I Need Answers!

My current pending order is:

1 Bottle of Alpha Male
2 Bottles of Beta Alanine
2 Bottles Flameout
2 HOT-ROX Extreme
5 Tubs of Power Drive
2 Bottles of original Spike
4 Bottles of new Spike
2 Flats of Spike RTD
2 Bottles TRIBEX Gold

This definitely isn’t all for me. I need to know if anybody in Alberta has gotten a shipment this large though customs without trouble.

I don’t want to lose my money or the money of the other people who went in on this order. If anybody could help me out on wether or not this shipment will go through due to Alberta’s shitty custom laws I would definitely appreciate it. Please help me out guys, I’m kind of stuck here.

Why did you order all of that with out asking this question beforehand?

The order is pending. I have not made it yet. That is why I am asking.

Isn’t yohimbine HCl illegal in Canada? If it is, that HOT-ROX Extreme won’t be making it through if they check it.

It is also in the original Spike which I have gotten through before. I only ordered 3 bottles of it the first time so maybe it wasn’t worth it for customs to look at it.

I had to go to Bodybuilding.com to find my answers. Aparently Yohimbe cannot be shipped to Canada. Now my question becomes can it not be shipped by itself? Or can it not be an ingredient in any product?

[quote]Doug Adams wrote:
Isn’t yohimbine HCl illegal in Canada? If it is, that HOT-ROX Extreme won’t be making it through if they check it.[/quote]

Things get through customs all the time. Things get stopped all the time. It’s a GAMBLE. What else do you expect people to tell you?

What you want to hear is: It’ll make it through, bro. NO ONE can tell you that. So stop being such a douche.

I’d be a douche if I didn’t ask. Like I said this isn’t all just for me. This is also for people who I got to trust me enough to put their money into this order.

Sorry if I don’t like to take chances with other people’s money. Maybe you like to rip people off or be careless with other peoples hard earned cash but I don’t.

Thanks for the reply Law it was helpful.

[quote]fallout188 wrote:
My current pending order is:

1 Bottle of Alpha Male
2 Bottles of Beta Alanine
2 Bottles Flameout
2 HOT-ROX Extreme
5 Tubs of Power Drive
2 Bottles of original Spike
4 Bottles of new Spike
2 Flats of Spike RTD
2 Bottles TRIBEX Gold

This definitely isn’t all for me. I need to know if anybody in Alberta has gotten a shipment this large though customs without trouble.

I don’t want to lose my money or the money of the other people who went in on this order. If anybody could help me out on wether or not this shipment will go through due to Alberta’s shitty custom laws I would definitely appreciate it. Please help me out guys, I’m kind of stuck here.

Well, Unless you are adding onto an existing supply, 1 bottle of Alpha Male and 2 bottles of HRX really arent going to do much. The Alpha Male is only going to last 2 weeks at max dosage.

What is “old Spike” and “new Spike” ? The Caffeine-Free version?

[quote]fallout188 wrote:
I’d be a douche if I didn’t ask. Like I said this isn’t all just for me. This is also for people who I got to trust me enough to put their money into this order.

Sorry if I don’t like to take chances with other people’s money. Maybe you like to rip people off or be careless with other peoples hard earned cash but I don’t. [/quote]

Uh, no. I don’t ILLEGALLY import things into my country. It’s that simple.

If I were going to smuggle contraband, I certainly wouldn’t pool other people’s money with my own. I’d take the risk for myself. But I would not gamble with other people’s money.

I live in Quebec, and I ordered HOT-ROX Extreme. They opened it at the customs (I know because I had extra charges, something like customs fees) but I got it anyway. So it worked for me.

Lonnie, I know that 1 bottle of Alpha Male is not going to do much of anything. I told that much to the person who is ordering it but he still insisted. I’m not going to argue because it is the only thing he decided to order. Yes the old Spike being the caffeinated version and the new Spike being the caffeine free version.

Law, well maybe now you understand why I’m being so careful. And as for importing “illegal” substances into my country, the thing that pisses me off is that there are many stores like Popeyes and Samsons in my city that do carry products containing Yohimbine HCL. If they can get it in why can’t I when it’s just for personal use?

I’ve changed the orders anyways after discussing it with the people who were ordering the questionable products so there will be no problems importing it. No more problems.