[quote]muscleted18 wrote:
Ok guys, ive been overweight most of my life. Last fall i found this site and started to do something about it because i was so unhappy with how i looked. All my life growing up my mother would tell me im fat, people would call me names, etc. you know the deal
so in September i started working out and eating better for 80% if the time and when May came i had lost about 35 lbs. i was quite proud and was getting alot of compliments. Then something happened and i was more depressed than i have ever been, i finally decided it was time to admit that i needed help and i went to the dr and she put me on zoloft. In the 2 months ive been on zoloft ive gained about 20-25 lbs back, plus moving about 30 minutes away from my gym.
seeing this disgusting gain of almost 8 months of hard ass work thrown down the drain, i have no motivation left for the gym or anything and i think i might even be becomming more depressed than i was. my dr upped my dosage to see if that would work. but i still have this constant nagging hunger. how do you guys deal with hunger when you know you shouldnt eat?
ive tried drinking water and nother but water, but that just makes me piss every 10 minutes and im still hungry. working out makes me so hungry i have to stop working out. i really am at a loss of what to do here. can ANYONE help me? if you need more information i would be happy to give it to you. i have some of my stats right now. 250lbs, 22-24% bodyfat (want to get down to about 12%) i have no set schedual of working out and not following any specific diet as you can see when hunger hits i just find food and it doesnt matter what it is.[/quote]
okay im going to make my best attempt to help you out here buddy.
first thing, zoloft is an anti-depressant right? if it is making you gain weight, and gaining weight is making you depressed, and you are taking zoloft for depression, the best i can say is to get off the zoloft.
also…the hunger thing is not a factor as long as you are eating clean. cut out all cereals, grains, dairy, and fatty meats. this will leave you with lean meats, fruits,vegetables, and nuts to eat. limit the nuts if you are trying to lose weight to about 4 oz per day. get plenty of protein from your lean meats…this will increase thermogenesis and up your metabolism, as well as fill you up and reduce hunger alot. every meal you eat should have chicken breast, tuna, shrimp, turkey, lean beef, etc in it. the key word here is LEAN, do not eat the bullshit meats they sell at fast foods places or things like lamb chops etc.
as for your hunger while working out, this is quite strange as most peoples hunger reduces during their workout. there is a specific energy drink that i have tried that seemed to drastically reduce my hunger throughout the day, called “kronik low-carb”. try drinking this awhile before your workout and see if it helps. if not, drink water during your workout, or maybe even eat some nuts or something (just dont go overboard).
as for your training, Chad Waterbury here puts together some great programs. also, read the "Powerlifting for Bodybuilders’ article thats new here too. those are compound movements, which is exactly what you need to burn fat off you and increase muscle on several different areas of the body. stay away from any isolation exercises until you are more advanced.
hope i helped man, i too know what it was like to be called fat when i was younger…your among helpfull friends here