Has anyone in Canada recently ordered Biotest’s HOT-ROX extreme from here or another US online retailer? If so, did it get through the border ok? I prefer not to buy from a Canadian retailer (online and in store) because they cost an arm and a leg.
not recently … but i did order it once and it came through fine
It was ok for me
Yohimbe is banned in Canada, so you’re playing a game of chance at the border. If they check your package, then it will most likely be seized, if not, then you’re good to go.
I have heard that some people buy tons of jugs of protein in the same order, so if customs does open it up; they look at the big jugs and don’t bother looking under them. (Although you risk a bigger seizure thsi way)
In my opinion, buying from a canadian dealer may be better in this instance.
I have ordered HOT-ROX Extreme many times as have a few of my clients and we never have any problems with shipping or customs. Hell, unless you bring across more than $300 or so they don’t even charge you duty. Just NEVER ship to a business name or you’ll be brokerage fee’d up the waazzoo.
The whole issue with fat burners coming across the border is because of the ingredient yohimbe/yohimbine hcl. It’s technically a banned substance according to Health Canada. BUT not for PERSONAL use; only for RETAIL SALE. Meaning some numbnut up at Health Canada said “hmm, we can’t find a solid health reason to ban this stimulant so let’s just put in on the scheduled list as not for retail sale in Canada.”
You can order UP TO 3 months for personal use according to dosing instructions on bottle; so don’t go ordering like 25; they won’t like that.
Same deal for Spike, which I just recieved two weeks ago (has yohimbine hcl) no problem as usual.
Us smart people say F the jacked up Canadian retailers pushing NO-{my butt}Explodes or overpricing Biotest’s HRE for $95 per bottle and sign in right here, paypal that shit and have it delivered to our door for the sweet new $25 flat rate FED-EX shipping. Order your other goodies at same time to make it really worth it.
Biotest…I’ll take my $5 off next purchase coupon for marketing your stuff for you.
[quote]AllTraps wrote:
I have ordered HOT-ROX Extreme many times as have a few of my clients and we never have any problems with shipping or customs. Hell, unless you bring across more than $300 or so they don’t even charge you duty. Just NEVER ship to a business name or you’ll be brokerage fee’d up the waazzoo.
The whole issue with fat burners coming across the border is because of the ingredient yohimbe/yohimbine hcl. It’s technically a banned substance according to Health Canada. BUT not for PERSONAL use; only for RETAIL SALE. Meaning some numbnut up at Health Canada said “hmm, we can’t find a solid health reason to ban this stimulant so let’s just put in on the scheduled list as not for retail sale in Canada.”
You can order UP TO 3 months for personal use according to dosing instructions on bottle; so don’t go ordering like 25; they won’t like that.
Same deal for Spike, which I just recieved two weeks ago (has yohimbine hcl) no problem as usual.
Us smart people say F the jacked up Canadian retailers pushing NO-{my butt}Explodes or overpricing Biotest’s HRE for $95 per bottle and sign in right here, paypal that shit and have it delivered to our door for the sweet new $25 flat rate FED-EX shipping. Order your other goodies at same time to make it really worth it.
Biotest…I’ll take my $5 off next purchase coupon for marketing your stuff for you.
Never knew Yohimbe was okay for personal use, thanks for that tidbit.
I now know what I am ordering for the next time I wish to lose fat
I’ve ordered HOT-ROX Extreme maybe 5 times and it’s only made it through once or twice.
My most recent order for two bottles was denied on January 6, 2010.
I won’t be ordering this product again. If any Canadians want to risk it then go ahead.
If you’re consistently getting it then congrats. I’ll have to figure out something else.
From my understanding drugs listed under C.01.045 are allowed if prescribed by a doctor. That doctor must agree to report on the outcome of the therapy with the said drug.
Here’s the gist of the “Report of examination for customs entry” letter from Health Canada.
Violation of section C.01.045.
Reason: Importation of a prescription (Schedule F) drug by a person other than a practioner, registered pharmacist or foreign resident visiting Canada.
Contains Yohimbe, Schedule F Ingredient.
The entry of this shipment into Canada therefore has been referred to the Collector with the recommendation to REFUSE ENTRY to the item noted herein.
I just received 2 bottles today as part of a larger shipment (8 items, approx. $300 total). This is the second time I’ve ordered HOT-ROX and it made it through then as well. I’m in Calgary.
Sucks to be Canadian. I am sure that is how it will be here in the states as well.
When I lived in Nova Scotia/New Brunswick I’d order it and always got it through customs…But since moving to Alberta I’ve made two attempts at ordering supplements that were both stopped due to the HOT-ROX
[quote]robmartinez09 wrote:
Sucks to be Canadian. I am sure that is how it will be here in the states as well.[/quote]
Do you plan on importing a lot of supplements from outside the US?