I have been on Nandrosal for 2 weeks and i love it,I put 7 sprays on a day. I weighed 112lbs going on and know I weigh 120lbs and I’m squatting 185lbs and my abs are still showing and I have not notice any side effects. I’m going off for about 2 weeks so I will keep you updated on my progress.
Thanks- Laura
As Laura’s partner in crime may I add that that 185lbs is rock bottom on a 402 tempo as well. And the abs are more than just still showing. And she meant to say off for 4 weeks, not 2. This from someone who just a year and a half ago was 96lbs. 24lbs? not bad eh?
Laura had best hope that she not “notice” any side effects – e.g., deepened voice, facial hair, etc. – because they are irreversible. Will be so enthusiastic about her progess if that happens, Erik?
Actually Bob, I’ve known several females who have used nandro products and not one (Using 5-7 sprays per day) has shown any masculine side effects. This isn’t to say that they will not cause masculinization in every case, but I do feel that this whole issue is a little overblown. True, it is an important thing because as you said, they aren’t reversible for the most part and thus should warrant some caution. Still, if this woman is seeing good results while not experiencing any negative side effects, I say let’s be positive and let her be.
I’m not against women using nor - and you’d think I would be because I got off of it two days ago because of some side effects.
I was on it for a week and a half and started getting very sensitive and slightly enlarged - well, you know where. So, I’m off of it and won’t be trying it again. Still - my strength went through the roof and I was low carbing!!! It was awesome. For the ladies that can get away with it, I say go for it. Plus, you can tell when it just isn’t gonna be good for you. I noticed the changes really quick, stopped using it, and as of today I am no longer sensitive and enlarged. I’m sure if I had ignored the signes and kept going I might have ended up with irreversable changes, but I stopped the nor and all is normal now. I just feel a bit bummed that I can’t use it again. I hope you guys put more research into this though, it could benefit alot of t-vixens.
Laura, thank you for your detailed feedback. A lot of people just write ‘yeah, I just finished a cycle’ without giving any info in regards to their gains which may help provide insight to possible trends or expectations with certain products.
Sorry, forgot to ask, what type of diet did you use (amount of protein, additional calories above maintenance, etc.)? You seemed to have gained virtually all LBM which usually doesn’t happen. Did you use any other supplements? I understand the Methoxy works particularly well for women. I have some female friends who are considering using Nandro.
Cy: From my perspective, your position on this matter is irresponsible. The potential exists for virilizing side effects in women, and as a sports professional you should recognize that potential first rather than any gains in strength or mass. Further, there are Biotest supplements that can and do provide significant benefit to women without such side effects (e.g., Methoxy-7). I sincerely hope you advocate the position that weight training is first and foremost about improving one’s health rather than one’s lift numbers. (I also hope that Biotest as a corporation is not about to begin advocating the position that Nandrosol is safe for use by women.)
Ill answer this one for Laura – first of all she is blessed with one of those beautiful metabolisms. Id say she got some good growth in her legs which are awesome now (tear drops, etc) She eats around 2600 calories or so (thats going up) with about 150gms protein and 350+gms of carbs. There is no cardio done. Regarding other supplements, its really just protein powder and flax oil. She has used Methoxy-7 for I think a month period where she gained I think 4lbs.
At 7 sprays a day, the great majority of women could expect no problems. However, some women virilize slowly just from their natural androgens, and by the time they’re in their 40s have Bea Arthur voices, too much facial hair, and look like truck drivers… and that’s without taking anything. Obviously, (except in those cases where they have unusually high androgen) their “threshold” of virilization is right at about
nothing above the normal female range. And even those that do have high androgen naturally, still, obviously, they’d have no tolerance for any additional androgen.
It really can’t be predicted. Just because a woman does not have facial hair or voice problems now (not having used andro or norandro products) doesn’t mean that just a little more might put her over the edge. Usually not, if it’s only a little, but sometimes they will be snakebit. So it cannot generally be recommended.
