of body fats before doing it so?
Do fat burner and ‘L-carnitine’ tablets/formulas really burn fats?
I am the only fat guy in our gym and before going to the gym, I would take a nice lukewarm bath and put on deodorant but when I begin to sweat I notice that my sweats really stink compare to other people and they seem to be distancing themselves from me whenever I move around in the gym. Is it just me or people do mind if someone’s sweats do stink while they are working out? well, I don’t really mind being stinky but I don’t want to be a discomfort to others while they are working out.
Hoping to hear from you guys.
Thank you and Cheers To All!