I have a small umbilical hernia, and have been told that I can lift as long as I avoid exercises which don’t create too much intra-abdominal pressure, which means that I’ll be avoiding deadlifts and squats.
What are some safer alternatives to these exercises? If any of you have had one of these, how did you work around it?
I had a small hernia just above my navel. I got it repaired as soon as I could. I had little down time where I didn’t go to the gym, about two days as I remember. There were exercises that I could do while waiting for it to heal completely. I added exercises as it healed.
Did your doctor recommend surgery?
If it isn’t going to heal itself, this would be unacceptable for me. I have never heard of a hernia to heal itself.
Recovery time is too insignificant to put off surgery. I wasn’t about to consider dropping squats and deadlifts, among some other exercises.
I’m actually with @RT_Nomad here - hernias eventually have to be repaired. The longer you wait, the bigger and potentially more complicated they may get. Even leaving increased morbidity out of it, a larger hernia simply requires more dissection, mesh and repair - all that increases recovery time and pain.
No, because I’m not a physician. It is a statistical probability. They do not heal on their own, and are likely to worsen.
Now, if you have like a 1mm defect, they’re unlikely to repair it. I’m going to predict, Nostradamus-like, over time, yours widens (because you’re active) and will require repair.
Anyway, moral of the story, I’m never advising you tell your doctor what’s up vs the other way around. I’m just saying this isn’t a surgery to try to avoid when it’s time; you can’t rehab it like you might be able to something else.
This is pretty much what the Dr said. But still reluctant to operate until it starts to cause an issue. This was a few years ago and my training has certainly not got less intense in that time. Its just a waiting game really.
I hoped to get the surgery done soon, but because it’s small I was told that it might be a year or two before they’ll operate, so I’m on a waiting list.
It’s 14mm. I’m still not sure whether to deadlift and squat because I get soreness in the area even when doing exercises such as heavy overhead presses or chin ups.
I think that’s partly what caused the hernia in the first place, because I somehow managed to pull my stomach doing ab-wheel rollouts. Then the week after I noticed the hernia when I had an intense coughing fit.
Did you get that type of soreness? Also, did you wear a belt?
No, they tried to put me off from having it, telling me that most people just manage it by not lifting heavy things and avoiding intense physical activity, but obviously I said I still want it.
I have an umbilical hernia. I talked with my GP. He told me to strengthen my abs. So I tried this or that. Not much help. Any type of ab equipment was out, after talking to the assistant at the physical therapists. I bought one of those battery operated ab stimulator. They are used for injuries, I thought, why not. So once or twice a day I strap is on on let it rip. It has 18 levels, when the unit is fully charged level 5 is plenty. Level 18 must be Godzilla. I think things are doing what they are supposed to. I do not have to push my belly button as much. I see the doc in two weeks, I will discuss it more with him. I also keep to weight machines, i.e. plate load my Soloflex with the elastomers for seated military press, as well as (starting today) leg extensions. Good luck to you.