Hypothetical: Suspicious Test

Hey fellas,

Quick question for the bros with chem knowledge.

Say a farmer had two differnt types of test for his pet chipmunk. Out of the two types of test the farmer is suspicious of one. Because, when he puts both in the freezer only one of them precipitates, freezing solid, making it possible to see the test cloud. The other stays liquid, no test cloud or freezing.

They are both in Eythel Oleata. The one that stays liquid has 2%BA 20%BB 300mg/ml

The one that freezes does not say BB or BA content. And is 250mg/ml.

The chipmunk told the farmer that he could feel both but, the one that froze was stronger then the one that did not.

Farmer and chipmunk were confused, is there another way to tell if the one that did not freeze is real?

Should the farmer give the chipmunk 3ml @900 mg/ml all at once and see what happens?

Might it not be freezing because the BB content is so high and will not freeze.

Why would it not precipitate?

Chipmunk could also ask farmer to throw deca in and if he gets deca dick while using the test that did not freeze then that might spell out the answer.

What do you guys think?

Shoot the chipmunk?

[quote]Growing_Boy wrote:
Shoot the chipmunk?[/quote]


seriously…this aint a freakin joke post.

LOL, yeah, so fuckin hilarious. Shoot the fucking chimpmunk. You dont think LE reads these fuckin threads?!? Answer the fuckin riddle or piss off fuck tards.

PETA is going to be pissed when they hear about this guy juicing up a chipmunk.

Maybe he should inject the chipmunk with lots of gear. Set it loose after it starts to kick in. Then be a real man and try to shoot it.

Like BONEZ217 said make sure PETA is not around when you do it.

Also add some HGH TREN DECA IGF SLIN and WINNIE to the mix just to make that little bugger more unstable then it already is.

Nothing like chipmunks anabolics guns and attitude to make everyone like you.

Good Post BTW

You’re telling me about LE. You have no idea how safe you are, really. I couldn’t dicipher shit. It was chipmunk this, chipmunk that. I don’t fucking get it. Maybe put up an avatar that doens’t show your real face and post the actual facts.

I should have posted, “Tell you source (chipmunk if you must) to find you another vial of test and try again usually a mano-a-mano source will be happy to satisfy their repeat customers”

Fearless you’re a good guy and you know with a coded post like we’re gonna josh you a little i thought what GB said was just fine like BBB said chill man, i’m steppin out

If you don’t mind using some up in an experiment that has a chance of not working, as I have never tried it but it makes sense to me:

Take say 1 mL and wash with say 1 mL of DMSO. Employ enough gentle shaking (a minute or so) to give the steroid an opportunity to transfer phases. Separate out the DMSO from the oil.

Add the DMSO to say 30, 50, or 100 mL of water. (Exact amount doesn’t matter.)

If nothing precipitates I think it fair to say that nothing was in the oil.

If you get precipitate then if you can filter it, dry it, and weigh it, you have at least that much substance dissolved in the oil.

But whether that substance is a testosterone ester could not be determined by this method. However, this being a cheap substance and I think that cutting with non-steroidal solid substances is not a general practice, I would guess the stuff to be probably good if the recovered weight was similar to label claim.

(A more precise method would be to wash the oil twice with DMSO and use both DMSO aliquots, but even the single wash I think would get most of any steroid.)

My bad guys, it was late and as you know this “stuff” aint cheap, so I over reacted. I apologize for being a dickhead.

Hey man, your really can’t express true emotion on a post. If we were at the pub and you told us that story, when I said, “Well shit, shoot the chipmunk” we would of all had a good laugh. Bill just stepped up to the plate so your bound to get a solution. cheers

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:

Men with guns and bad attitudes probably should not be taking steroids.


You’re having a pop at me again there aren’t you BBB? :stuck_out_tongue:


Do you think it is because there is 20% BB mixed with the test. Do you know if BB has a low freeze point. That might be why. That’s the only reason I can think of why it would not freeze but the other brand did.

One brand froze in the freezer and the other did not. i suspect it may be because of the high BB content. Will BB freeze? i dont even know. Any more thoughts guys?


Makes sence Bushy, your right. Just a little frustrating. The one that does not freeze is supposed to be better. its not…the chipmonk told me it works but the one that freezes is better. grrrrrr in need a high tech chem labratory. oh well… 3ml shots for the chipunk it is.

cheers and thanks for the input

I guess you were not willing to spare a mL.

[quote]fearlesswarrior wrote:

Do you think it is because there is 20% BB mixed with the test. Do you know if BB has a low freeze point. That might be why. That’s the only reason I can think of why it would not freeze but the other brand did.

One brand froze in the freezer and the other did not. i suspect it may be because of the high BB content. Will BB freeze? i dont even know. Any more thoughts guys?


I dont believe BB has a low boiling point, benzyl alcohol certainly would.

I would try Bill Roberts’ idea, if you really want to know. DMSO can be found all over the web, it is not expensive.