I am 23, have been training for about 2 years. I have no previous cycle history. I have never ran any type of pro-hormone. My goal is to add as much size as possible. I do not compete in anything, this is for personal gratification. My weight is later on in the post.
Lifts estimates:
Bench 335
Squat ~350
Dead Lift ~405
Front Load 700mg/First Shot
W1-8 Test-E 500mg/Week (250mg E3.5D)
W1-8 Arimidex .25mg EOD
W10 Nolvadex 40 mg/day
W11 Nolvadex 20 mg/day
W12 Nolvadex 20 mg/day
W13 Nolvadex 10 mg/day
I am currently on day 9 of my first Test-e Only cycle. I acquired the gear from a local source. A friend of a friend has tried this gear, and said he had good luck.
The vials looked legit, although I don’t have much experience. The oil was a yellowish color, with no visible particles.
I front loaded this cycle with 700mg of Test-E. I split the shots into two; one in each glute. There was a bit of soreness for the next to days when sitting, but I had no trouble training. There was no visible redness or irritation. The next two shots had been in my left and right delts, respectively.
The left delt was sore for about 2 days, the right sore for about a day and a half. Again, nothing that affected my training.
I started weighing 228. This morning (day 9) I am at 232. This is on the same scale, at the same time in the morning; after I poop, before I drink my morning shake.
Diet is on track. ~ 4000 calories a day. 30/30/40 fat/carbs/protein.
I don’t feel too much different. It does not seem that I am any more or less horny. In the gym, I haven’t gotten any significant strength increases, and don’t feel much different while lifting. My nipples are not sore or puffy, even if I lower the Arimidex dosage.
It is possible I got fake or underdosed test, I can only hope I didn’t. I am trying to acquire some from another source right now.
Question is, how justified are my worries of bad test? If I do get new gear, should I stop completely, run a short PCT, and retry, or should I just switch them out and see how I feel? Any other advice would be appreciated.
I don’t think I left out anything. If I did, I apologize, just let me know.