Very cool!
How is he? He seems like a cool dude at least, but one never knows.
Which one is Ronnie Coleman?
[quote]GCF wrote:
Which one is Ronnie Coleman?[/quote]
Here’s me and Ronnie from a few years ago
I was so inspired by him that after this photo was taken I decided to try and get in shape.
john S I didn’t know you were black! and you’re hyooge
[quote]Nards wrote:
Here’s me and Ronnie from a few years ago
I was so inspired by him that after this photo was taken I decided to try and get in shape.[/quote]
You looked very… very… very…
[quote]GCF wrote:
Which one is Ronnie Coleman?[/quote]
[quote]Nards wrote:
Here’s me and Ronnie from a few years ago
I was so inspired by him that after this photo was taken I decided to try and get in shape.[/quote]
Who is that behemoth?
[quote]Otto the Ecto wrote:
[quote]Nards wrote:
Here’s me and Ronnie from a few years ago
I was so inspired by him that after this photo was taken I decided to try and get in shape.[/quote]
Who is that behemoth?[/quote]
Me. Next to Ronnie Coleman…jeez man!
OK…it’s Vincent Urbank.
Right now, Ronnie Coleman just posted on a bodybuilding forum somewhere, “Here’s a picture of me with some white dorky Libertarian”.
Fuck the Fed.
Gold and silver for currency m’fuckers. So m’fuckin hood.
I’ve met a lot of the Olympia dudes past and present at the Arnold Classic.
My favorite to talk to was Dennis Wolf. He was hilarious.
Ronnie was on break from his booth and I caught him walking to the bathroom and we had a 10 minute stroll through the crowd. We filled a double door and had to do that “you first” thing.
Ronnie Coleman is on at least a million mantles of skinny white dudes…
[quote]Nards wrote:
Here’s me and Ronnie from a few years ago
I was so inspired by him that after this photo was taken I decided to try and get in shape.[/quote]
Nards, you had a cool beard, let it grow again!
[quote]Nards wrote:
Here’s me and Ronnie from a few years ago
I was so inspired by him that after this photo was taken I decided to try and get in shape.[/quote]
your eyes are very close together
but you have a chin
you just barely passed the Downs test
Ummm, yeah…I’ll think about it.
Ronnie Coleman was extremely cool the time I met him. I was with a bunch of friends who did competitive BB as a hobby. We were at the 2009 Olympia trade show in Vegas because they wanted to go see it. We waited 45 mins in the BSN line to meet him, as he was signing autographs. When we arrived at the front of the line, one of my friends challenged him to a pose-down so he got up and looked my friend over and said OK. They did this pose down and it was obvious my friend was outclassed on an extraterrestrial level. Just the same Ronnie screamed out: “Don’t make me look bad now, don’t make me look bad now.” Everyone around us cracked up. (Note: Ronnie was not competing in the 2009 … )
When it was my turn I challenged him to an arm wrestling match. He toyed with me for 30-40 seconds before ripping my arm out of its socket. Then he signed my baseball cap. Good times.