There are only 2 cases where I’m pretty comfortable with it:
The woman has used anabolic steroids in the
past at doses considerably higher than what will be experienced with the prohormones, and had no problems… this is probably sure evidence that she can tolerate the prohormones. -
The use is for prosexual purposes (for which Androsol is better) and the application is short term. For example, 7 sprays applied to one arm an hour or two “before,” then washed off with soap and toweling afterwards. And, this absolutely being because the woman decided to do so (not because her boyfriend thought it was a good idea) and where she has taken the time to become knowledgeable about these products. However, this really is not necessary though for a few women it can be very beneficial. Overall though there are better
ways of enhancing things if there is a problem
in that area, so I don’t really advocate this use.
By the way, for many women some degree of clitoral enlargement – from the small side of normal to the large side of normal – is really a beneficial side effect. Unfortunately there is no proven method of accomplishing this specifically with the clitoris and not with regard to facial hair, body hair, and the voice, though it would seem logical that a topical application might accomplish this site-specific action.
Bill: Excellent post, as always.
Look, from what I’ve seen in the “real world” there doesn’t seem to be a HUGE risk here. Now, this IS NOT Biotest’s view. It’s mine. Also, I’d like to say that I don’t advocate weight training in order to improve ones health. Guys that I work with don’t come up and say, “Hey Cy, how can I improve my health?” No, they typically want to know how to gain muscle, drop body fat, or somehow perform better in a football game. Sure, there are healthy benefits, but honestly, that’s not why I do it. Look, people have minds, correct? Well, I say if you inform them of the potential risks, notice I used that word “potential” Bob, and they still choose to use the product, I have no remorse for what may occur. In essence, you’re saying that no matter how small the risk may be, the person should not be allowed to use the product. Even if they are willing to experience side effects. Who are you to tell people what they can and can not do? I’m sorry but your argument is absolute nonsense.
Cy: My post was intended as a debate rather than a sermon, so if you took it that way I apologize. Regardless, I still don’t agree with your point of view. First, we’re not talking about men who want to perform better at football, we’re talking about women who (1) are recreational weight lifters only and (2)could end up with irreversible masculine traits. Second, in neither my original nor my follow-up post did I “tell people what they can and can not do.” Don’t put words in my mouth in order to bolster your argument. Third, Erik indicated that Laura hasn’t even had two years of weight training experience yet, which indicates that she hasn’t even come close to achieving her genetic potential, so I hardly think advocating a supplement that may – yes, may – cause irreversible side effects is a sensible thing to do. Fourth, I agree with you that if sheeple have been informed of potential risks then they are solely responsible for the outcome, but telling me to “be positive” absolutely does not constitute any such action. Fifth, and finally, asserting that my position on this matter is “absolute nonsense” is hardly a substantive rebuttal. Debate the facts.
So now you tell me that women train for “health benefits” and not cosmetic reasons. Suuuuuuuure! Debate the facts? You have none! Your whole argument is based on the idea that women can experience masculinization from 4-norandrostenediol or dione. I could have 10 different women e-mail you and tell you about their experience with these and not one of them experienced any side effects. Could number 11 be the one to suffer such a terrible fate? Perhaps, but for the time being I have 10/10 who haven’t. There are my facts bud. Sure you never actually said that women can’t use this product but it’s quite obvious that you think women have no place in doing so. Which, I think the women who have used it without side effects could care less what you think. I’m sorry if I seem pissy but I get easily annoyed by “board geniuses” who wish to “debate” with me. Maybe when I have more time or no life, I can do this but for now I have to go.
Bob, I need to clarify something. I said that Laura has went from 96lbs to 120 in about a year and a half. I did NOT mean to imply that she has trained for only a year and a half. She has trained for much longer than that. She just trained like the stereotypical woman. She gained some muscle and lost some fat and was really lean and had a good body but now she trains a la Ian King for almost two years. So you could still argue that she doesnt have a ton of “serious strength training” experience. And in terms of a boyfriend tellng her to do it, she made her own choice and researched the product as best she could herself before experimenting for herself. I simply pointed out that the product existed.