I hereby call a trial on HIT

Hey bros, I’d like to call an official T-mag trial on the HIT methodology. Just for shits and giggles, I’d like to hear Hetyeh make his case for all us sinners who don’t “see the light.” Then, we can all have one helluva time bashing the shit out of his supposedly “logical” training system with scientifically based arguments. What say you Hetyeh or any other HIT die-hard? I’m never closed to new ideas or training systems. Convince me!

It’s been said over & over, HIT is OK for somebody who’s been training with a lot of volume and needs a break. I don’t think it would work as well after 3 wks of a month of it, no, it would be time to change things up. I also don’t think that people should be saying stuff like ‘OK you post your ideas, so we can all shooot it apart’. If someone wants to train a certain way let them. Who’s got a problem with that?

Sorry, guys…I won’t get into one of those “no-win” scenarios that you see when people get into arguments about “HIT”. It’s adherents are MUCH too passionate.

What I DO believe is this: ADAPTIVE AND RECOVERY RESPONSES HAVE A STONG GENETIC COMPONENT! That is the essentially the reason why I feel there is no such thing as a "one-size-fits-all" resistance program, "HIT" or " NO-HIT". Personally, (and this goes along with something Nate said), I HAVE used "HIT type of PRICIPLES" during an "active rest" phase. (i.e. a period when I wanted to not completely stop pushing the Iron, but also needed to decrease the intensity). That's my take on the whole thing.

I think going into a test run of HIT with the idea to shoot it down is flawed from the start. You should go in with no expectations and you should also try and make a sound training cycle using HIT protocols. Otherwise your not truly testing it in a proper manner. It’s like when someone tries and to prove that drug “A” gives you cancer, mental problems or…constipation. But while developing their testing critera they are so convinced that result x is going to happen that there testing is flawed. Please don’t judge me on my grammer and spelling difficulties. :slight_smile:

I think we should go for it! Personally, my little break from lifting and dieting has gone into the summer (I’m ashamed to say). I think we should do a sort of test trial and post with each other and see what’s up. We should also get one of the t-staff to moderate this study,with us giving them our stats, before pics etc. ALL OF US SHOULD DO THE SAME ROUTINE for say two to three months and do it the way ol’ mentzer said, by lifting infrequently and all that shit, I for one would be game for that, what do we have to lose but two two three months? just a drop in the bucket.

No kidding! I bet most people who say that HIT sucks haven’t even tried it, at least give it a shot.

yo, its 3am and I just got home=) chilllll I’ll respond in the am oops pm

By “all of us” i just meant those who would like to try it. Just thought I would put that in before being flamed to kingdom come

lets get this right, you want to do a trial on HIT so you can “bash the shit out of his supposedly logical training system” gee what an open mind!!